Smash EDO 2012 Summer of Resistance Speaking Tour
Smashy | 21.07.2011 15:19 | Smash EDO | Anti-militarism | Iraq | Palestine
Smash EDO, Brighton's long running anti militarist campaign against weapons
manufacturer EDO/ITT, are planning a 'summer of resistance' against the factory in
2012. This might seem like a long way away but as we want to involve as many people as possible across the country and beyond we are starting our outreach early. In order to engage people to take action against EDO, we are planning a tour across the country in Winter 2011 (from late October/November). We were wondering if you or any other group you are in contact with might be interested in providing a venue where we could come and give a talk in your area?
manufacturer EDO/ITT, are planning a 'summer of resistance' against the factory in
2012. This might seem like a long way away but as we want to involve as many people as possible across the country and beyond we are starting our outreach early. In order to engage people to take action against EDO, we are planning a tour across the country in Winter 2011 (from late October/November). We were wondering if you or any other group you are in contact with might be interested in providing a venue where we could come and give a talk in your area?
The last time we toured the county it was with the campaign film 'On the Verge'
(downloadable from ). That tour was building up to the successful 'Carnival Against the Arms trade' in 2008, which saw EDO confronted by a mass demo with participants from across the country for the first time. Hopefully another tour could be equally inspiring for the campaign and people wanting to join our efforts.
We are envisioning that the talk would be about the campaign generally, but with a
focus on taking action during the summer of resistance. However, we can personalise presentations to whatever your group is interested in: campaign history, possibilities for actions, legal info/practicalities etc.
All the info about the summer of resistance itself can be found below. Please
consider being a part of the action -no effort is too big or too small and diversity
of tactics appreciated.
Email us at this address if you want us to come your way, if you want to book a date for action or have any questions.
Smash EDO
SMASH EDO Summer of resistance
A summer of antics and opposition to Brighton's very own peddlers of death. Start
working on your cunning plans now and join in!
e-mail: Twitter: @smash_edo
Since 2001, EDO/ITT's products have been used to attack civilian
populations in Afghanistan, Gaza, Iraq, Lebanon, Somalia and Pakistan. ITT, EDO's parent company, has a track record of clients that includes the Nazis, Franco and the Pinochet regime. ITT continue to lobby Western governments to pursue military action in order to boost their profit margin. EDO/ITT may be only one cog in the global war machine but shutting them down will throw a spanner in the works.
Since 2004 Brightonians and thousands of supporters from around the world have
demonstrated their rage at the factory through a variety of methods. Weekly noise demos, pickets, blockades, rooftop occupations, lobbying, street theatre, mass demonstrations and sabotage have all been used to pile pressure on EDO to leave. Despite being subject to a successful civilian decommissioning during
Israel's 2009 brutal assault on Gaza, the factory somehow clings on.
The summer of 2012 is the time for you to come and take action! We want you, your mates or your affinity group to come to the factory and express your outrage as creatively as you like. We welcome a diversity of tactics and no action is to big or too small. We will provide accommodation, support and advice wherever necessary.
How to get involved:
1.Talk to your mates/your group and think of ideas for action
2.Pick a date in the summer months of 2012
3. Email/call the campaign
(downloadable from

We are envisioning that the talk would be about the campaign generally, but with a
focus on taking action during the summer of resistance. However, we can personalise presentations to whatever your group is interested in: campaign history, possibilities for actions, legal info/practicalities etc.
All the info about the summer of resistance itself can be found below. Please
consider being a part of the action -no effort is too big or too small and diversity
of tactics appreciated.
Email us at this address if you want us to come your way, if you want to book a date for action or have any questions.
Smash EDO
SMASH EDO Summer of resistance
A summer of antics and opposition to Brighton's very own peddlers of death. Start
working on your cunning plans now and join in!

Since 2001, EDO/ITT's products have been used to attack civilian
populations in Afghanistan, Gaza, Iraq, Lebanon, Somalia and Pakistan. ITT, EDO's parent company, has a track record of clients that includes the Nazis, Franco and the Pinochet regime. ITT continue to lobby Western governments to pursue military action in order to boost their profit margin. EDO/ITT may be only one cog in the global war machine but shutting them down will throw a spanner in the works.
Since 2004 Brightonians and thousands of supporters from around the world have
demonstrated their rage at the factory through a variety of methods. Weekly noise demos, pickets, blockades, rooftop occupations, lobbying, street theatre, mass demonstrations and sabotage have all been used to pile pressure on EDO to leave. Despite being subject to a successful civilian decommissioning during
Israel's 2009 brutal assault on Gaza, the factory somehow clings on.
The summer of 2012 is the time for you to come and take action! We want you, your mates or your affinity group to come to the factory and express your outrage as creatively as you like. We welcome a diversity of tactics and no action is to big or too small. We will provide accommodation, support and advice wherever necessary.
How to get involved:
1.Talk to your mates/your group and think of ideas for action
2.Pick a date in the summer months of 2012
3. Email/call the campaign