UK Newswire Archive
New Israeli Law Targeting Activists Advocating a Boycott of Israel Provokes Backlash
23-07-2011 21:55
New Israeli Law Targeting Activists Advocating a Boycott of Israel Provokes Backlash
Interview with Ofer Neiman, leader of Boycott from Within, conducted by Melinda Tuhus
The Israeli Knesset, or parliament, recently passed a controversial law that criminalizes support for the Palestinian-initiated and -led Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions, or BDS, movement.
Nottingham Critical Mass is back!
23-07-2011 18:55
After a long break, Nottingham Critical Mass is going to be up and running (well cycling) again this month. It's a mass cycle ride, with no particular route except where we want to go, that will happen on the last Friday of every month. Meet at 5.30pm on Friday 29th July, by the Victoria Centre clocktower to enjoy a fun and sociable bike ride.
As the blog says:
'a route is not planned but will most likely end somewhere sociable, Bring flags, trailers, music and fun. come for a relaxed ride with friends and strangers'
'Critical Mass is a monthly bicycle ride to celebrate cycling and to assert cyclists' right to the road. The idea started in San Francisco in September 1992 and quickly spread to cities all over the world.
Critical Mass has a different flavor from city to city -- there's a big variety in size, respect of traffic laws (or lack thereof), interaction with motorists, and intervention by police. So if you want to know more about Critical Mass, you'll really need to find out what your local ride is like. .
Critical Mass has no leaders, and no central organization licenses rides. In every city that has a CM ride, some locals simply picked a date, time, and location for the ride and publicized it, and thus the ride was born.
CM is an idea and an event, not an organization. You can't write to "Critical Mass" -- certainly not by writing to me.
Let's get Nottingham's Critical Mass up to speed again, every month!
Calais: "Welcome to Fortress Europe" action at City Europe
23-07-2011 18:38

Noise demo at Morton Hall detention centre
23-07-2011 16:55
People from Notts and Lincolnshire held a noise demo outside Morton Hall IRC, the UK's most recently opened prison for migrants. A sound system, horns, whistles and pots and pans were used to let those inside know we were there outside in solidarity, wanting to close down Morton Hall and all immigration prisons. Close down Morton Hall!
Unfortunately, due to harassment by the British Transport Police at Nottingham station, many of us missed our train and the demo didn't start on time. Once we arrived we were greeted by Lincolnshire constabulary's Wildlife Crime Unit, although once they realised we weren't there to give cigarettes to underage squirrels they left us alone. We did a tour of the quite extensive perimeter fence with our banners making noise and chanting 'No Borders, No Nations, Stop Deportations' and 'Close Down Morton Hall'. Some of the centre is still under construction and there are a lot of boarded up houses nearby. Once we'd got back to the main gate we turned off the music out of respect for those visiting loved ones inside and held our banners up for the gawking prison guards and the Wildlife Crime Unit's photographer.
We will be back, again and again, until they close this prison down.
This day...a day in infamy.
23-07-2011 16:45

Come up to Rossport! Shell Starts Work on onshore pipeline
23-07-2011 13:36

NATO bombs Libyan Great Man Made River project!
23-07-2011 13:24
The NATO alliance decided to carryout mass murder against the Libyan people by targeting the only drinking water source, where billions were invested and without it life stops in LibyaMayo County Council steal caravan from Rossport Solidarity Camp at 3am
23-07-2011 13:19

Right-wing blogs admit Anders Behring Breivik is linked to EDL
23-07-2011 11:26
Right-wing blogs admit Oslo killer Anders Behring Breivik is linked to EDLUG#560 - Cyberluddism (Reclaiming Luddism on the Bicentennial)
23-07-2011 03:54

Cambridge Scraper
22-07-2011 22:40

Climate activists' convictions quashed
22-07-2011 18:55
The convictions of 20 climate activists were quashed by the Court of Appeal on Wednesday. The 20 had been convicted of conspiracy to commit aggravated trespass at Ratcliffe-on-Soar power station, in December last year. However, revelations about the withholding of evidence gathered by undercover police officer Mark Kennedy led to the Director of Public Prosecutions requesting an independent review into the safety of the prosecutions. Lord Chief Justice, Lord Judge, said the convictions had been a miscarriage of justice.
On the newswire: Climate activists’ convictions quashed | HM Court of Appeal: Lord Chief Justice Appeal Judgement on Ratcliffe20 | NottinghamshirePolice extremely disappointed shame | Ratcliffe power station protesters cleared on appe
Previous features: Guilty verdict in Ratcliffe trial | Ratcliffe Trial: Week 2 | Ratcliffe Trial: Prosecution Opens | Ratcliffe Conspiracy Trial Begins | Mass Arrest of 114 Climate Activists in Raid
Activists’ statement
We are 20 of the 114 people who were preemptively arrested near E.ON’s Ratcliffe-on-Soar coal power station over two years ago. During our trial last year we argued that our plan to safely shut down the power station was necessary in order to protect the ever escalating numbers of people dying as a result of climate change. We later found out our trial was rigged by the police and CPS to get convictions.
Through placing undercover officers in our movement, using mass preemptive arrest and rigging our trial, the state has deliberately attempted to silence dissenting voices. This quelling of dissent, now repeated in the young people facing prison for protesting against the attacks on public services, is fundamentally undemocratic. It is yet another example of those in power protecting their own interests. Whether it’s E.ON Energy or News International, the government and police have a track record of colluding with big business. We need to look at the root causes of climate change, and ask why the profits of corporations such as E.ON are being prioritised over future generations, and the millions already on the front line of our changing climate. Taking action on climate change is not an act of moral righteousness, its about protecting our future. History is full of examples of ordinary people acting to defend their rights and those of others, and we need a strong movement of people doing just that. Winning this appeal is just one small victory in the fight against the systemically political nature of policing. We stand in solidarity with all those have suffered injustice from the state or face repression for daring to take political action.
This Week in Palestine week 29 2011
22-07-2011 16:03

BNP Scum Not Welcome in Beechdale
22-07-2011 15:55
Bob Coyne is a fascist cretin who stood for the BNP in this year's local elections. He lives at 123 Western Boulevard in Beechdale. A group of pissed off neighbours got together to send this nazi a message - that he's not welcome in the area.
Coyne is typical BNP - a wealthy middle class twat who pretends to represent the working man. It's just a smokescreen for the fascists to divide the working class up according to their prejudices and pit us against each other, instead of against bourgeois scum like him.
That's why we painted BNP Scum Not Welcome on his property to let him know that we are watching him and want him out. Our message is clear:
Resist ethnic cleansing at Dale Farm
22-07-2011 13:55
Resist ethnic cleansing in the UK, fight the eviction of Dale Farm!
First they came for...
From the clearances of Roma camps in Italy and France, to the neo-fascist murders of Roma in Hungary, Romania and the Czech republic, recent events in Europe are becoming increasingly disturbing. Now the UK Government is engaged in the ethnic cleansing of Dale Farm, the largest Traveller community in the country.
On 4th July the residents were told that have until Midnight on August 31st to abandon their homes or face having their community bulldozed. This despite the fact that the families own the land on which they are living and have been offered no viable alternative housing. In the event of an eviction some 90 families will be made homeless, including many elderly, sick, and very young residents.
An astonishing £18M has been allocated for the eviction, being led by Constant and Co, a company notorious for their involvement in brutal evictions of Traveller sites. This eviction is racially motivated. It amounts to ethnic cleansing. It must be resisted.
Camp Constant, a mass gathering of national and international supporters of the Dale Farm community will begin Saturday, August 27th. We want to send the invitation far and wide for people to come and help the community resist the eviction, many of whom are determined to fight to the end. Different people will take different types of action, but we will take the lead from the community in what forms of resistance we use. Remembering the centuries of persecution Travellers and Roma have faced from the settled community since the 1500s, it's crucial we all act with real sensitivity.
After the August 31st, an eviction could happen at any time, and we might not know when. We'll need people to be on standby to come up to Dale Farm in the event of an eviction. See: for details. We also need people to spend the night at Dale Farm to provide around the clock support. We are looking for groups and individuals to pledge to stay overnight at
Dale Farm is within easy reach from London Liverpool St. Station. See for directions and contact details
Please spread this message to your contacts and networks. Resist ethnic cleansing, fight the racist eviction of Dale Farm!
What did he know and when did he know it? Cameron Coulson and those pesky emails
22-07-2011 13:23
The political/corporate class must be rueing the day email arrived, it is proving to be the undoing of many a powerful individual and perhaps even the downfall of the government? But only if the media do the job they claim to be doing, investigating malfeasance at every level.COLCHESTER *Sat Aug6th *Vigil in Solidarity with Military Resister Michael Lyons
22-07-2011 13:09
COLCHESTER *Sat August 6th 3pm-5pm *Vigil in Solidarity with Military Resister Michael Lyons! End the War on Afghnaistan!WHERE
Military Corrective Training Centre, Berechurch Hall Rd. Colchester CO2 9MU (Vigil will be at the junction with Stoneacre Road at the entrance to the militarydetention facility).
African Children Vaccinated At Gunpoint. Does Bill Gates Approve?
22-07-2011 12:59
Poster's note:"Vaccines" are developed by killing captive animals. The World Health Organization's 'smallpox vaccine' spread AIDS throughout Africa. (See London Times Science
Editor P Wright May 1987) Now Bill Gates' 'vaccines' are being administered at gunpoint
while Gates along with others who are billionaires through theft.... meet together to discuss
Democracy = Rule By The People
22-07-2011 11:34

Fracking Hell? What will shale gas mean for the UK?
22-07-2011 11:23
On Tuesday 19th July the Conway Hall was host to a public meeting on shale gas. With such a great list of speakers (Caroline Lucas, Kevin Anderson, Michael Meacher...) we decided it would be a shame not to record the meeting, so we did. The link is below - note that it is available to download as an MP3.