The West failed in Zimbabwe
Simon | 18.09.2010 10:24 | Anti-racism | World

Zimbabwe's Press free: EU
Posted: Friday, September 17, 2010
By Farirai Machivenyika
September 17, 2010 - The Herald
INCOMING European Commissioner to Zimbabwe Mr Aldo Dell'Ariccia yesterday acknowledged the existence of a free Press in Zimbabwe and pledged to normalise strained relations during his term here.
Speaking after presenting his credentials to President Mugabe at State House, Ambassador Dell'Ariccia exp-ressed confidence that Zimbabwe-EU dialogue would achieve the desired results.
"I have been in this country for the past eight days and what I can tell you is that there is a Press that is free…
During Zanu-PF administration, many people with help from Western funds were able to set up newspapers.
The EU has supported UK and US driven sanctions against Zimbabwe. But the EU rejected the call of the UK PM, Gordon Brown, when he demanded that Mugabe be refused entry to an EU-African Union summit a few years ago. African nations said they would boycott the summit if the EU bowed to Brown’s demands.
Despite the propaganda of the Western press, African nations regarded Zimbabwe’s elections as expressions of the will of the people.
The most important issue concerning Zimbabwe is that the Anglo-American establishment wanted to remove the elected leadership of Zimbabwe and replace it with what they regarded as a puppet. They closed off the normal sources of credit for a government. They engineered an economic crisis. They financed a political party and the union movement. They created propaganda and invented stories of oppression. Yet, they failed to take over a relatively powerless African government.
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