UK Newswire Archive
Zorhe Rahimi Demo, Wolverhampton - Urgent Message!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
19-06-2008 12:55
Police Brutality of Iranian RefugeeBio Bank Big Brother?
19-06-2008 12:49
Evidence that the NHS and Department of Health are colluding with private concerns to undertake a database of personal information on the health (and more) of 500,000 people in the UK. Not only do they want access to medical records, they are seeking to perform "tests" on those approached.Urgent Action: Control Order Detainee on Hunger Strike til Death or Deportation
19-06-2008 12:04
In a London hospital Mahmoud Abu Rideh lies in a critical condition from a hunger strike against the Control Order conditions which he has lived under for more than three years. Following an attempt on his life more than a month ago, he has been refusing food, and much of the time even ice cubes or water for 31 days. Wheelchair-bound, he is now coughing and excreting blood. Disillusioned with the injustice he has encountered in Britain, all Mr Abu Rideh requests is allowance to leave the UK and be deported to Syria, or for his Control Order to be lifted.Programme for Northern Conference Against Racism THIS SATURDAY, Newcastle
19-06-2008 11:49

The conference will take place from 10.30am at Northumbria Student Union (near Haymarket), and at the Trade Union Education Centre next door.
Beat the G8 system, Enter Fortress Europe!
19-06-2008 10:34

Repression and Revolt in the run up to G8 Japan
19-06-2008 00:06
Over the past week and a half, an unprecedented political crackdown has been enacted in advance of a series of economic summits around the country. Despite this, the brave workers of Kamagasaki stood up against the stiff security environment in riots against the brutal beating of a day laborer over the past five days. The twin situations of repression and revolt deserve to be examined in more detail.Cuba: Interview Porno Para Ricardo
18-06-2008 23:48

How to train death squads and quash revolutions from San Salvador to Iraq
18-06-2008 22:03
How to covertly train paramilitaries, censor the press, ban unions, employ terrorists, conduct warrantless searches, suspend habeas corpus, conceal breaches of the Geneva Convention and make the population love it.
The trip to Summit 718
18-06-2008 21:14

Truce or Dare: Israel Issues Ultimatum
18-06-2008 20:42
I wonder if Israel's strikes on Gaza today, minutes before the Government announced to the international media that it had 'accepted the truce', were supposed to be the act of provocation which undid the deal.Dispatch from Andy Stepanian (SHAC 7)
18-06-2008 20:34
For more information:
Nazi threat to Reverend and the Makers
18-06-2008 20:27
Nazi threat to Reverend and the MakersKENYA: Impact of climate change on three Masai families.
18-06-2008 19:33
Climate change is threatening the livelihoods of thousands of people in Kenya. One of the hardest hit communities is the Masai. Up to 80 percent of those living in Magadi, in southern Kenya, have lost their cattle due to drought, which is becoming more frequent as a result of global warming.
international statement of solidarity with the zapatistas
18-06-2008 16:19
protest against renewed military invasion of zapatista communities June 4th caracol of la garruchaAmdani released on bail
18-06-2008 16:19

G4S Targeted
18-06-2008 16:11
Late on Sunday 15th June, G4S (Group 4 Security) depot in Portland Square, Bristol, was attacked by dedicated individuals. 3 vehicles were beaten up with sledgehammers in revenge for the beatings G4S give out to innocent migrants every day, in the course of their 'business'Birthday Bash Benefit Gig Bonanza in Bath
18-06-2008 15:43
Benefit gig with proceeds being split between the upcoming Bristol Anarchist Bookfair and the Bath Bomb.CIA Malta Talons Hold Trusts In Golden Triangle
18-06-2008 15:22

Upcoming Events at Bowl Court Social Centre
18-06-2008 14:47
Although bailiffs may be on their way Bowl Court Social Centre is still running with events planned for every night this week. If you would like to get involved in the space or propose an event why not email