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International Gaza Demo Brussels Sunday 18
16-01-2009 20:18
Does anyone have more info on the demo coming Sun in Belgium?Full article | 4 additions | 1 comment
call-out for legal observer volunteers at israeli protest tomorrow
16-01-2009 20:12
after unlawful policing actions at previous demonstrations at the israeli embassy, lawyers and civil rights campaigners are working together to provide massive evidence gathering and legal support at tomorrow's protest - they are asking for volunteers to helpFull article | 2 additions | 4 comments
3rd National Demo for Gaza - Starting at the BBC!
16-01-2009 20:03
5th day of parliament square hunger strike
16-01-2009 19:59

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wrexham supermarket sweep with out the host Dale winton
16-01-2009 19:04

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UK Jewish (Holocaust survivor) Speach re: Israel & Gaza
16-01-2009 18:20
UK Jewish MP and Holocaust survivor: Gerald Kaufmann delivering a speech regarding Israel & Gaza…….. in which he compares Israel’s behavior with that of the Nazis.Well worth seeing & hearing
SHAC ACTION ALERT: New Supplier Promega Exposed
16-01-2009 18:13
SHAC have caught Promega making money out of the suffering that happens inside
HLS. Let them know that their dealings with such a disgusting company are
completely unacceptable.
Summit protests and the economic crisis
16-01-2009 18:03
Shift Magazine #5 is out! The content includes comments on the economic crisis, an interview with Werner Bonefeld, articles on anti-militarism the COP-15 Copenhagen mobilisation and Rossport. This is the editorial:This Week in Palestine -Week 03 2009
16-01-2009 17:49

Why I renounce my vote.
16-01-2009 17:33
Ever since The suffragettes won the right to vote for women of property over the age of 30 in what was called the "1918 Representation of the People Act" we have, as a gender had a continuous uphill struggle for equality, that has prolonged up until this very day, and are we actually any closer to being equal to a man?Still Breathing - Gaza repost
16-01-2009 17:07
Caoimhe (pronounced "Cueeva") Butterly is an Irish human rights activist presently in Gaza working in Jabaliya and Gaza city as a volunteer with ambulance services and as co-coordinator for the Free Gaza Movement.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Phosphorus denial outweighed by evidence: Uncomparable pain and horror for the
16-01-2009 16:20
"There are many ways to “light” a battle field. In Gaza, no such area exists anyway. There are just people’s hovels, holes and “homes.” Such as they are after years of blockade and bombardment by Israeli forces. The White phorpous is a terror weapon perfect for driving people away, “never to return.” The Zionist dream is and has always been for many, at least, to remove the native Arab population and posses all of “Greater Israel.” This inhuman weapon nicknamed “Willie Pete.” is perfect for the effort. When it comes into contact with human flesh it moves down toward the bone, tissues evaporate. Victims may survive for some time before vital organs are compromised, effecting death. Parents may be forced to end their children’s wild sufferings by shortening their lives in “other ways.”Climate Camp Heathrow Action Pledge
16-01-2009 15:39
Camp for Climate Action may shut down Heathrow to obstruct construction of third runway...Following Gordon Brown's announcement, the next Camp for Climate Action national meeting will discuss a number of different proposals for future actions, including some which involve shutting the airport down completely.
"We will be the spanner in the works of 3rd runway construction" said one climate activist.
From friends of freedom and justice, Bilin, occupied West Bank
16-01-2009 15:06
With the death toll in Gaza growing hourly, silence is complicity. It is imperative for concerned citizens to demand that their governments take immediate action in order to stop Israeli war crimes and crimes against humanity.City's £16bn taxpaying con Crossrail kills Astoria and harms residensts
16-01-2009 14:59
Crossrail will lead to the closure of historic music venues such as the Astoria and threaten social housing areas while developers cash in on a railway that will cost UK taxpayers £15bn+ but benefits the City and Canary Wharf. Former slaver family Howard De Waldens who have a major stake in the developer Great Portland Estates, a company, which has somehow negotiated the ability to buy it back land for a discount while poor taxpayers subsidise it all through the help of Adrian Montague and friends. The £16bn+ Crossrail scheme was scrutinised by the MPs and Lords in the same way as the Hutton Enquiry, ie a whitewash! As a result, the Crossrail Act, given Royal Assent last summer, gives the company the right to make noise and create pollution outside existing laws. Various parts of Londoners in Hackney, Islington, Tower Hamlets, Camden and Westminster will be adversely affected by the appalling rail scheme Crossrail.Citizen Video Journalist Training in 2009
16-01-2009 14:42
Use your video skills for activismGraffiti on billbaords in Swansea for Gaza
16-01-2009 14:29

Look Ma I'm on top of the world!
16-01-2009 14:20

Gaza Protest London: Police violence and media under-reporting