Solidarity with NIPPON workers // mass picket in support of strike [11.30am Sat]
climate class struggle | 18.08.2007 08:38 | Climate Camp 2007 | Workers' Movements
As the climate camp continues near heathrow, down the road a group of workers at NIPPON EXPRESS have been striking against a new work regime which will effectively mean a £1265 pay cut for many of them.
Nippon workers are expecting us down there and we are more than welcomed!
Nippon workers are expecting us down there and we are more than welcomed!
11.30am at the gate of NIPPON EXPRESS - look out for the picket
Check the map out:,178196&st=4&ar=Y&mapp=newmap.srf&searchp=newsearch.srf
For Londoners: trains from Paddington, first great western to heathow or Oxford - 14 mins to
Hayes and Harlington (tickets inspects are down there) . Then get bus from outside station 90 - H98, 140 towards heathrow. about 2 -3 stops down look on your right for the picket.
It is very easy to get down there so no excuses!
NIPPON are also placing these demands on the workers:
1) 44 Days a year more work
2) Overtime rate on Sunday to be reduced to 25%
3) Holiday pay is reduced by 60 - 75 hours
4) Shift pay reduced by £326 (Day shift) and £512 (Night shift)
5) Loss of £1265 a year pay for some workers
6) A 1.7% below inflation pay rise
7) Stop of shift pay on overtime
8) 9hrs pay loss on bank holidays.
With these ridiculous demands from the company bosses, the NIPPON EXPRESS workers decided that striking and a show of solidarity against this offensive is what is needed. NIPPON EXPRESS is located a few stops from Hayes & Harlington Railway station (heading south) and a few stops from the Camp for Climate Action.
Building working class militancy in all industries is a prerequisite to challenging the domination of capitalism across our world. Climate change has been caused by the capitalists and their servants in government through its own inescapable logic of exploitation, growth and profit. The struggle against climate change is the struggle against capitalism, The struggle against capitalism is a struggle against the world of work imposition and wage slavery. We can not solve the worlds problems under capitalism. We can not escape capitalism. We must destroy it.
Climate Class Strugglers
some additional backgound:
11.30am at the gate of NIPPON EXPRESS - look out for the picket
Check the map out:

For Londoners: trains from Paddington, first great western to heathow or Oxford - 14 mins to
Hayes and Harlington (tickets inspects are down there) . Then get bus from outside station 90 - H98, 140 towards heathrow. about 2 -3 stops down look on your right for the picket.
It is very easy to get down there so no excuses!
NIPPON are also placing these demands on the workers:
1) 44 Days a year more work
2) Overtime rate on Sunday to be reduced to 25%
3) Holiday pay is reduced by 60 - 75 hours
4) Shift pay reduced by £326 (Day shift) and £512 (Night shift)
5) Loss of £1265 a year pay for some workers
6) A 1.7% below inflation pay rise
7) Stop of shift pay on overtime
8) 9hrs pay loss on bank holidays.
With these ridiculous demands from the company bosses, the NIPPON EXPRESS workers decided that striking and a show of solidarity against this offensive is what is needed. NIPPON EXPRESS is located a few stops from Hayes & Harlington Railway station (heading south) and a few stops from the Camp for Climate Action.
Building working class militancy in all industries is a prerequisite to challenging the domination of capitalism across our world. Climate change has been caused by the capitalists and their servants in government through its own inescapable logic of exploitation, growth and profit. The struggle against climate change is the struggle against capitalism, The struggle against capitalism is a struggle against the world of work imposition and wage slavery. We can not solve the worlds problems under capitalism. We can not escape capitalism. We must destroy it.
Climate Class Strugglers
some additional backgound:


climate class struggle