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"Make Borders History" - Noborder Tour of Glasgow, 3rd of July

ab | 17.07.2005 14:31 | G8 2005 | Anti-racism | Free Spaces | Globalisation | Repression

Noborder tour of Glasgow on Sunday 3rd of July 2005 in the run up to the G8 in Scotland. Mobilisation via the "Make Borders History" website including Noone is Illegal, Campaign to Welcome Refugees and others.

Audio 1.8 MB - mp3 1.8M

Audio - mp3 3.8M

Audio Explanation about the link of Imigration, War and Army Recruitment in the UK. - mp3 3.2M

Audio Visit of the British Airways Shop in Glasgow, boarded up and talk about flight c - mp3 1.6M

Audio erco - private firm running public services for the government. Runs Dungavel. - mp3 2.7M

British Aerospace boarded up
British Aerospace boarded up

Army Recruitment Office
Army Recruitment Office

Army Recruitment Office
Army Recruitment Office

demo ended at Cre8 Garden
demo ended at Cre8 Garden

Dungavel protester
Dungavel protester

Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army
Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army

Trollyd Soundsystem from Sheffield
Trollyd Soundsystem from Sheffield

Serco building
Serco building

A successfull protest was held by splitting up into several groups who toured around Glasgow as a "sightseeing tour of Glasgow's human rights abusers". At the end, the groups gathered together to demonstrate via the ciy centre and walk to the Create Summit Garden in Glasgows Southside. More information under: or: Make Borders History



Display the following 5 comments

  1. Make Borders History — Hmm
  2. Scottish Borders nervously policed — pig shit thick
  3. Hmm Again — Only Me
  4. Borders — anon
  5. Note on Captions — glasgow geek