UK Newswire Archive
40 Climate camp Activists occupy Carmel Agrexco
18-08-2007 11:57
40 activists left Climate Camp and have occupied Carmel Agrexco, the 50 % Israeli state owned exporter/ distributor of Illegal settlement produce from the West Bank.Audio Interview with Biggin Hill Airport Blockader
18-08-2007 11:39

A New Tactical Twist in the Coming War on Iran
18-08-2007 11:28
In addition to advancing the demonization required for the larger strategy of violent regime change in Iran, it also aids what is now emerging as an important tactical move: a smaller-scale strike "at suspected training camps in Iraq run by the Quds force, a special unit of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps," McClatchy reports. This is what Cheney is now calling for, putting red, bloody meat on the bones of Bush's vaguely menacing statements.The initial, small-scale raid would then itself become a justification for further action against Iran: "Did you see that bombing in the Green Zone yesterday? Of course it was the Iranians! It was obviously a revenge attack for the Quds raid. Now we have to retaliate for the tragic loss of our personnel in this cowardly terrorist action." And so on and so on, ratcheting up the level of military response – and public support – with each new iteration of the cycle.
Thus a small-scale raid would actually be a masterstroke in the Administration's psy-ops scheme to build support for a larger action to destroy the Iranian regime.
FBI, CIA Scriveners Edit Wikipedia Entries
18-08-2007 11:19
It would appear Wikipedia is not simply “populated by volunteer vandals with poison-pen intellects,” as John Seigenthaler Sr., former assistant to Attorney General Robert Kennedy, would have it, but is indeed an intelligence front, yet another puzzle piece of a sprawling, comprehensive, long-term, and quite effective propaganda effort.Full article | 2 additions | 1 comment
Photos from XL Airways Office Occupation - Friday 17th
18-08-2007 10:50

Cimate camp and terrorism
18-08-2007 10:25
It should come as no surprise that police are applying draconian anti-terrorism ´legislation´ to combat eco-protestors at the Climate Camp. For the authorities networks of dissent are the real terrorists.interview with fitwatch at climate camp
18-08-2007 10:21

Victory But Help Find 175 WTO Seattle Westlake Protestors
18-08-2007 10:09
Urgent Need to find ~ 175 people who were in Seattle during the WTO protests in 1999 after lawsuit won against the city of Seattle which violated our rights and these folks need to contact the attorneys by AUGUST 28, 2007 to get their portion of the settlement $$ (see below to download claim forms.)Remember this was 8 years ago, if you know anyone who was in Westlake, pass it on as this is time sensitive .... See all links below
New blog regarding § 129a-proceedings in Germany
18-08-2007 09:52
Since a few days there is a new blog ( regarding the judicial inquiry against supposed members of the German militante gruppe (militant group). The blog is dedicated to discuss, what a useful strategy against police repression is. The blog contains mainly material in German, but also some in English. Especially important is the following: International Scholars Demand Suspension of the § 129a-Proceedings against ALL Parties Concerned.
You can sign the Open Letter here:
Indymedia news accessible by sms and phone during climate camp
18-08-2007 09:49

In addition to the indymedia space at the Climate Camp 2007, there are some new developments related to indymedia uk.
During the Climate Camp, indymedia uk news can be received on SMS and through a telephone infoline called the "blasted campers infoline". Both services rely on a newly introduced application called "ticker", which allows for the indymedia up-to-the-minute timeline to be relayed via SMS and Telephone. We are working on a longer report about how this works and how the applications were developed.FBI, CIA Scriveners Edit Wikipedia Entries
18-08-2007 08:45
It would appear Wikipedia is not simply “populated by volunteer vandals with poison-pen intellects,” as John Seigenthaler Sr., former assistant to Attorney General Robert Kennedy, would have it, but is indeed an intelligence front, yet another puzzle piece of a sprawling, comprehensive, long-term, and quite effective propaganda effort.Solidarity with NIPPON workers // mass picket in support of strike [11.30am Sat]
18-08-2007 08:38
As the climate camp continues near heathrow, down the road a group of workers at NIPPON EXPRESS have been striking against a new work regime which will effectively mean a £1265 pay cut for many of them.***************************************************************************************************************
Nippon workers are expecting us down there and we are more than welcomed!
Data Kits Pt 3
18-08-2007 07:18
Data Kits is breaking UK CONSUMER LAWS! ! ! !North Pole ice thinner than ever
18-08-2007 05:44
The ice layers on the North Pole are thinner than ever before. The melting is going far more rapidly than foreseen by the researchers, head of the Norwegian Cicero Center for International Climate and Environmental Research says.Full article | 2 additions | 3 comments
SOCPA - report and film of yesterday's raid on parliament square
18-08-2007 03:18

Putin resumes cold war flights and takes BBC Moscow off the air
18-08-2007 02:48

Defend Meanwhile Gardens
18-08-2007 02:47
David Cameron is piggy in the middle as local community gardens come under attack from local authority.Videos summarising Workshops at the Climate camp
17-08-2007 23:27

Video of a summary of a workshop given by Mark Lynas on the 2 degree tipping poi
17-08-2007 23:20