UK Newswire Archive
US pulls the plug on Muslim websites September 10, 2001
17-07-2005 17:20
Islamic groups have condemned a government crackdown on a Texan telecoms company as part of a "witch-hunt", writes Brian WhitakerMonday September 10, 2001
The small Faslane "On the Water" blockade
17-07-2005 16:31

"Make Borders History" - Noborder Tour of Glasgow, 3rd of July
17-07-2005 14:31

More pictures of G8 Faslane Big Blockade from 4th of July
17-07-2005 13:55

MP John Hemming and the Phoenix Vulture Consortium
17-07-2005 13:50

Pictures of the "Big Successfull Blockade" of Faslane Nuclear Base, at G8 2005
17-07-2005 12:56

They closed down the Faslane Submarine Base near Helensburgh, north of Glasgow for a day - with hardly any arrests and a holiday for the workers.
On a sunny day, the victory of Non Violent Direct Action came at last for the campaigners.
56a Infoshop Social Center, London: new website!
17-07-2005 11:59
The 56a Infoshop, longstanding social centre in South London, has finally relaunched its website enabling all and sundry to now know what goes on here...A view on the London bombings
17-07-2005 11:50

British bombs and the 'Zero option'. - take 2
17-07-2005 10:21
During the ten years I worked in the Middle east too, I often heard people speak about the 'Zero option': Palestinians and others that sometimes were trained in - what they thought were 'Jihad camps' - and got hand grenades or bombs with timers to execute attacks. They wrongly thought they needed return tickets too.B.C. First Nation Burial Site Desecrated; Developer Awarded
17-07-2005 01:14 r00ted?
16-07-2005 22:25

Greens urge Council to endorse UN City Peace Message
16-07-2005 19:01
Deputy Convenor of the Green Councillors on Brighton and Hove City Council Bill Randall is urging the Council to endorse the 'Brighton & Hove Peace Message' launched by the local branch of the UN Peace Messenger a very safe G8 - Scotland 2005
16-07-2005 18:24
"Applause for the Brittish Police forces"I invite you to smile the pain away by taking a look at this video ;-)
Glasgow 8 July Protest
16-07-2005 17:02

Strathclyde Police Slumber Party
16-07-2005 16:48
[Disclaimer: I have tried to make light of last week's experience in Strathclyde Police cells but this in no way reflects the serious torment I, and my fellow G8 protestor detainees experienced. I wrote the following as my clown whilst actually in the cells and the act of writing was therapeutic for me during an intensely dehumanising experience.]On the weekend of July 8th through July 11th, I was a very lucky clown as I was invited to the Strathclyde Police Slumber Party!
Protest outside BBC AGM - Tuesday 19th July
16-07-2005 15:22
This Tuesday (19th July) 7pm, at the BBC Television Centre the Board of Governors are going to be holding their AGM
John Pilger's - Breaking the Silence video - how "bombings" started!
16-07-2005 12:27
In case we forget how bombings started.Labour MP's speak out / Not hate, vengeance / Tell Sid - from FIGHT BACK today.
16-07-2005 11:41
Today’s news articles in the FIGHT BACK Blog.Saturday 16th July 2005
Protests to free Mehmet Tarhan (photo)
16-07-2005 10:24

Mehmet Tarhan: protests in London, NY, Venice
16-07-2005 10:19
Report on protests in support of Mehmet Tarhan, Gay Turkish conscientious objector on the day of his trial.