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UK Newswire Archive

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The other US POW photos

09-11-2002 17:54

The other US POW photos
The other three photos as mentioned in previous post (article 1)

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500 years of American civilization

09-11-2002 17:50

500 years of American civilization
Here the adress of the four pictures on which people can see how American soldiers treat their prisoners.

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U.S. POWs photos

09-11-2002 17:38

U.S. POWs photos
these fotos were mentioned in a previous post - the Pentagon are trying to find out who leaked them and how
pics of prisoners being transported to Cuba

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Readmisión estudiantes expulsados. Sevilla (España)

09-11-2002 17:24

El Consejo de Alumnos de la Universidad de Sevilla pide la readmisión de los estudiantes expedientados durante las movilizaciones contra la privatización de la educación del año pasado

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Major scandal brewing in US, global implications

09-11-2002 17:09

This could be the Watergate of the 21st century

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Have A Last Stroke & Die (Nov.5, 2002 version)

09-11-2002 16:24

Cheney is a terrorist liar. He’s about to unleash the next 911.

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1 million in anti-war demo florence

09-11-2002 16:02

Latest reports estimate 1 million demonstrators at Anti-war demo in Florence

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Radical video festival in Wales

09-11-2002 15:53

Over a hundred and a fifty people are expected to view documentaries from around the world in Swansea’s third annual environmental and social justice video festival.

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Free Computers - Central London - Please Take!

09-11-2002 15:48

A lawyer's office in Lincoln Field's Inn has thrown out a whole dumpster full of computers....

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Political Asylum for the Refugees Zahir Athari, Afghan, and Bahoz Bora, Kurdish

09-11-2002 15:16

Zahir Athari and Bahoz Bora, both refugees politically active in their countries of origin and in Greece, have taken negative answer to their applications for political asylum in Greece and are now in the procedure of appeal against the negative answer. Their lives is in danger in case of a second rejection and consequent deportation.

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ANARCHISTS!!!!!!! - Free on the 24th?

09-11-2002 14:47

On the 24th November would people be interested in going to a anti-capitalist demo.

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2.30 pm Florence update

09-11-2002 14:29

Latest update Anti-war demo in Florence

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Florence updates

09-11-2002 14:01

Florence updates

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Creation of a forum for Direct Action - revival Of DAAWN!

09-11-2002 13:56

Creation of a forum for Direct Action - revival Of DAAWN!

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13.00 Report demo Florence

09-11-2002 13:13

First report of 300.000 people at Anti-war demo in Florence

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ITV news - McDonald's scales down

09-11-2002 13:08

The worldwide job cuts, including approximately 250 in the United States, mark the company's third major round of layoffs in five years

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Video streaming from Anti-War demo Florence

09-11-2002 12:51

Video streaming from Anti-war demonstration in Florence, Saturday 9 / 11

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Florence is packed out already 13:00 hrs

09-11-2002 12:40

I called someone in the centre of Florence at one o'clock
two hours before the start of the march against the War with Iraq, they told me that half the route was already full the organisers are worried that there will be TOO MANY people !!
and there will be no where to march to as the route will be full !!

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ESF: Demonstration in Florence

09-11-2002 12:39

ESF: Demonstration in Florence
2 hours before the official start of the demonstration of the European Social Forum, streets are already crowded. There may be 100,000 people on the streets, probably more, it's impossible to guess. HUB TV streams live (check Indymedia Italy) (article 1)

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09-11-2002 12:37

Former U.S. Marine Renounces U.S. citizenship – Burns U.S. Passport
This INTERNATIONAL NOTICE is a powerful tool in exercising the basic human right of Self Determination. It tells the story of a former U.S. Marine who formally renounced U.S. Citizenship and who has denounced the United States as "the greatest terrorist of the 20th and 21st Centuries and the number one threat to safety and security for all people of the world."
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