UK Newswire Archive
BNP Fail in Exeter Priory By-Elections
19-09-2010 19:22
The BNP, wracked in the midst of in-fighting has nose-dived in recent by-elections, including one in the South West, Exeter Priory.Plus comments on the recent in-fighting within the BNP....
Here's the news:
If anybody in the incredible shrinking BNP really believed that things could only get better following the party's disastrous general and local elections performance in May, last night's showings in Poole and Exeter really should open their eyes to the awful truth.
Confirming the post-May trend of BNP by-election results, the BNP corpsed spectacularly, taking a 3.9% share in Poole Newtown, with 66 votes in an abysmal 18% turnout, and in Exeter Priory fared even worse, taking a joke 2.7% with 53 votes in a 28.8% turnout.
Just as interesting from a personal point of view was the BNP's failure to contest a single ward in Norwich where 13 seats were up for election, the party having fought eight out of the nine Norfolk parliamentary constituencies in the general election. These elections were flagged months ago, giving Norfolk BNP ample time to prepare - but I'm very happy to report that the last confirmed sighting of the BNP in Norfolk was a meeting attended by just seven people from across the county. The party appears to have evaporated like mist on a mirror in the east.
The BNP stood in two other by-elections yesterday, both of them for Spennymoor Town Council (a town council is the equivalent of a parish council). One, as we are all aware, was elevated almost to the status of a parliamentary by-election by a party desperate to show a modicum of success to its demoralised members. Adam Walker's high profile campaign in tiny Spennymoor drew in activists from across the country, including GLA member Richard Barnbrook, and received more internal publicity and outside help than the Norwich North by-election last year.
If you've not been following the soap-opera of the BNP's infighting, there a summary is that the leader Nick Griffin has been challenged by elements within his party following a disastrous performance in the recent elections where the BNP thought they would break through and instead they got broken. In response to the challenges, the fuhrer responded by forcing an anti-democratic re-write on the party constitution to make it all but impossible for anyone to challenge him. All this while the party fights over money, positions and egos.
My response to any BNP supporters angry at all this is; what did you expect? When anti-fascists say the BNP is fascist, it's not rhetoric, it's in the DNA. Fascists believe in the idea of a strong father-leader and all children (supporters) are expected to unite around him. They are not democratic. The fuhrer is expected, via an unwritten code of conduct - to do whatever he can get away with, to control the party. It's what Hitler did in the Night of the Long Knives and to a lesser extent it's what Griffin is doing now. It's what any successful leader who replaced him would do. Don't like it, don't support them.
Joint Corporate Watch / Brighton Jordan Valley Solidarity public meeting
19-09-2010 18:53
7.30pm, 21st September 2010Friends Meeting House, Ship Street, Brighton
Earlier this year two researchers from Corporate Watch spent several months digging the corporate dirt in Palestine. Their research took them to the Jordan Valley where they unearthed a lot of new information about the links between Israel's illegal settlements, and companies operating worldwide.
Shell Executives Targeted by Protesters from the Rossport Solidarity Camp
19-09-2010 18:02

The Khimki Hostages Need Your Solidarity!
19-09-2010 16:50
Russian activists are calling on their international comrades to secure the release of Maxim Solopov and Alexei Gaskarov, two Moscow antifascists arrested on July 29 for their alleged involvement in a demonstration the previous day against the abuse behavior of the local administration against activists and residents trying to save the local forest from logging to make way for a toll road. If convicted, Gaskarov and Solopov could face seven years in prison. In addition to fabricating a case against them, the police have used it as an excuse to crack down on the Moscow antifascist movement.(Cartoon #3) Deportation of gypsies: The Sarkozy's Holocaust (by Latuff)
19-09-2010 16:18

New Bristol Space Invaders Website
19-09-2010 15:22
The doors are open!
Carrying opening times, events, workdays and updates from The Smiling Chair, 28 Portland Sq, Classics Free Shop, and The Emporium the BSI site aims to be a useful resource for everyone wanting to get stuck in at the autonomous spaces in St. Pauls and Stokes Croft.
By way of examples check out this weeks work schedule for 28 Portland Sq:
Your event not displayed? Email to bristolspaceinvaders [at] gmail [dot] com and we'll have it up in a jiffy.
Much love
West Midlands IWW Benefit Gig
19-09-2010 15:18

The Women Chainmakers' Festival 2010
19-09-2010 12:19

Ashton Vale [1]
19-09-2010 10:22
the land is oursThe residents of Ashton Vale have won their fight to have the fields by their homes registered as a Town Green. Their fields were destined to be turned into football stadium, a concert area plus car parks, with a large road and rapid bus transit route through the middle.

arry writes: The residents of Ashton Vale have won their fight to have the fields by their homes registered as a Town Green. Their fields were destined to be turned into football stadium, a concert area plus car parks, with a large road and rapid bus transit route through the middle.
Ashton Vale Heritage Group and the Town Green Applicants would like to thank the 188 local residents who gave witness evidence of their use of Ashton Vale Fields, enabling us to show 60 years of use, often going back through 3, 4 (and in two cases) 5 generations of the same family. We also thank the many others who provided support, documentation and other evidence to assist our case. Only one local resident gave evidence to support the developers.
There were many other people who use the land who did not feel able to give evidence, some believing it was pointless in trying to protect the green space which they believed had already been lost to developers and others with memories of past developments when residents had been ignored. We do not know the outcome of the Town Green Application. From the outset our aim was to protect the land for future generations to enjoy. If Town Green status has been granted then it is testament to what can be achieved by ordinary people when you have the support of people willing to help you.
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The Town Green application had very little to do with football or the stadium, it was always about protecting this precious green space. The land means so much to so many people and we felt that we had to try and protect it.
Much false comment has been made about the land in the press and on message boards over the last few months. Only a part of the northern most field on the land was a waste tip between 1986 and 1988 and by the start of 1989 it had been returned to grassland. The land has always been and is still being grazed by dairy herds. As the farmer stated to the public enquiry, she has always had her uses for the land and we have had ours. The farmers and residents have always had excellent relations, working together well in their shared use of the land.
Ashton Vale is surrounded on three sides by industrial estates and railway lines. The fourth side is the fields, a site of nature conservation, natural wetland and home to many protected species. Bristol City Council has since at least 1982 registered the majority of Ashton Vale fields as a Site of Nature Conservation Interest.
Had development gone ahead, we would have been entirely surrounded by industry, with no green spaces in between for us to play, walk dogs or enjoy the wildlife. Local residents have been protecting these fields and fighting development of this site for more than 40 years. If we have achieved town green status, then we hope once and for all we can be free of the anxiety and stress we have endured for the last two years and look forward to our children and our grandchildren continuing to enjoy the land without the threat of development.
At the outset of this case, we took much encouragement and received much support from others in Bristol who had successfully brought town green cases. We now offer our encouragement and support to the many across this city whose green spaces are currently threatened by development.
If town green status is granted, then Ashton Vale fields will be one of the larger greens in Britain, but not as large as the 43 acre green in the village of Great Bentley in Essex.
UG#517 - JFK and The Unspeakable (Khrushchev, Cuba, martyrdom of MLK/JFK)
19-09-2010 10:11

3 US-led troops killed in Afghanistan Sun Sep 19, 2010 4:23AM
19-09-2010 06:45
3 US-led troops killed in Afghanistan Sun Sep 19, 2010 4:23AMThree more US-led troops have been killed in separate bomb attacks in various parts of Afghanistan, NATO's International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) says.
Dialect - Britain's Cloak and Dagger Establishment
19-09-2010 00:22
plus Redland High School for girls - The Trojan WomenDialect Radio is a Bristol (UK) podcast produced by volunteers. Our main activity is our weekly current affairs and arts magazine programme Dialect, which is recorded at our Queen's Square studios and posted for download every week on Friday morning. Want to volunteer? Volunteering Bristol, Royal Oak House, Royal Oak Avenue, Bristol. BS1 4GB Tel: 0117 989 7733. Listen on air: 93.2 FM (BCFM), Sundays at 12 noon. Or listen live on the internet at
hi-fi listen
hi-fi download
00:00 - Introduction
01:00 - Bristol Folk music with Jan Ayres
14:30 - Bristol street names and numbers with Julian Lea-Jones
22:00 - Noel Tovey - Aboriginal theatre at the Edinburgh fringe
28:30 - Redland High School girls - The Trojan Women
32:15 - Britain's Cloak and Dagger Establishment - Secrets and Lies by David Southwell read by Macolm Grieves
42:30 - The Seven Ages of Man - from As You Like it by William Shakespeare - read by Malcolm Grieves
44:45 - Anne Cunningham one of the actors from the first episodes of Coronation Street
48:00 - Avon Association of Drama - Prompt Magazine drama preview
49:30 - Jeff Sparkes What's On guide
54:00 - Credits
55:00 - Music
miner strikes and riots in spain few days before the general strike
19-09-2010 00:08
The miners of Ponferrada (Catilla-Leon) and Asturias have been fighting the riot police and blocking roads for the latest 3 days.Anarchist Fight Getting Better, say Europol
18-09-2010 23:46
According to Europol, the european police force, 'anarchist terrorism', whatever that is supposed to mean, is on the you and me, that means things are hotting up......Cardiff Meeting on Latin America with Hugo Blanco
18-09-2010 22:11
Wednesday 13 October at 7pm
Main Building, Cardiff University, Park Place, Cardiff (Opposite Student Union)
State Control over the Internet and Blogosphere in Belarus
18-09-2010 20:06
Following this inconceivable desire, on February the 1st in 2010 president Lukashenka has signed the notorious decree “On Measures for Revising Use of the National Segment of the World Wide Web”, which came in power on July 1st. According to the decree, the data of computers and mobile phones are subjected to control, and their exploitation has to be protocoled.911 and Imperial Mobilization Redux By Zahir Ebrahim
18-09-2010 18:56
Please circulate — 911 and Imperial Mobilization Redux
Hello – Please circulate my newest exposition geared towards the mainstream ‘United We Stand’ crowd who know something is wrong with this 9 year long 'war on terror', but can’t put their finger on it, and also don’t wish to tread into the ‘conspiracy’ jungle where only forensic knowledge and deep intelligence lurks. It has always been a problem how to explain complex matters to the “crowd of simpletons and the credulous” (Mein Kampf). The war-mongers use incessant propaganda to get them to ‘United We Stand’. How can one undo that? Ignoring the ‘Uncle Toms’ and the co-opted, here is my commonsensical Socratic attempt to (once again) try and reach the vast majority of good peoples worldwide who trusted their government to represent the public's interests and not the hectoring hegemons':

Thank you.
Zahir Ebrahim,
How to Protect Animals From Hunters
18-09-2010 18:27
Few are as courageous as Alex Pacheco, cofounder of PETA, and Dave Sickles,who got onto a hunter lodge island to frighten the animals into hiding.
Here are some suggestions for those who wish to deflect hunters.
Dissident Island Radio episode 65 ready to go!
18-09-2010 18:24
For this show the dissidents scoured the world selecting the finest information to put inside your head (through your ears)
- we talked to an Ad Hoc Properties resident about his experiences living in an 'anti-squat' and how seeing Leegstand Zonder Zorgen has affected his outlook
- all the way from 'down under' we had a member of the City is Ours group in Melbourne about squatting and housing rights
- our 'How to' guide returned with a lesson on how to crack wireless networks
- we had an interview with Roy about the upcoming No Borders Camp in Brussels
- finally, we had a discussion about our 'Hot Topic' for this show, the pope
- to end the evening on a high we had Crank come in for some techno/dubstep on the decks
(New cartoon) Deportation of gypsies: The Sarkozy's Holocaust (by Latuff)
18-09-2010 18:16