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Dispatch from Germany, Summer of 1939

26-02-2007 11:38

Germany, in the summer of 1939. Like most Germans then, most of you will do nothing. In the hysteria combined with national triumphalism that will almost certainly follow a U.S. attack on Iran -- aided in significant part by many hawkish Democrats with their eyes on 2008, and by our criminally propagandistic media -- it is more than possible that martial law may be imposed.

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Forced Testimony

26-02-2007 10:19

Chief Constable wants power to force witness evidence.

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Guardian claims report clears London police of lying about De Menezes shooting

26-02-2007 09:50

The Guardian claims an official report has cleared London’s police chief of lying about the shooting of Jean Charles de Menezes on July 22, 2005. The innocent Brazilian was killed at Stockwell tube station by plainclothes antiterrorist police following failed explosions on London’s transport system the previous day.

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Fabricated charges dropped against East Timor’s former prime minister

26-02-2007 08:54

Murdoch’s Australian, which played a prominent role
Without charges hanging over his head, Alkatiri is now free to campaign on behalf of Fretilin. Murdoch’s Australian, which played a prominent role in vilifying Alkatari last year, sounded a warning in an editorial on February 7 that “Mari Alkatiri’s return could further destabilise East Timor”. There is no doubt that the Howard government, with the assistance of the Australian media, will be working to ensure his defeat—by all available means, including further provocations.

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GUINEA: the army requisitions all the workers!

26-02-2007 08:43

Friday evening, Kerfalla Camara, the chief of staff of the Guinean army, announced in a radio broadcast that he has ordered the end of the general strike and the resumption of work on Monday, by requisitioning all the workers in the administration, in commercial establishments and in private enterprises!

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When Superpowers go Rogue

26-02-2007 08:19

History records instances of powerful, belligerent nations invading and annexing weaker nations in their bid for world domination and plunder. Various pretexts are utilised to justify these attacks/invasions, the most familiar and infamous are the USS Liberty attack, the Tonkin Gulf incident and more recently the imaginary WMD 'threat'. These examples have one thing in common; they are all orchestrated in order to harness the public as a manageable resource to be used and abused by prevailing powers and to justify an otherwise illegal invasion or military aggression. Nations bent on world domination are extremely predictable; world domination is the folly of a powerful military and inept leadership – history is familiar with a multitude of conquering clowns known to us today as mass murderers.

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Witnessing The Filipino Exodus And Diaspora

26-02-2007 07:56

Two new books by noted Filipino author E. SAN JUAN, Jr. explore the predicament of millions of Filipinos leaving the Philippines and working or settling in other countries (thousands in the UK, Ireland, and the E.U.) around the world--an unprecedented 9-10 milllion of 85 million Filipinos are scattered around the planet. Their huge remittance props up a sharply divided class society where a tiny oligarchy (supported by Washington/Pentagon) exploits and oppresses the majority. Over 830 victims of extrajudicial killings occured from 2001 up to the present under Arroyo's corrupt, illegitimate regime. Why is this happening?

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The Sun, and the Lie of what Ahmadinejad never said

26-02-2007 06:23

The Sun has published a piece of crass journalism, by James Clench, in which he hysterically calls president Ahmadinejad a madman bent on genocide. yet the sole basis of his claim is the lie that has been spread by a media that is too lazy to do its own fact checking.,
So ive written them a strong letter, condemning the piece, and showing it is based on a lie.
I urge others to read my letter and write too to the Sun. James Clench is trying to do a Judith Miller. Its up to us to put a stop to the media spreading a lie that could lead to war.

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Report: OPDDIC: Operation Land Displacement

25-02-2007 23:45

The Remaining Facts

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MX-UK>Strengthening the Strategic Partnership

25-02-2007 23:41

On the occasion of the first visit by Felipe Calderón, as President of the United Mexican States, to the UK on 29 January 2007, Prime Minister Tony Blair and President Felipe Calderón make the following joint declaration

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Ginster pieman/Nottingham Uni bid for William Sharp city Academy

25-02-2007 22:38

The East Midlands meat pie industry has helped many a student through their degree with part-time work at Pork Farms. Now 'Nottingham businessman' Andrew Samworth will link up with Nottingham University to run William Sharp school in Bilbourough. The business? None other than Samworth Brothers, prior owners of Pork Farms (now sold to Northern Foods) and continuing owner/suppliers of fine cooked meat pie brands such as Ginsters.

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Document says 15 Million Australians planning terrorist attacks

25-02-2007 21:57

Terror Numbsculls
A leaked Australian intelligence document says Australian politicians are facing a greater threat from terrorists than at any time since the September 11 false flag operations by the US neocons in the US in 2001.

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Dozens of Swampys desperately needed to save Rospuda Valley, Poland

25-02-2007 20:43

One picture of the primeval swamps
People who will defend the valley are needed. Do not leave Polish eco-warriors alone.

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Personal Account of the STW March

25-02-2007 20:34

A personal account of the experience of participation in the STW march against the Iraq war and Trident replacement with a critical view on the event.

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The Israel Lobby and the Left: Uneasy Questions

25-02-2007 20:18

It was 1991 and Noam Chomsky had just finished a lecture in Berkeley on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and was taking questions from the audience. An Arab-American asked him to explain his position regarding the influence of America's Israel lobby.

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Israel: State - Land - People

25-02-2007 20:14

The authors of this text chose a middle way between the complete profanization of Israel's history and a biblicistic reinforcement of that history.. Israel as a political reality has theological significance but is neither sacrosanct nor immune from criticism.. The permanent rooting of the church in Judaism is important.

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Plot Against Iran Proceeds, Even As UN Refutes Neo-Fascists On Nuclear Canard

25-02-2007 20:10

Let's see, first Israel's plans were leaked, and now, America's. Who are the Terrorists, again?

No "wipe Israel off the map". No nuclear weapons program. No 'yellow armbands for Jews'. No Iran meddling in Iraq. These were all LIES. Cooperation with the IAEA.

Why are they planning to attack the country ... ?
So as you can see, the Bush/PNAC Regime has created several pretexts it can use to feign justification for the impending attack. The only question now is 'which one will they use?'.

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Power Of Canada's Zionist Lobby Grows

25-02-2007 20:08

Is such a thing not Treasonous?

Prime Minister Stephen Harper has, despite the popular outcry, reversed every traditional Canadian position on Zionism's war to wipe Palestine off the map. The reasons can be found in his personal, reactionary ideology, and his close ties to the 'Neo-Cons", and Lobby groups themselves. Perhaps it's time for this creep to disclose his financial backers?

Has Britain done the same?

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Fake Terrorism Is a Coalition's Best Friend

25-02-2007 20:06

Leaked documents (available at PROVE that Bush & Bliar were discussing the Old Colonial Trick of "Divide & Rule" at least a year before their illegal invasion of Iraq. The "Civil War/Sectarian Divide", much hyped by the media but actually very UNsuccessful, is the result.

But despite the media/Gov't hype, the Iraqis have remained united against this Foreign Aggressor, and this is why they're winning the war to liberate themselves.

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Kelly death not suicide, says MP

25-02-2007 20:03

Riiiight, the Iraqis hated him because he was trying to prevent the illegal US/UK attack on their country. Bliar certainly wouldn't have killed him, because, like all sociopaths, he secretly wanted to be stopped!

As always, "Qui Bono" ... ?