UK Newswire Archive
'Solidarity Tools', evidence for militants to consider before action!
18-09-2010 17:48
Now is the time when we must spread our ideas, our plans and visions for the future community of which we belong, our hopes and our dreams, to display them with our actions, to show them to the world and say, we, the anarchists, are coming! (yeah, soz about that bit, wanted to sound a bit pompous to reel you in...)The following is a knock-up of loads of 'propaganda' that i lifted from websites registered in numerous countries. The information will aid you on the journey to freedom. It is not illegal information, although if you are one of thousands of comrades on the prowl at night, or in broad daylight, searching for a 'target', then this information is for you. The following information is to aid 'action efficiency' and nothing else......if you can please translate it and spread it to the four corners of the web, discuss if necessary, your welcome to add to it, borrow it or whatever the fuck you wanna do with it.........but most of all, please learn, comrades, because the big ones coming...
Dissident Island Radio episode 65 ready for download
18-09-2010 17:44

Bristol Anarcha-feminist groups next meeting...
18-09-2010 17:22
The first bristol anarcha-feminist meeting (last week) went really well, with a good turn out and a lot of ideas being thrown around. The next one is this wednesday (22nd Sept). Come along to the smiling chair libary, 40 stokes croft at 8pm to meet, discuss, organise and plot.The first bristol anarcha-feminist meeting (last week) went really well, with a good turn out and a lot of ideas being thrown around. The next one is this wednesday (22nd Sept). Come along to the smiling chair libary, 40 stokes croft at 8pm to meet, discuss, organise and plot.
Youtube, RAI TV Italian to En, translation of P.L. Ighina Rain Experiments
18-09-2010 16:58

From the RAI Report tv programme archives, Nov 1998
Reportage of Mr Pierluigi Ighina interviewed on his theories, and a display of one of his experiments with clouds is being filmed.
Followed by a comment by Physic Scientist Giuliano Preparata.
We are not the 'Big Society'
18-09-2010 14:22
Transcription of the "We are not the 'Big Society' seminar", London Free School, 195 Mare St., 25th July 2010.
The seminar was organised to address the Con-Dem coalition's policy of the ‘Big Society', and its use of some of the ideas and language used in autonomous spaces-‘free school', ‘autonomy', ‘self-organisation', ‘empowerment of communities'. So how do those of us committed to these activities and values respond to all this ‘Big Society' crap?
Who pays for the loss of life in Iran?
18-09-2010 14:13
"Iran’s aviation fleet which is chiefly comprised of Russian low-quality Tupelov and outdated Airbus and Fokker planes is one of the most vulnerable fleets in the world which suffers from increasing dilapidation and is considered to be highly at risk due to the unjust sanctions which are imposed against the country.In December 2005, BBC World published a report in which it was expressively stated that Iran’s civil and military aviation fleet is undergoing intense safety setbacks. The report came after an Iranian Air Force C-130E military transport aircraft crashed into a residential complex in Tehran, killing 128 people including 68 reporters and journalists that were supposed to cover a military drill off the country’s southern coast on the Persian Gulf."
Lovely work of U.S. policy. So "humanitarian."
Preparations for the 'Night of Festivals' Events
18-09-2010 13:24
Friday 17th September Preparations for the 'Night of Festivals' Events: Market Square, Nottingham.
Events from the 16 - 18th September. Featuring new contemporary art commissions, a live music stage and participatory carnival procession. A fusion of art forms in celebration of the Bicentenary of Latin America’s independence and the richness of its culture!
Rhythms of Salsa and Rio for Nottingham Festival!
vibrant sights and sounds of exciting Latin American culture, with a unique, Night of Festivals 2010.
Created and produced by ArtReach, City Arts, Nottingham Contemporary and New Art Exchange, the Festival featured a dynamic live music stage with contemporary Latin American bands; moving image by artists from Mexico, Brazil and Uruguay on the Festival Big Screen; a special installation recalling the sounds and sights of Brazilian Festival - looking ahead to an extraordinary Carnival procession including colourful and extravagant characters from the Mexican Day of the Dead celebrations and the foremost samba troupe outside Rio!
Mandinga Arts
Tower Hamlets: Has Andrew Gilligan been hidng some serious evidence?
18-09-2010 13:12
"..the public deserve to know some very important things about Tower Hamlets today which are not contained in Mr Gilligan’s Channel 4 programme of March 2010 or in any of his published Daily Telegraph reports and blogs...."The Afghans’ voice must be heard. Sunday 26th Sept Brighton
18-09-2010 12:56

programma of the no border camp brussels
18-09-2010 12:54

the pdf documents give an overview of things to do during the no border camp in brussels, on the campsite as well as outside the camp
Call for International Solidarity to Comrades in Chile
18-09-2010 11:51
Responding to the Call for International Solidarity by the persecuted and rebellious comrades in Chile, we call on people around the world to express their solidarity and in Athens we invite aGathering of Solidarity
on Friday, September 24th at 5pm,
outside of the Chilean Embassy (Bas. Sofias 25)
Trainer charged after greyhound doped with cocaine
18-09-2010 11:23
A trainer who regularly races greyhounds at the Sheffield track has been charged with offences by racing authorities after one of his dogs tested positive for cocaine.
The West failed in Zimbabwe
18-09-2010 10:24
EU forced to admit Zimbabwe has a free press.CUTS: this week in Bristol
18-09-2010 10:22
What they're doing to your services this weekSchool Library Service to be cut:
Planning officers to be cut by 25% (also volunteer librarians suggested and museum privatisation)
BCC propaganda campaign against homecare workers begins:
Private care costs £16 per hour; public costs £26 per hour. This is being blamed om homecare staff and their sick records. However even with sickness rates of 20% and travel-to-work time, the public costs would still only be £23 -£24 per hour. The waste appears to be in management ...
Redundancy notices at Connexions issued:
I've spoken to a worker there who said 16 of the 20 staff made redundant at her office were part-time working mums.
Join group.If you have problems joining email
Naming The Dead: End The War in Afghanistan
18-09-2010 09:55
Central London event to mark the anniversary of the invasion of Afghanistan with Maya Evans (JNV) and Susan Clarkson - some risk of arrest.ACTION: SDL IN GLASGOW TOMMOROW
18-09-2010 09:24
Russian embassy picket defends antifascist Khimki hostages
18-09-2010 01:51
A picket of the Russian Embassy in London is to be held on Monday September 20th. The protest is part of a series of international actions in defence of the Khimki hostages. These are two grassroots antifascist activists (Alexei Gaskarov and Maxim Solopov) who are currently in custody in Moscow on fabricated charges facing the prospect of very heavy prison sentences.Tory conference to kick off winter of discontent
18-09-2010 00:32
The demonstrations opposing austerity at the tory conference on october 3rd will, say trade union reps, herald the start of a winter of discontent in the UK as the cuts move beyond government memos and newspaper opinion columns and become a horrendous part of daily life. Unsurprisingly, west midlands police are attempting to stall and limit the scale of action at the demo. It seems the anti-cuts campaign is beginning to spring into life as a mass movement just in time to assert itself in the face of state-sponsored class war and protest repression.To the anarchists ...
17-09-2010 23:40
This was originally posted on Bristol Indymedia at this address
I wrote this as part of the bristol anarchist/squatter movement. We seem to have a lot of energy and mobilisation going on at the moment over various issues/campaigns. So as austerity has arrived I've become confused about why on earth we've been so distant from the workers' movements. I wrote this as an appeal to people to get stuck in to local anti-cuts campaigns. It's opened up some very interesting debates online and in person, and has seen some interesting (and for me at least, positive) developments at meetings and in campaigning. I didn't write this to tear us apart - just to suggest ways we could improve our 'service'. I know very little of campaigns outside of the southwest so this may be of absolutely no relevance to you. I'm sure it will be relevant to some though, and I'd like to share my thoughts with people nationwide. I've edited it to bring in some stuff I wrote after publishing.