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Parliament rushed - but not by suffragettes.

kriptick | 14.10.2008 18:23 | Climate Chaos | Social Struggles | London

A great multitude of ladies, gentlemen and some from the underclasses gathered in Parliament Square last night.

The door to parliament under seige.
The door to parliament under seige.

A lady chained to railings... but had neglected to bring a chain.
A lady chained to railings... but had neglected to bring a chain.

Quite so.
Quite so.

Phwoarr!... I do beg your pardon.
Phwoarr!... I do beg your pardon.

The gathering of evidence against wrongdoers.
The gathering of evidence against wrongdoers.

Incitement to commit further civil disobedience.
Incitement to commit further civil disobedience.

Constables observing miscreants in a local hostelry afterwards.
Constables observing miscreants in a local hostelry afterwards.

Fortunately I was carrying my trusty brass and mahogany photographic apparatus and was able to capture various scenes from the manifestation and I have included herewith some choice daguerreotypes for your scrutiny. The Metropolitan Constabulary were also present but in somewhat lesser numbers than the assembled masses which were exerting pressure with sufficient force as to reach the very entrance to parliament. However the solid oaken door was firmly bolted from the inside so that the entirely honourable occupants of the house were not at significant risk although, I might suggest that they could not have failed to hear the baying from the assembled hoi polloi outside. At this point, the constables were seen to haul from the dense scrum various persons including one ruffian carrying a guitar. However I also observed several entirely respectable and well dressed ladies being very unceremoniously extracted from the melee - at least one of whom was placed under arrest. I was greatly taken aback by this sight and could not help suspecting that our fine police force has been infiltrated by bounders and cads.

The casual observer might assume that the assemblage consisted of the usual raucous suffragette movement but in fact those present were protesting about changing climate and a request to cease burning new coal. Since my gardener has been tediously wearing me down with his continual complaints about the inclement weather this year, I shall instruct my housekeeper Mrs Bridges to burn only logs on the parlour fire henceforth.

Some further sources of enlightenment by means of Sir Tim Berners-Lee's splendid invention.

I was also carrying some cinematic apparatus and will in due course publish some moving pictures of the manifestation once my assistant has hand tinted all the frames.



An Excellent report my dear fellow.

14.10.2008 18:53

An excellent report from the frontline my dear fellow.

I myself was sitting in the parlour viewing the said disturbance on the televisual machine. A fellow reported from inside the palace, hmmm, a Mr Lansdale of the BBC I propose, and in a voice that appeared to be quite out of breath (most unseemly I might add for a gentleman of the fourth estate) conveyed to me, the viewer, that the gentlemen and ladies within were much taken aback by the emanations taking place from without. And, further, I venture, were quite grateful to the assembled police authorities for preventing our great democracry from being overthrown.

A short time later, the reporting serveants on the televisual machine concluded that they had not a clue from where these hooligans had appeared.

I immediately summoned my own Mrs Bridges to ready my drawing quarters in order that I may dash off a letter to the Times, for this type of thing quite puts one off ones supper.

Major Hopeful.

Major Hopeful.
