solidarity demo for the pelican bay hunger strikers
@ | 21.07.2011 20:42 | Social Struggles
demo at 3pm - 6pm monday july 25th @
U.S. Embassy, London. Mailing Address 24 Grosvenor Square London, W1A 1AE United Kingdom.
in solidarity with thousands of prisoners across California have participated in a hunger strike against torturous conditions at Pelican Bay State Prison's Security Housing Unit.
U.S. Embassy, London. Mailing Address 24 Grosvenor Square London, W1A 1AE United Kingdom.
in solidarity with thousands of prisoners across California have participated in a hunger strike against torturous conditions at Pelican Bay State Prison's Security Housing Unit.
please come down and show support.
bring banners and writing materials to write letters of support to the prisoners.
and some change to donate for stamps.
other ways to show support:
1 - Make calls and write letters of protest to:
Governor Jerry Brown
State Capitol, Suite 1173
Sacramento, CA 95814
TEL: (916) 445-2841
Secretary Matthew Cate
Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
1515 S Street
Sacramento 95814
Phone: (916) 323-6001
CDCR Public Affairs Office: (916)445-4950
Sample Script for letters and phone calls:
“My name is _________ . I’m calling about the state wide prisoner hunger strike that began at Pelican Bay. I support the prisoners & their reasonable “five core demands.” I am alarmed by the rapidly deteriorating medical conditions of the hunger strikers & the inaction of the CDCR. I urge you to make sure the CDCR negotiates with the prisoners and the outside mediation team the prisoners have approved, immediately & in good faith, before prisoners are force-fed or even die”.
2 – Make calls and write letters of protest to the US Embassy in your country
3 - If you have a website or blog help promote the hunger strike news
4 – Keep yourself informed:
To sign up to the newsletter send an email to or go to:
5 – Look here for more ways to get involved :
6 – Sign the on-line petition:
7 - Send this info to friends
8 - Organize a solidarity demonstration or action
9 - Write to the strike leaders at Pelican Bay and send them your words of encouragement and support:
Todd Ashker C-58191
Sitawa N. Jamaa / s.n. Dewberry C-35671
Antonio Guillen P-81948
Lewis Powell B-59864
Paul Redd B-72683
Alfred Sandoval D-61000
Danny Troxell B-76578
James Williamson D-34288
Ronnie Yandell V-27927
All at PBSP, PO Box 7500, Crescent City, CA 95532. USA
10 - Ask local unions, professional groups, or organisations to issue a public declaration of support
fire to the prisons.
bring banners and writing materials to write letters of support to the prisoners.
and some change to donate for stamps.
other ways to show support:
1 - Make calls and write letters of protest to:
Governor Jerry Brown
State Capitol, Suite 1173
Sacramento, CA 95814
TEL: (916) 445-2841
Secretary Matthew Cate
Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
1515 S Street
Sacramento 95814
Phone: (916) 323-6001
CDCR Public Affairs Office: (916)445-4950
Sample Script for letters and phone calls:
“My name is _________ . I’m calling about the state wide prisoner hunger strike that began at Pelican Bay. I support the prisoners & their reasonable “five core demands.” I am alarmed by the rapidly deteriorating medical conditions of the hunger strikers & the inaction of the CDCR. I urge you to make sure the CDCR negotiates with the prisoners and the outside mediation team the prisoners have approved, immediately & in good faith, before prisoners are force-fed or even die”.
2 – Make calls and write letters of protest to the US Embassy in your country
3 - If you have a website or blog help promote the hunger strike news
4 – Keep yourself informed:
To sign up to the newsletter send an email to

5 – Look here for more ways to get involved :

6 – Sign the on-line petition:

7 - Send this info to friends
8 - Organize a solidarity demonstration or action
9 - Write to the strike leaders at Pelican Bay and send them your words of encouragement and support:
Todd Ashker C-58191
Sitawa N. Jamaa / s.n. Dewberry C-35671
Antonio Guillen P-81948
Lewis Powell B-59864
Paul Redd B-72683
Alfred Sandoval D-61000
Danny Troxell B-76578
James Williamson D-34288
Ronnie Yandell V-27927
All at PBSP, PO Box 7500, Crescent City, CA 95532. USA
10 - Ask local unions, professional groups, or organisations to issue a public declaration of support
fire to the prisons.