Riots in Riga, Latvia 13/01/09 against the Crisis
MR | 16.01.2009 22:27 | Social Struggles | World
A peaceful demonstration in Doma square, Riga, Latvia with 10000 participants against Latvian government's mishandling of economic crisis and poor economic situation transformed into agression and all-out riot shortly after demonstration's official end.
About 1000 people tried to storm Saeima (Latvia's government headquarters) and attacked riot police with cobblestones and bottles. Police cars were set ablaze and turned over, shops were looted and windows smashed. Police responded to crowd's actions with truncheons, tear gas and firing rubber bullets. For first time in independent Latvia's history police declared high alert in capital. There were 106 people arrested and for 51 people (among them - policemen) medical care was needed. Riot has been described as one of the worst from 1991's collapse of Soviet Union.