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Proof of Anders Brehing Breivik's Nazi sympathies & links to EDL leaders

Helen Highwater | 24.07.2011 22:04 | Analysis | Anti-racism

Norwegian mass-murderer and child-killer Anders Brehing Breivik published a 1,518 page manifesto on-line as a PDF file, entitled "2083 - A European Declaration of Independence" (photo 1) using the name Andrew Berwick (an anglicised version of the name Anders Breivik). Even a cursory examination of this (extremely long) document provides hard evidence of Anders Breivik's Nazi sympathies and of his contacts with English Defence League LEADERS....

Anders Brehing Breivik manifesto
Anders Brehing Breivik manifesto

Ian Stuart Donaldson of Skrewdriver
Ian Stuart Donaldson of Skrewdriver

Saga giving Nazi salute
Saga giving Nazi salute

Norwegian mass-murderer and child-killer Anders Brehing Breivik published a 1,518 page manifesto on-line as a PDF file, entitled "2083 - A European Declaration of Independence" (photo 1) using the name Andrew Berwick (an anglicised version of the name Anders Breivik). Even a cursory examination of this (extremely long) document provides hard evidence of Anders Breivik's Nazi sympathies and of his contacts with English Defence League leaders.

1. Anders Brehing Breivik and Nazism

Anders Breivik's manifesto contains a section entitled "Motivational music tracks, artist: Saga" (page 847) praising music by the openly Nazi Swedish singer Saga (photo 3, Saga giving Nazi salute), much of whose work consists of cover versions of songs by the Nazi rock band Skrewdriver (photo 2, Ian Stuart Donaldson, singer of Skrewdriver, with Nazi flag).

Anders Brehing Breivik praises this Nazi singer as "a courageous, Swedish, female nationalist oriented musician" and says that while "Marxist and multiculturalist character assassins will claim that Saga is an evil, national socialist monsterband" (sic), "this characteristic couldn’t be anywhere further from the truth". He admits that "the environment surrounding Saga" involves an organisation called the National Sosialistisk Forening, who he claims were "demonised" as "evil Nazi monsters", despite the fact that their name contains the words "National Sosialistisk", which are (obviously) Swedish for "National Socialist" - the term abbreviated to its shortened form "Nazi"!

Anders Brehing Breivik says he has "listened to many of the tracks several hundred times" and would "highly recommend" them to all "revolutionary conservatives", who should not "just listen to the tracks but learn the texts (lyrics) as well". These lyrics include the Saga track "Ode To A Dying People", once praised as a "classic" on the Casuals United blog run by EDL activist Jeff Marsh (1). Although both Anders Breivik and Jeff Marsh claim not to be racist, the song describes the "white man" as "the greatest race to ever walk the earth" and praises "the heroes of our race have already died" (a reference to Nazi soldiers of WW2). Breivik's playlist also includes Saga cover versions of the Skrewdriver songs "Tomorrow Belongs To Me" (sung by the Nazi youth characters in the musical "Cabaret" and adopted as an anthem by the modern Nazi movement) and "The Snow Fell". Bearing in mind that I'm commenting on Breivik's playlist from the point of view of a person who opposes Stalinism just as much as I oppose Nazism, the latter refers to the snow-fall that prevented invading Nazi troops from defeating Joseph Stalin in Soviet Russia during WW2, referring to Hitler's troops as "as a light against the darkness in a holy war". Anyone who is in any doubt as to what Skrewdriver's lyrics refer to should watch the videos of this song posted on You Tube, which clearly illustrate the historic events these Skrewdriver lyrics depict (2).

2. Anders Brehing Breivik links with leaders of the English Defence League

Anders Brehing Breivik states in his manifesto that "I used to have more than 600 EDL members as Facebook friends and have spoken with tens of EDL members and LEADERS" (emphasis added). "In fact; I was one of the individuals who supplied them with processed ideological material (including rhetorical strategies) in the very beginning" (page 1436).

Ironically (given Breivik's love for Nazi music), and like the EDL, Breivik wants people to think he is an "Anti-Racist". Despite the photo of EDL leader Tommy Robinson (real name Stephen Yaxley-Lennon) attending a meeting hosted by Holocaust denier and senior BNP activist Richard Edmonds (3), and despite the dozens of photos of EDL supporters giving Nazi salutes etc (4), Breivik goes on to parrot the standard EDL party-line that the EDL are "anti-racist, anti-fascist and anti-Nazi". Breivik claims that the EDL "even have many members and leaders with non-European background" - as if Hitler's alliance with non-Europeans like Japanese Emperor Hirohito somehow proves Hitler wasn't racist, and Breivik says the EDL "have worked so hard... to keep National Socialists out of the organization" - despite the fact that his own text proves that EDL sympathisers like himself are politically inspired by a deep love of overtly National Socialist music!

(1) (following the scandal created by the Saga post the article praising Saga has been removed and the Casuals United blog has been re-designed)

(2) +


(4) + +

Further reading (on hysterical Islamophobic news reports taken by the BNP from Norwegian TV)...

Helen Highwater
