UK Newswire Archive
Earth First! Summer Gathering Update.
25-07-2011 17:09
Location announced, workshop schedule published, and how the kids space is going to work. All for the Earth First Summer Gathering which begins on the 10th of August and runs until the 15th.Get in touch if you need more information.
Solidarity demonstration for Prisoners on Hunger Strike - Friday 29 July
25-07-2011 16:18
Thousands of prisoners across California have been on hunger strike for nearly 4 weeks now in protest against the use of solitary confinement following a call by prisoners in the Pelican Bay Secure Housing Unit (SHU). Though the prisoners in Pelican Bay have ended their protest following a number of apparent concessions by the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR), prisoners in at least three other Californian state prisons, CCI Tehachapi, Corcoran and Calipatria, continue to refuse food.Palestine Today 07 25 2011
25-07-2011 15:51

Morton Hall demo - pics
25-07-2011 13:55
Some pictures taken at Saturday's noise demo.
Main report here.
The far right already have an established 'hitlist' here in the U.K
25-07-2011 12:56
The "Redwatch" website emanating from the U.K is basically a 'hitlist' informing neo-nazis of the whereabouts of "Leftists" in the U.K. The website has three mirrors each hosted on servers at based in the U.S.Operation Gladio: NATOs secret far right terror cells killing innocent Europeans
25-07-2011 11:57

Full article | 1 addition | 3 comments
Shell blockaded on the first day
25-07-2011 07:45

At 6.59 this morning a tripod was erected on the road between Shell's Ballinaboy refinery and their compound at Aughosse, Co Mayo.
Those Magnificent Men and their (F)lying machines
25-07-2011 06:55
A piece showing our media's function as the PR arm of the armed forces (also published on my website
Those Magnificent Men and their (F)lying Machines
Apparently newspaper owners and editors up and down the country are scratching their heads and wondering why newspaper sales have plummeted. No doubt some comfort themselves, and each other, by blaming the internet. They would be partly right – but probably not for the reasons they might give. It’s difficult to know how many of them will learn the important lessons of the recent furore that revealed some of the deceit, bribery and corruption that is standard practice behind much of our so-called ‘news’.
Some might think the scandal is confined to the national papers. Not a bit of it. The Guardian’s George Monbiot reported (see 9.11.09 ‘Champions of the Overdog’) that Sir Ray Tindle, who once controlled about 230 newspapers, including such giants as the Totnes Times, ordered his editors at the outbreak of the Iraq War in 2003 “to ensure that nothing appears in your newspapers which attacks the decision to conduct the war”.
Most British newspapers have always supported war, and continue to do so to this day. It’s because war is very good for business, which matters far more to the Rupert Murdochs and Ray Tindles of this world than the shattered bodies of innocent and defenceless civilians (who are seldom even counted – let alone reported).
A piece of typically shabby war-loving propaganda appeared last Friday (22nd July) in the Grantham Journal. An article bearing the title “Airman Rob is helping to defend the skies over Libya” displayed a nice photograph of a pleasantly harmless-looking chap who, apart from the fact he’s wearing military uniform, could be mistaken for an accountant, or a banker. The article tells us about ‘Airman Rob’s many important duties, such as supporting construction and catering “and even medical services.” Ahhh – he sounds a bit like a social worker really, or a comic-book superhero. But curiously enough, helping to overthrow foreign governments, dispatch tens of thousands of defenceless civilians to eternity, and plunder whoever’s left behind – which is the real purpose of ‘Airman Rob’s employers – doesn’t get a mention.
The words “helping to defend the skies over Libya” in the title are almost too ridiculous to comment on; “helping to steal Libyan oil”, although only part of the story, would at least have been more accurate.
No doubt ‘Airman Rob’ is a thoroughly decent chap with a loving family and human weaknesses just like all the rest of us; and is quite possibly as oblivious of the cynicism of his work as Nazi concentration camp guards were seventy years ago – a natural consequence of enduring similar brainwashing; but what is the media’s excuse? What is the media’s excuse for calling the plundering and murder of innocent civilians thousands of miles away from Britain ‘defending the skies’?
A friend of mine who once worked at the Grantham Journal told me that it was editorial policy that all articles appearing in the paper should be written for ‘Earlsfield Man’ (Earlsfield is the part of Grantham with the highest social deprivation). It’s the sort of thing I could imagine Rupert Murdoch or Ray Tindle saying. It’s a line of thinking that proposes that the newspaper in general and its articles in particular should be composed in such a way as to appeal to the dullest mind. Well a surprising number of these dull minds know exactly what’s going on in spite of the best propaganda efforts of the media. So if more and more people are turning to foreign internet sites and the likes of Al Jazeera and Russia Today for their news it’s hardly surprising. Although these sources are of course also rich in propaganda at least they tell us some of the hard truths about our own government – truths our own media should be supplying.
Proof of Anders Brehing Breivik's Nazi sympathies & links to EDL leaders
24-07-2011 22:04

Obama reaction to Norway massacre betrays US "war on terror" fundamentalism
24-07-2011 18:12

However, this did not restrain Obama or his New Zealand guest from issuing wild insinuations about Islamic terrorism. Obama is reported to have been briefed by intelligence officials before he spoke on the matter. Which makes his response an all the more odious bit of politicking to turn a horrific, tragic event into a propaganda stunt to stir up anti-Islamic fears and shore up Washington’s illegal “wars on terror”.
What should be disturbing is the level of inculcation of such irrational propaganda. It seems that every and any horror no matter how obviously unrelated to Islamic countries can now immediately be attributed by Obama and other Western leaders to “Islamic terrorists”.
It is as astounding act of reality inversion. The US leader who has taken international wars of aggression to record heights of lawlessness and who has made such a big deal of “embracing the Muslim world” nevertheless shows a disgraceful ability to prolong these wars by twisting any tragedy into a snide vilification of Islam.
Looking after Gledhow Valley Woods
24-07-2011 16:55
Friends of Gledhow Valley Woods had an action day today. Volunteers worked on a variety of tasks to conserve and maintain this area of woodland in Leeds.
Gledhow Valley Woods is a small area of woodland nestled between areas of dense housing. To the South is Harehills, West is Chapeltown, North is Chapel Allerton and East is Oakwood. Residents of these areas anjoy the shared amenity of the woodland, which is maintained by a group of volunteers.
The Friends of Gledhow Valley Woods have been working for the last 14 years to maintain this resource for the benefit of all. Some members of the group have been looking after the woods informally even before then. Today we had a look at some photos taken 30 years ago in what was then known as the meadow. Since then, much of that area has been overgrown, and today we set about clearing it.
Although trees are the largest plant species growning in the woods, there is a great diversity of smaller species. The woodland is managed so as to maximise biodiversity within a small area. This requires some grassland areas to be kept clear of saplings and shrubs, which would otherwise dominate within a few years. There are also wet habitats along the course of the Gledhow Beck and lake.
As well as clearing the meadow today, a few of us went litter-picking, someone worked on controlling the Himalayan Balsam, and a team of us built a stretch of path. The reason for building the path was that before there was just packed earth, which is OK in dry weather but when it rains, the path gets very muddy: people try to avoid walking through the muddy puddles, so they walk along the edge of the path, with the result that it gets wider and wider as people try to avoid the mud. As the path is heavily used, this could result in severe erosion if unchecked.
Anyone who wants to get involved next time would be welcome - keep an eye on this webpage for dates.
State's case against Abahlali baseMjondolo collapses (South Africa)
24-07-2011 15:10
In September 2009 the South African shack dweller's movement Abahali baseMjondolo (which has strong links to the London Coalition Against Poverty) was attacked by an armed ANC mob in Durban. Twelve AbM activists were arrested after the attack and were detained for eight months. The state's case against the 12 has now fallen apart completely and clear evidence of a state frame up has emerged. This report is from the radical legal NGO that represented the 12.Demo against cuts to social care in Oxford
24-07-2011 14:40
A smallish, but lively crowd took the streets (OK, pavements!) of Oxford yesterday to protest against cuts to social care in a "March of the Uninvisibles".“Preclusion” guerilla art exhibition to be held at the Whitmarley
24-07-2011 14:27
A genuinely guerilla experience, Preclusion is a totally unsupported spontaneous art exhibition.Guerilla Garden day
24-07-2011 14:13

We are determined not just to turn the wasted spaces inside the Whitmarley into productive and transformative spaces, but also the spaces around the Whitmarley.
Next to the factory is this abandoned car park…
No Borders Demonstration in Haywards Heath, Sat 30 July
24-07-2011 13:23

Please join us on Saturday 30th July with banners, placards and instrument to call for an end to detention and deportation. Gather at Muster Green park in Haywards Heath at 1pm.
Norwegian Terrorist Had Links to EDL!
24-07-2011 09:56

Benefit gig for Anti Fascist Prisoners. Sunday July 24th
24-07-2011 08:37

Awesome mixture of music and comedy.

Sh!t Theatre
Yes they are back with songs and projections.

Steve White
The folk singing Firefighter playing solo

+ more acts TBA
Sunday 24 July 8-11pm
The Grosvenor
Sidney road
SE11 5DA

Benefit for anti fascist prisoners.
We will be finishing the music at 11 for the benefit of those who are working the next day. The pub will be open till late for those who are not.
Attached is an an e-flyer for the gig. Please spread around the net like a virulent plague.