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Greens urge Council to endorse UN City Peace Message

Green Graham | 16.07.2005 19:01 | South Coast

Deputy Convenor of the Green Councillors on Brighton and Hove City Council Bill Randall is urging the Council to endorse the 'Brighton & Hove Peace Message' launched by the local branch of the UN Peace Messenger Association.

Deputy Convenor of the Green Councillors on Brighton and Hove City Council Bill Randall is urging the Council to endorse the 'Brighton & Hove Peace Message' launched by the local branch of the UN Peace Messenger Association.

The message is a response to the increasing tension over the manufacture of aircraft bomb release mechanisms and other military hardware by the Moulescoomb-based company EDO/MBM, which is US owned.

"The equipment made in Brighton has been used in military actions world-wide, including Iraq, where the death toll following the conflict is estimated as 100,000" said Cllr Randall.

"I want to see our city known internationally for its tolerance, diversity, its culture and warmth of welcome - not as a manufacturer of death and destruction.

'This immoral and grubby trade has no place whatsoever in a Peace Messenger City. I call on all my fellow councillors to join me in adding the city's name to the Brighton & Hove Peace Message".

The motion is being seconded by Cllr Brian Fitch (Labour) who is the General Secretary of the UN Peace Messenger Association.

Green Graham


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Are there ever protests at the site?

17.07.2005 01:37

I lived at Moulescoomb for a short while and I had no idea that that place existed, the thought that I was so near to a place that built weapons of mass destruction fills me with indescribable hate, as it does many others, I'm sure! There should be protests there, though I imagine there probably already are. It would be interesting if such things as bomb release mechanisms didn't exist. Would be more difficult for our armies if the planes always had to land, roll out their bombs on wheels and then fly away before they could detonate them. And wouldn't it be fittingly ironic if the place was blown up by a plane with one of its own mechanisms.


lots of protests ...

17.07.2005 07:38

- Homepage:

Hatred of Hatred

17.07.2005 09:38

Hatred is an emotion that allows people to spend there working lives making parts for bombs and allows paid security guards to attack a protester leaving a demonstration and then lie to get him convicted. We can leave these emotions to them. People who stand and protest against these things reject hate and try to promote understanding although sometimes it seems a difficult task.

Being consumed with hatred is a waste of energy.

N.E. Protester

Jaya's bail hearing

18.07.2005 10:15

Let's not stoop to their level but instead channel our rage and frustration into supporting those targetted by EDO/MBM and continuing the good work to shut the warmongers down.
Jaya can be supported outside Lewes Crown Court on Wednesday at 10am when he has a bail hearing.
We can help shut EDO down at a Jaya support demo outside EDO this Wednesday from 4-6.

Peace not hate