Ginster pieman/Nottingham Uni bid for William Sharp city Academy
Education Worker | 25.02.2007 22:38 | Education | Health | Social Struggles
The East Midlands meat pie industry has helped many a student through their degree with part-time work at Pork Farms. Now 'Nottingham businessman' Andrew Samworth will link up with Nottingham University to run William Sharp school in Bilbourough. The business? None other than Samworth Brothers, prior owners of Pork Farms (now sold to Northern Foods) and continuing owner/suppliers of fine cooked meat pie brands such as Ginsters.
What a fine way to start the Chinese 'year of the Pig'!
The plan for a University/Samworth linkup was announced in July 2006 but now a tasty new video has just been produced to sell the idea to university staff and parents alike.
The University of Nottingham, ever keen to show off it's community sucking credentials, cannot contain itself with the possibility of resurrecting a 'failing' school. Plus co-bidder David Samworth already has his finger in one City Academy pie in alliance with the Diocese of Leicester and clearly has eyes on a bigger slice.
University big-wigs like Di Birch, and experts from the School of Education and the Medical School no less, talk of a new environment where learning, health are at last available to a deprived area of Notttingham.
We eagerly await the headlines:
"Nottingham University boffins show improved brainpower thanks to food that children like to eat!"
Will this be omega-3 enhanced Ginsters served at morning break? No more worries about compliance in this clinical trial - it will be compulsory, and good for you! And the sample size will surely be big enough to convince the most hardened of university statistics experts.
With their successes in supplying a local school with delicious veggie food, it's surely time for Veggies to put in a counter bid!
Watch the Academies video:
Read the press release:
Eat the pie:
The plan for a University/Samworth linkup was announced in July 2006 but now a tasty new video has just been produced to sell the idea to university staff and parents alike.
The University of Nottingham, ever keen to show off it's community sucking credentials, cannot contain itself with the possibility of resurrecting a 'failing' school. Plus co-bidder David Samworth already has his finger in one City Academy pie in alliance with the Diocese of Leicester and clearly has eyes on a bigger slice.
University big-wigs like Di Birch, and experts from the School of Education and the Medical School no less, talk of a new environment where learning, health are at last available to a deprived area of Notttingham.
We eagerly await the headlines:
"Nottingham University boffins show improved brainpower thanks to food that children like to eat!"
Will this be omega-3 enhanced Ginsters served at morning break? No more worries about compliance in this clinical trial - it will be compulsory, and good for you! And the sample size will surely be big enough to convince the most hardened of university statistics experts.
With their successes in supplying a local school with delicious veggie food, it's surely time for Veggies to put in a counter bid!
Watch the Academies video:

Read the press release:

Eat the pie:

Education Worker
It's David Samworth, not Andrew
26.02.2007 01:11
It's correct in main text, but not in intro.
Another city academy bid for combined River Leen and Henry Mellish schools
27.02.2007 13:34
Info about another City Academy bid from last June. Did this one come to anything?
7th June 2006
Enterprise academy to be founded through amalgamation of two schools
Edge, the educational foundation, and Nottingham City Council announced today that a formal Expression of Interest to sponsor a new city academy in Bulwell, Nottingham, has been submitted by Edge.
The new city academy
A type of school. will be formed from the amalgamation of the River Leen and Henry Mellish schools [...]. Both Henry Mellish and River Leen schools are now developing work focused on ‘enterprise’ and this will continue as an academy specialism, with business a core focus. It is intended that the academy will develop students that leave as self-starters, who are highly motivated and already equipped with many of the skills they will need for successful working lives.
7th June 2006
Enterprise academy to be founded through amalgamation of two schools

Edge, the educational foundation, and Nottingham City Council announced today that a formal Expression of Interest to sponsor a new city academy in Bulwell, Nottingham, has been submitted by Edge.
The new city academy
A type of school. will be formed from the amalgamation of the River Leen and Henry Mellish schools [...]. Both Henry Mellish and River Leen schools are now developing work focused on ‘enterprise’ and this will continue as an academy specialism, with business a core focus. It is intended that the academy will develop students that leave as self-starters, who are highly motivated and already equipped with many of the skills they will need for successful working lives.
The other Nottingham one is called Bulwell Academy
27.02.2007 14:07
The River Leen/Henry Mellish city academy project is going ahead as 'Bulwell Academy' with the involvement of Appleyards Consulting who are working as project managers for private sponsor Edge and Nottingham City Council. See
Appleyards have previously been involved with lucrative Private Finance Initiative hospital bids. Hospital PFI was mentioned on a Channel 4 'Dispatches' TV program about 'NHS - where did the money go?' last night. It told us that the total money borrowed by private organisations to build PFI hospitals has been around 8 billion pounds. The public purse will then pay back an estimated 53 billion pounds in rent etc. over the 30 year PFI contract period! This will earn the private sector a pretty penny, and at the same time the Treasury will aim to convince us that is has kept public borrowing down in the short term (since government has avoided borrowing the 8 billion directly). Oh the wonders of PFI!

Appleyards have previously been involved with lucrative Private Finance Initiative hospital bids. Hospital PFI was mentioned on a Channel 4 'Dispatches' TV program about 'NHS - where did the money go?' last night. It told us that the total money borrowed by private organisations to build PFI hospitals has been around 8 billion pounds. The public purse will then pay back an estimated 53 billion pounds in rent etc. over the 30 year PFI contract period! This will earn the private sector a pretty penny, and at the same time the Treasury will aim to convince us that is has kept public borrowing down in the short term (since government has avoided borrowing the 8 billion directly). Oh the wonders of PFI!
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