UK Newswire Archive
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Video of EDO Decomissioning Action now online
17-01-2009 13:50
Video of action uploaded with consent of arrested activistsGaza Comes to Bristol
17-01-2009 13:46
From Midday today, a protest will tour Bristol City Centre,highlighting various companies' links to the Israeli state, and thus
to the "War Crimes" (UN) committed against the people of Palestine
for the last 22 days.
Gaza, USA and the Arab regimes (by Latuff)
17-01-2009 12:35

Ex-officer in BART shooting pleads not guilty
17-01-2009 12:35

Five hundred flash at heathrow
17-01-2009 12:15
[London,Sat 17] Midday today, five hundred people flashmobed Heathrows Terminal 5 in protest at the governments decision to give the go-ahead on building a third runway and yet another terminal. Among the mob were four naked women, lots of red 'no expansion' t-shirts, umbrellas and Heathrows largest conga dance. It was all finishedwithin an hour.
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Why the police riot? - part 1
17-01-2009 11:54

It's long overdue that more information about their plans was put in the public domain, so in a series of articles over the next 11 weeks, it will be.
Raytheon campers... into the second month
17-01-2009 11:34

Keep Salome Chikuta in the UK, do not return UK Zimbabweans to Malawi
17-01-2009 11:27

Gaza : A New Middle East Indeed
17-01-2009 10:24

The Israeli Invasion and Gaza's Offshore Gas Fields
17-01-2009 09:40

Open letter to Israeli Ambassador to Britain Ron Prosor about the Gaza crisis
17-01-2009 08:29
This is a short letter that I have sent to the Israeli ambassador in London, his excellency Ron Prosor concerning the current situation in Gaza.Full article | 12 additions | 16 comments
Campaigners Decommission Arms Factory in solidarity with Gaza
17-01-2009 02:59
The Smash EDO campaign has been contacted by a group of campaigners whoforced entry into the ITT/EDO MBM arms factory early this morning,
Saturday 17th January. They destroyed equipment inside the factory that
is used to make the weapons used in Israel's wholesale slaughter of
civilians in Gaza.
Blood Coltan
17-01-2009 00:54
"4 million people have died in the past 13 years. THe violence feeds on the abundance of natural
-Blood Coltan
Gaza, the Rabbit and the Turtle (by Latuff)
17-01-2009 00:20

Protest for Gaza on Saturday 17/01
16-01-2009 23:40
Is there a protest at market square(Cambridge) for the massacre that takes place in Gaza?Riots in Riga, Latvia 13/01/09 against the Crisis
16-01-2009 22:27
A peaceful demonstration in Doma square, Riga, Latvia with 10000 participants against Latvian government's mishandling of economic crisis and poor economic situation transformed into agression and all-out riot shortly after demonstration's official end.Gaza Report
16-01-2009 22:22
Wednesday 14th January, 2009In an escalation of the ground offensive in the south of the Gaza Strip, Israeli forces terrorised the population of Khoza’a, a small rural community east of Khan Younis. They entered the area at about 3.00am on the morning of Tuesday 13th January in an incursion lasting until Tuesday evening. This follows heavy missile strikes on Khoza’a in recent days, notably on Saturday 10th January.
Dialect - A Palestinian journalist exiled in UK.. & financial catastrophy sorted
16-01-2009 21:34

Plans for new Pirbright Animal Lab
16-01-2009 21:09
There are plans for a new animal testing lab in Pirbright in Surrey. The blighted lab was the centre of the Foot and Mouth pandemic leaked into the water supply that saw thousands of animals killed by the army. This place should be shut down, not expanded. The £121 million lab is behind schedule and over budget. They are asking that the government bail them out. This can be stopped.