Greens urge Council to endorse UN City Peace Message
Green Graham | 16.07.2005 19:01 | South Coast
Deputy Convenor of the Green Councillors on Brighton and Hove City Council Bill Randall is urging the Council to endorse the 'Brighton & Hove Peace Message' launched by the local branch of the UN Peace Messenger Association.
Deputy Convenor of the Green Councillors on Brighton and Hove City Council Bill Randall is urging the Council to endorse the 'Brighton & Hove Peace Message' launched by the local branch of the UN Peace Messenger Association.
The message is a response to the increasing tension over the manufacture of aircraft bomb release mechanisms and other military hardware by the Moulescoomb-based company EDO/MBM, which is US owned.
"The equipment made in Brighton has been used in military actions world-wide, including Iraq, where the death toll following the conflict is estimated as 100,000" said Cllr Randall.
"I want to see our city known internationally for its tolerance, diversity, its culture and warmth of welcome - not as a manufacturer of death and destruction.
'This immoral and grubby trade has no place whatsoever in a Peace Messenger City. I call on all my fellow councillors to join me in adding the city's name to the Brighton & Hove Peace Message".
The motion is being seconded by Cllr Brian Fitch (Labour) who is the General Secretary of the UN Peace Messenger Association.
The message is a response to the increasing tension over the manufacture of aircraft bomb release mechanisms and other military hardware by the Moulescoomb-based company EDO/MBM, which is US owned.
"The equipment made in Brighton has been used in military actions world-wide, including Iraq, where the death toll following the conflict is estimated as 100,000" said Cllr Randall.
"I want to see our city known internationally for its tolerance, diversity, its culture and warmth of welcome - not as a manufacturer of death and destruction.
'This immoral and grubby trade has no place whatsoever in a Peace Messenger City. I call on all my fellow councillors to join me in adding the city's name to the Brighton & Hove Peace Message".
The motion is being seconded by Cllr Brian Fitch (Labour) who is the General Secretary of the UN Peace Messenger Association.

Green Graham
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