UK Newswire Archive
Palestine Today 061808
18-06-2008 14:44

No Platform for the IOM
18-06-2008 13:45
Picket - Thursday 19th June 10pm-6pmTo coincide with "IOM Day" being held as part of Bristol's Refugee Week
activities at the Pierian Centre, Portland Square, St Pauls, Bristol
60 years wiping the smirk of the NHS
18-06-2008 13:44

Protest visit of Israel's Ambassador to Wales
18-06-2008 13:40
"I am unwilling to accept the invitation to meet the ambassador because of my objection to the failure of the state of Israel to meet its international obligations to the Palestinian people of the Holy Lands. I would invite other colleagues to do the same." - Lord Dafydd Elis-Thomas, presiding officer of the Welsh Assembly writing to other AMs calling for them to boycott the Ambassadors visit.Get Lost Festival Celebrates Public Space
18-06-2008 12:33
Thanks to everyone who is helping to Make Get Lost such an amazing successThe next few days see a flurry of special events which reclaim the city for more than shopping and look for magic under the pavement. It would be splendid to see you at some of them
Tibetan Demonstration not Thursday Now saturday
18-06-2008 12:07
The Tibetan Demonstration outside the Chinese Embassy is now not on Thursday 19th June But Saturday 21st June, this is to coincide with the arrival of the torch in Lhasa which has been moved to SaturdayOpen Cast Coal site request for help
18-06-2008 10:55

New paint job for the RWB's fascist farmer
18-06-2008 09:44
Good morning Farmer Scumbag!Ex-UK Army Chief in Iraq Confirms Peak Oil Motive for War
18-06-2008 09:28
A former senior British Army official in Iraq, James Ellery, admits the link between peak oil and the Anglo-American occupation of Iraq. Currently director of British security firm and US defence contractor, AEGIS, Ellery also whitewashes the massive corruption in Iraqi reconstruction projects.Bogotá university anti privatization demo
18-06-2008 06:27

Climate change protestors occupy Derbyshire open cast site
18-06-2008 04:59
Today climate campaigners from ‘Leave it in the Ground’ have occupied the UK Coal’s Lodge House site in Derbyshire by barricading themselves in a disused farm building and taken to the trees on the site of the open cast mine.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Lodge House open cast mine site occupied
18-06-2008 04:51

Campaign against misleading car adverts.
18-06-2008 04:45
There is every reason to believe that 99% of car adverts published in newspapers and magazines and on roadside hoardings in the European Union are illegal.Criminal Charges Against Alumbrera Mines in Argentina
18-06-2008 02:39

Fight Speciesism! #2 - Out Now
18-06-2008 01:14

Break the chains
17-06-2008 22:52

Italy, Deportation Of 40 Afghan Refugees
17-06-2008 21:53
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Bush brings his magic touch to Whitehall.
17-06-2008 19:42

Brown assures Bush more troops for Afghanistan, no Iraq withdrawal
17-06-2008 19:33
At a joint press conference with US President George Bush yesterday, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown announced that more troops would be sent to Afghanistan, taking the UK’s contingent in the country to its “highest level.”