UK Newswire Archive
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Israeli Export Company Refuses to prosecute blockaders for the Second Time
26-11-2006 19:35
The blockaders braved torrential rain for nearly six hours completely stopping all deliveries to and from the depot. A structure was erects from metal fence panels completely blocking Agrexco’s main gate. Two activists locked-on to the company’s vehicle access gate, inside the company grounds while another two secured the second gate.Carmel-Agrexco in Hayes is the main UK depot of Israel’s 50% state owned export company. Agrexco is responsible for exporting the majority of fruit and veg from illegal settlements in the West Bank to the UK. The UK is a large part of the market for settlement produce making up 60% of Agrexco’s total exports.
OAXACA: Police attack Nov 25th
26-11-2006 15:25
Offensive by the Federal Preventive Police Against the People of OaxacaConfrontation Continues Between the Police and the APPO in Different Parts of the City
54 Mile March for Justice
26-11-2006 15:05
Appeal to join march in December from Brighton to London for Brighton Resident Omar Deghayes - currently in Guantanamo Bay. This is all provisional at the moment but we are urgently looking for volunteers prepared to join Glenn for the whole march.Michael Moore Statement on Iraq
26-11-2006 14:49
Michael Moore makes a powerful comment and a call for forgiveness on IraqOaxaca 25 Nov: heavy police attack
26-11-2006 13:58
This is a short resume of the events during november 25th in Oaxaca.dead, wounded, dissapeared, tortured people
In the Pipeline
26-11-2006 13:09
pipeline protests respect wishes of landowner , to protect her from bullying police and national grid officials....Hezbollah versus the CIA’s Cedar Revolution
26-11-2006 12:14
"As the engineered sectarian melt-down in Lebanon crawls forward, it is interesting to read the neocon columnists as they bewail the erosion of the “Cedar Revolution,” that is to say the neocon-neolib subversion of Lebanese politics.""But what of this so-called Cedar Revolution? Is it purely a Lebanese political phenomenon, having risen out of the anger and opposition to the presence of Syria in the country?"
deacon dave assaulted by settler
26-11-2006 11:20
18 Nov 06 Hebron DayAt 11.30 three of us went to the olive groves to protect the Palestinian
families living in isolated homes among the olive trees.
Two settlers came towards us from the Seyaj House yelling abuse at us “Fuck
Jesus. We killed Jesus and we’ll kill you too ! “ We began filming and kept
ourselves between them and the Palestinian homes. They tried to enter Hani’s
house where we knew there was a number of small children and two women. We
refused to let them up the path and they headed off up into the Abu Haikal
olive orchard. We contacted other Human Rights Workers (HRW’s) to make sure
that there were people at the Abu Haikal house in case they made their way
Buy Nothing Day: Report
26-11-2006 11:12

Close Down Campsfield Annual Demonstration 25th November 2006
26-11-2006 09:33

Pictures: N25 Oaxaca Burns Again, Down with URO and the PFP
26-11-2006 09:00

Oaxaca 25 Nov: rebellion and repression. short resume
26-11-2006 08:19

|Offensive of the Federal Preventative Police against the people of Oaxaca |
26-11-2006 07:57
Confrontation between the police and the APPO in different parts of the city.A large number of people are reported detained in various parts of the city.
Two deaths are the result of the confrontation. (as of 9:33)
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Israeli Company Blockaded This Morning for the Third Time
26-11-2006 06:41

Company Carmel Agrexco’s UK headquarters.
Ehud Olmert's flatulence (by Latuff)
26-11-2006 05:52

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26-11-2006 00:04

This is a repost from here:

And more audio from the londonsoundposse can be found here:

Sheffield: Protest against Peugeot sacking 2300 workers
25-11-2006 23:52

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9/11 hero's short British tour
25-11-2006 22:59
The hero of 9/11, William Rodriguez, longtime janitor of WTC, who pulled 15 people out of the WTC on 9/11, and was the last person to leave the WTC before collapse, and who has gone on to promote the 9/11 Truth movement worldwide, is doing a short speaking tour of England this coming weekLondon, Devon, Yorkshire
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Bath Buy Nothing Day
25-11-2006 22:54
Bath activists took to the streets on friday to celebrate 'buy nothing day'