UK Newswire Archive
Baghdad - Life moves on....just.
18-03-2004 17:35

Blunkett loses anti-terror appeal
18-03-2004 17:19
Britain's most senior judge has ruled Home Secretary David Blunkett must release a Libyan man detained by police under anti-terror laws.Lord Chief Justice Woolf upheld a previous ruling that the man's 15-month detention at Belmarsh prison in south-east London is unjustified.
The Special Immigration Appeals Commission refused Mr Blunkett the right to appeal against the decision.
Anti-capitalist bloc on March 20th demo - Meet up point
18-03-2004 17:00
Anti-capitalist bloc on March 20th demo - Meet up pointKLA in kosovo = Gladio? by cw
18-03-2004 16:41
kosovo KLA = more gladio secret armies of the CIA and NATOIraqis Find Unity in Militia
18-03-2004 16:40
WASHINGTON ( -- Iraqi Shias, Sunnis and even Kurds have reportedly allied to form an armed vigilante militia aimed at overcoming the shortcomings of Coalition forces and Iraqi police.ACT TODAY! We need your help to REACH for a toxics-free future!
18-03-2004 15:55
Please tell your MEPs that you want hazardous chemicals to be substituted andreplaced with safer alternatives and that you want a right to know what
chemicals are in products you buy.
Tactics For M20 Actions
18-03-2004 15:52
I originally wrote this for the WEF/G8 protests in 2002, but these are just as relevant today. If you have others, I'd love to hear them.Inside Caterpillar Defence HQ, Lancaster Rd, Shrewsbury
18-03-2004 14:24

Thirtieth Anniversary of the Chipko Movement
18-03-2004 14:12
Send greetings to Reni village as they commemorate thedirect action that saved their community forests and
inspired a generation of women to struggle for forest rights
in the Indian Himalayas
Stop Canada's Seal Hunt
18-03-2004 14:08
The Canadian government has already announced plans to kill nearly ONE MILLION seal pups in the next three years despite evidence of widespread cruelty and grave threats to the population. This is the largest slaughter of marine mammals in the world, and it will not end unless caring people like you take action now!"No port or airport for gaza palestinians" - Israeli Defence minister
18-03-2004 13:10
Defence Minister Mofaz argues his case.Also, when Israel leaves Gaza, it seems the Palestinians may have to PAY for the empty settlements. After tens of thousands of their own homes have been demolished with no compensation !
blackwwod update and strategies
18-03-2004 12:54
overviewDespite wobbly interludes over the week, looks like the bailiffs are respecting the fact that the camp has an appeal in the legal system, though if numbers get below a certain critical mass they might just steam in, so in that constant amber alert state. But right from the start this camp has been about STOPPING WORK not “just” camp defences, so imminent (illegal) eviction or not, we need ya!!!
Update on Ramallah armed bank robbery by Israelis
18-03-2004 12:39
Latest developmentsCODEPINK meet-up points for March 20th
18-03-2004 12:29
This is just a quick reminder about the 'CODEPINK clean-up' at the London demo on March 20th.Former Texas Mayor Compared to Alt Miss Ireland
18-03-2004 12:00
Candy Sheehan, the former GOP mayor of Coppell, Texas, was compared to former Miss Alternative Ireland (1997) , Shirely Temple Bar, yesterday in Dublin on live, national television (RTE 1)Four Britons released from Guantanamou Bay had terrorist connections
18-03-2004 09:57
Four Guantanamo Bay prisoners freed in Britain toted AK-47 rifles in the ranks of al-Qaeda or the Taliban, America claimed last night. All four were steeped in the guerilla tactics of Osama Bin Laden — and ready to take on Allied troops.An end to pig misery as Scotpigs goes into liquidation
18-03-2004 09:31
Scotpigs Limited, one of Scotland's major pig-meat suppliers, will finally stop its trade in animal misery.TERRORISMO GLOBAL Y LOCAL-“DIEZ HORAS CON LA GLOBALIZACIÓN” (google)
18-03-2004 09:29
Capítulo actualizado del libro “Diez horas con la Globalización”(google)(Editado por Netbiblo en 2.001Oscar Sánchez Fernández de la Vega (google)-Autor del libro “Diez Horas con la globalización”(google,, amazon, foro-los retos de la globalización,, netbiblo, yahoo...)
Solidarity Action in Buenos Aires for the accused people from Geneva (part 2)
18-03-2004 04:06