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Squatting and the Wider Political Rumblings (London Indymedia) | 21.07.2011 18:55 | London

The Tory government is currently pushing a process of 'consultation' through Parliament that aims to delegitimize and ultimately criminalize squatting in the UK, whilst most corporate media plays the same tune. If successful the creation of new legislation against squatting would do away with a right that is centuries old.

The recent evictions of the OffMarket occupied social centre in Hackney and of the long term squatted block of flats Clifton Mansions in Brixton [personal account] as well as the current eviction threat of the UK's largest Traveller community in Dale Farm in Essex, have re-ignited the debate about squatting and the right to dignified housing for all. Read the analysis posts recently published in the newswire addressing the political implications of the Government's current attack on squatting:

SQUATGEDDON?! The Potential Law Change | Our Society is Bigger than Yours | Listen to the episode 86 of Dissident Island Radio 'Stop the rot, squat the lot!'

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