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All hands to the pumps for Helen Laolu-Balogun and children

12-01-2009 15:55

Helen Laolu-Balogun and children
Family 'Snatched for third time, removal 10:30 tomorrow morning' Tuesday 13th January

This is an urgent request for your consideration of action necessary in order to avoid a serious breach of human rights to a family well loved by many in Plymouth.

Helen Laolu-Balogun and her six children from Nigeria are currently detained in Yarl's Wood IRC, with removal directions set for tomorrow Tuesday 13th January on British Airways Flight BA 075 from Heathrow Airport at 10:30hrs to Lagos.

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Stop vicious Zionist journalist Melanie Phillips from winning UK weblog awards

12-01-2009 14:56

Internet media activists will probably be aware that the UK Weblog Award is in danger of being won by Melanie Phillips of the Daily Mail who has said that the women and children of Palestine 'are especially good' at throwing themselves in front of incoming Israeli weaponry/firepower.

Please help support the boycott of Phillips/Israel by ensuring that she does not win this award.

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22 Of The Ways The Wars Against Gaza, Iraq and Afghanistan Harm Animals

12-01-2009 14:20

The Israeli regime has bulldozed a zoo in Gaza, crushing the animals, has shot donkeys and dogs at checkpoints, allowed thousands of animals aboard embargoed ships to die of thirst, has bombed oil facilities
causing oil pollution which suffocated untold numbers of marine mammals, sea birds, and fishes,
has burned animals with bombs and missiles

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Stop Government Sound Lelel Restrictions in Live Entertainment Venues

12-01-2009 13:47


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Unusually Large Weapons Shipment to Israel: Plan for a broader Middle East war?

12-01-2009 13:01

Unusually Large U.S. Weapons Shipment to Israel: Are the US and Israel Planning a Broader Middle East War?

The U.S. shipment ordered on December 31 is of the order of 3000 tons, an unusually large and heavy cargo of "ammunition" pointing to the transfer of heavy weaponry to Israel.

The central question is whether the Gaza invasion is part of a broader military plan directed against Lebanon, Syria and Iran, in which heavier weaponry including US made bunker buster bombs will be used.

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Demonstration against Israeli killings in Gaza, London 10.01.09

12-01-2009 12:16

Dressed up protesters marching in the cold streets of London
tens of Thousnads marched in bitter cold from Hyde Park, Speakers Corner, passed the israeli Embassy to Hyde Park Corner.

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Report of rally in solidarity with the people of Palestine, with shoe throwing

12-01-2009 11:37

Photo 1
Rally at Grey's Monument, Newcastle in solidarity with Palestine.
Held on 10th January 2009. 140 people attended and contributed to a variety of actions.

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PFLP call on greek movement to prevent shipment of arms to Israel

12-01-2009 11:33

Mainstream media reports have revealed that the U.S. Navy is attempting to ship 325 20-foot containers of ammunition (over 3000 tons) from the private greek port of Astakos to Israel, in an emergency shipment of arms to aid the occupation in its ongoing war crimes against the Palestinian people in Gaza. Information as for when this shipment will be attempted is conflicting; possible dates are the 15th, 25th and 31st of January.

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March 14th 2009 - 25th anniversary of the start of the Miners strike event

12-01-2009 11:31

The 25th anniversary of the start of the Miners strike event is taking place with the 3rd North East Working Class Bookfair in North Shields - (Eastern) Newcastle. There will be meetings, a cafe, books, old and new, mags, and space to discuss relevant politics. This would be a good time to discuss left and @ responses (or not - fek the ultra left) to the situation in Gaza.

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Rainbow Ark Sanctuary - finally some good news

12-01-2009 11:18

Rainbow Ark Animal Sanctuary in Crook, County Durham has finally had some good news after months of fighting and struggling for funds in order to save this wonderful place. Thanks to everyone who saw the appeals made in the news, on networking sites and, of course, the amount of people who read about the situation on indymedia who wanted to help.

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Death Pimp threatens Craig Murray: Murray gives away book free!

12-01-2009 11:10

Contract killer bullies ex-diplomat and a publisher craps their pants...

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Hunger strike for Gaza starts opposite Parliament

12-01-2009 10:48

Maria Gallastegui, founder of the Peace Strike, has started a hunger strike this morning in solidarity with the people of Gaza and to protest against the escalating military assault on the people of Gaza.
Come and join the vigil whenever you can, support Maria and let parliamentarians know how you feel about what is happening in Gaza.

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Gaza Public Meeting at Bobbers Mill Community Centre, Nottingham

12-01-2009 10:15

On Sunday, 11th January at 7.30pm, there was a Public Meeting to protest and be informed about the continued Israeli attacks on Gaza.

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Climate Rush targets Heathrow and Manchester airport on the 12 January 2009

12-01-2009 09:53

This week the government is expected to give the go ahead for the third runway at Heathrow. The pressure group 'Climate Rush' have announced a sit-down 'dinner' at the Departures Gate of Terminal One in Heathrow Airport on Monday 12th. The Climate Rush dinner will begin at 7pm and is expected to last several hours. At the same time Manchester airports Domestic Departures (Terminal 3) will also be targeted. BAA has been preparing for the protests by sending threatening letters to people who've said they'll attend.

'The Climate Rush' held their first protest last October (13th October). Taking their inspiration from the Suffragettes they mounted a 'rush' on Parliament. Over 800 women, men and children, some in Edwardian costume, all with red climate sashes, rushed the Houses of Parliament. The doors were slammed shut, Parliament was forced to close for an hour and the shouts of 'Deeds not Words' was heard throughout the Palaces of Westminster.

Related Links: Climate Rush Heathrow | Northern Climate Rush | Directions to Heathrow | FAQs | Artport |

Related articles: Climate Rush Media coverage | Parliament Rushed | Suffragettes interrupt the Energy Minister in preparation for the Climate Rush | Parliament statues get sashed | invitation to Ed Miliband | Klimax members storm a municipal city council | Third Runway Article, Telegraph | Party at Heathrow, Guardian | Heathrow Blockade, Times | Protesters Plot, Evening Standard | Caroline Lucas, Guardian | Protesters to close Heathrow |

Video and photos: Parliament Rush Photos | Climate Rush Photos | Video 1 | Video 2 | Video 3 | Caroline Lucas speech | Rush Invite


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Sekwanele! [Enough is Enough!]: Social Movement struggles for Land and Housing i

12-01-2009 09:17

Toussaint Losier gives a useful overview of the militant grassroots movements that are rejecting party politics in South Africa is favour of a strategy of building a network of communes and collectives.

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Blame Hamas! (by Latuff)

12-01-2009 08:54

Blame Hamas!
Copyleft artwork on behalf of the brave Palestinian people and their resistance against U.S. backed IsraHell's state terror.

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Friends of Deare Hamanajam

12-01-2009 07:19

Deare Hamanajam a Liverpool/Iraqi Kurd (8 years residency in the city) is currently detained in Colnbrook IRC and has been served with *open ended removal directions and told that he will be removed by a 'specially chartered flight' to KRG/Iraq.

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How to start sending encrypted emails in 10 minutes...

12-01-2009 00:13

So you want to send encrypted emails but don't know how? Strapped for cash? Here is how to do it in 10 minutes using Windows, Firefox, and Outlook and for free - though it will probably apply to most other systems using email through a windows programme (like Thunderbird, Outlook Express, etc). Keep PC Plod and the Job Centre away from your private emails!

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Attempted murder of Oaxacan activist

12-01-2009 00:01

In the latest of a string of intimidations and attacks, an attempt is made on the life of the libertarian activist and former APPO Councillor RUBÉN VALENCIA NUÑEZ.