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Daily Israeli Embassy protest over the brutal invasion of Gaza

12-01-2009 22:32

Daily protest from 5 to 7pm outside the Israeli Embassy against the brutal invasion of Gaza.

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Israel and Oil

12-01-2009 22:28

Israel's Tehran connection. Israel, while supposedly observing an ironclad boycott of all things Iranian, is happily buying Iranian oil

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Spirit of Humanity sets sail for Gaza.

12-01-2009 21:53

UPDATE - 3 hours into the journey, the boat appears to be turning back to Cyprus. According to the Jerusalem Post, "Karin Pally told The Associated Press that a generator blew three hours into the 24-hour trip, forcing the 66-foot (20-meter), Greek-flagged vessel to return to port in Larnaca.

The Free Gaza Movement's new boat the Spirit of Humanity, left Larnaca Port at 3pm (local time) this afternoon - bound for Gaza port, where it is due to arrive at 11am tomorrow. The boat has been acquired at short notice, to stand in for the Dignity, which was rammed three times and fired on in international waters on 29th December,2008. On board the Spirit are several tons of medical supplies, and a number of doctors, surgeons, parliamentarians, journalists and activists, all intent on showing solidarity with the people of Gaza in the face of the crippling siege that has been visited upon them for the past eighteen months.

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An Eye For An Eyelash: The Gaza Massacre - Part 1

12-01-2009 21:47

On March 24, 1999, an emotional Tony Blair appealed to the House of Commons and to the people of Britain:

"We must act to save thousands of innocent men, women and children from humanitarian catastrophe."

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BBC: Royals to get Gaza off the Front Page

12-01-2009 21:42

BBC uses 3 year old 'Stock' story to bump Gaza off the Headlines

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New Free Gaza boat leaves Larnaca for Gaza, 12th January

12-01-2009 21:33

The Free Gaza boat 'Spirit of Humanity' has sailed from the Cypriot port of Larnaca carrying doctors, parliamentarians, human rights observers and journalists. Israeli press reports suggest that the Israeli Navy plans to attack the boat in International or Gaza waters (the former would legally be piracy). The previous Free Gaza boat, the 'Dignity,' was rammed and had to seek refuge in Lebanon.

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Gaza Demo - a cop opines

12-01-2009 20:46

I've been reading comments on the site for a few days and while you don't expect to find a lot of love for the Metropolitan Police on here the lack of objectivity is starting to border on the myopic. To suggest that the violence on Saturday was in some way planned or instigated by the police is to ignore both the facts and the truth. Quite sad really on a site that proclaims it's honesty and integrity as it's raison d'etra

I was there on Saturday and my colleagues and I were coming under attack for hours before the baton charges and mounted deployments that everyone seems to be solely focusing on. Police did not deploy in "riot" kit but normal everyday beat helmets and jackets. We sustained a constant barrage of shoes, sticks, placards, road cones, coins, the occasional firework and paint for several hours prior to kit being deployed.
Your own pictures posted on the site show this.

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Birmingham Gaza Demo Takes to the Streets

12-01-2009 19:38

Section of the crowd 'listening' to speeches outside the council house
On Friday 9th January there was a rally in solidarity with the Palestinian people of Gaza outside Birmingham Council House in Victoria Square.

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Jimmy Carter "Israel broke the truce not Hamas"

12-01-2009 19:37

I know this reposting of articles is not allowed on IMC but in this case it is useful for many people to understand the background to what happened before the slaughter on Gaza happen. The fact that israel chose the night of Obama election victory to launch an attack on a "defensive tunnel" inside Gaza, as well as bringing large numbers of Palestinians to near starvation during the blockade.

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A letter to a cousin

12-01-2009 19:02

Having just finished seven years as an undergraduate and PhD degree at Oxford University, where I was conspicuously in the minority, ethnically, I felt the urge to share the groundings for my motivation and attitude which has helped me along the way to my academic success.

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The Detailed, Photographic Killing of Unarmed People by Police Worlldwide

12-01-2009 18:25

Oscar Grant
Oscar Grant's murder: This is not an isolated incident! Hammick in 2002, Kendra James in 2003, James Perez, James Philip Chasse, Jr. all unarmed and killed by Portland Police. Diallo, Sean Bell, Ousmane Zongo, Jonny Gammage, Alexandros Grigoropoulos and Now Oscar Grant, all unarmed and killed by Police. Within hours of Oscar Grant's shooting, Robbie Tolan, another unarmed man, was also shot by Police. Let the world know about! We will not allow a police state!

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Christians join climate protest at Heathrow airport

12-01-2009 18:12

Christians, including Christian Ecology Link, will be amongst those taking part in a 'Climate Rush' at Heathrow airport today. Climate Rush is inspired by the actions of the Suffragettes 100 years ago, who showed that peaceful civil disobedience could inspire positive change. It aims to raise awareness and challenge the Government over climate change.

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Dialect Gaza special: Palestine's history & Bristol demo. speeches

12-01-2009 17:56

plus Anthea our intrepid reporter visits the Inca museum in Arequipa, Peru............
Dialect Radio is a Bristol (UK) internet broadcasting Co-operative run by volunteers. Our main activity is our weekly current affairs and arts magazine programme Dialect, which is recorded at our Queen's Square studios and posted for download every weekend. Want to volunteer? Volunteering Bristol, Royal Oak House, Royal Oak Avenue, Bristol. BS1 4GB Tel: 0117 989 7733. Listen on air: 93.2 FM (BCFM), Tuesdays 9:00 PM.

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Interview of Leila Khalid - the icon of the Palestinian resistance

12-01-2009 17:54

Recent interview of Leila Khaled, the iconic fighter of Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP).

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Lawful Rebellion - Actions Not Words

12-01-2009 17:53

time to do and not just say

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Shimon Perez, Nobel Peace Laureate (by Latuff)

12-01-2009 17:47

Peace lover Shimon Perez
Copyleft artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of the brave Palestinian people and their resistance against U.S. backed IsraHell's state terror.

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ARTPORT to redefine domestic departures lounge

12-01-2009 17:27

ARTPORT is working in collaboration with the Climate Rush for a Dinner at Domestic Departures, Heathrow, at 7pm on the 12th January 2009

A project set up to harness the power of art and imagination to help stabilise the climate.
We are looking to find individuals and artists who are passionate about producing ideas and actions focused on and directed at treating the enormous challenges of climate change.

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Demos continue [January] at Heckler & Koch weapons HQ in Nottingham

12-01-2009 17:17

In spite of the cold, raining and windy conditions, at 12.30pm on Monday 12th January, people had gathered at the gates to the UK headquarters of Heckler & Koch, based within the Easter Park Industrial Estate on Lenton Lane, Nottingham. [Unit 3 in fact].

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Sumac Craft and DIY Skillshare

12-01-2009 16:14

The Sumac Skillshare is back with monthly one day skillshare events around a theme. We kick off on January 31st with the Craft and DIY skill share.

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Palestine Today 011209

12-01-2009 15:56


Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, for Monday, January 12th 2009.