Report: OPDDIC: Operation Land Displacement
zap06 | 25.02.2007 23:45 | Oaxaca Uprising | Repression | Social Struggles | Zapatista
today capise gave a workshop in san turista de
las casas, printing and distributing a simpler
version of this
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Report: OPDDIC:
Operation Land Displacement
The Remaining Facts
Due to the death threats and threats of forceful
land displacements committed by the leadership
and members of the Organization for the Defense
of Indigenous and Peasant Rights C.A. (OPDDIC)
against the Bases de Apoyo Zapatistas and members
of the National Council of Indigenous Peoples
(CNPI), within the autonomous municipality of
Olga Isabel or the official municipality of
Chilón, the Center of Political Analysis and
Social and Economic Research C.A. (CAPISE) once
again sent members of its organization to
document the current situation of this region.
The data was obtained through interviews with the
affected communities, official documentation,
records offered by the Good Government Office
(with headquarters in Morelia), telephone
interviews, and photographic images. Based on the
collected information, CAPISE affirms that the
Bases de Apoyo Zapatistas and certain members of
CNPI are the victims of various crimes committed
by the leadership of OPDDIC with the flagrant
intent to displace them from their lands. These
crimes are classified in the State and Federal
Penal Code as:
I- Crimes against the Peace and the Security of
Persons (Federal Penal Code, Eighteenth Title,
Chapter I) THREATS;
II- Crimes against Life and Corporal Integrity
(Federal Penal Code, Nineteenth Title, Chapter I)
III- Crimes against Persons and their Patrimony
(Federal Penal Code, Twenty- Second Title,
Chapter IV)
IV- Crimes against Public Security, Chapter IV
"Attempts against Peace and Corporal and
Patrimonial Integrity of the Collective and
State", Article 237 (Penal Code of the Free and
Sovereign State of Chiapas, Tenth Title).
Therefore, CAPISE denounces that the threats of
displacement of which the habitants of this
region have been subject to, have been initiated,
operated, and supported by the Agrarian District
Attorney´s Office, coordinated by Luis Demetrio
Domínguez López, an engineer and Chief Resident
of the Agrarian District Attorney´s Office in
Ocosingo, and by Andersen Morales Tovilla, the
Visiting Agrarian Lawyer in Ocosingo.
las casas, printing and distributing a simpler
version of this

download (2,8MB ) the document directly from :

Report: OPDDIC:
Operation Land Displacement
The Remaining Facts
Due to the death threats and threats of forceful
land displacements committed by the leadership
and members of the Organization for the Defense
of Indigenous and Peasant Rights C.A. (OPDDIC)
against the Bases de Apoyo Zapatistas and members
of the National Council of Indigenous Peoples
(CNPI), within the autonomous municipality of
Olga Isabel or the official municipality of
Chilón, the Center of Political Analysis and
Social and Economic Research C.A. (CAPISE) once
again sent members of its organization to
document the current situation of this region.
The data was obtained through interviews with the
affected communities, official documentation,
records offered by the Good Government Office
(with headquarters in Morelia), telephone
interviews, and photographic images. Based on the
collected information, CAPISE affirms that the
Bases de Apoyo Zapatistas and certain members of
CNPI are the victims of various crimes committed
by the leadership of OPDDIC with the flagrant
intent to displace them from their lands. These
crimes are classified in the State and Federal
Penal Code as:
I- Crimes against the Peace and the Security of
Persons (Federal Penal Code, Eighteenth Title,
Chapter I) THREATS;
II- Crimes against Life and Corporal Integrity
(Federal Penal Code, Nineteenth Title, Chapter I)
III- Crimes against Persons and their Patrimony
(Federal Penal Code, Twenty- Second Title,
Chapter IV)
IV- Crimes against Public Security, Chapter IV
"Attempts against Peace and Corporal and
Patrimonial Integrity of the Collective and
State", Article 237 (Penal Code of the Free and
Sovereign State of Chiapas, Tenth Title).
Therefore, CAPISE denounces that the threats of
displacement of which the habitants of this
region have been subject to, have been initiated,
operated, and supported by the Agrarian District
Attorney´s Office, coordinated by Luis Demetrio
Domínguez López, an engineer and Chief Resident
of the Agrarian District Attorney´s Office in
Ocosingo, and by Andersen Morales Tovilla, the
Visiting Agrarian Lawyer in Ocosingo.