UK Newswire Archive
manchester no sweat campaign meeting on monday
06-09-2002 13:08
This meeting is the first in a series intended to combine organising our work with discussion of issues relevant to the anti-sweatshop movement. We will be deciding on the focus for campaigning over the next few months - all ideas welcome! - and setting up a working group through which you can get involved in planning and organising No Sweat activities.Manchester Friends' Meeting House:mount st.,behind the central reference library,monday 9th sept, 7.30pm
come with us to the ESF in florence
06-09-2002 13:04
We (No Sweat) are running a cheapish coach from London to the EUropean Social Forum in Florence in November, handy if you wanna go but cannot afford the cost of the train or plane fare, but might be able to scrape enough together / or can get sponsorship (e.g. from a trade union branch) to come by coachMany new American wars ahead
06-09-2002 10:47
Pentagon is preparing military interventions over much of Asia and Africa. That certainly looks like a campaign of global conquest: Europe should declare war on the United States to prevent that.Brisbane Mayor launches anti-war website..!! LETS SHOW SUPPORT !!
06-09-2002 09:32

Way to GO !!… Brisbane Lord Mayor Jim Soorley is so angry at the prospect of Australia taking part in a US war against Iraq he has launched his own website.
Labour running scared of upset in Hackney mayoral election
06-09-2002 09:05
Labour’s spin-doctors are clearly in a panic that they could be in for a big upset in October’s mayoral election in the London Borough of Hackney.Unique Features of Islam
06-09-2002 07:56
The name for the religion of Islam is much more than just a name because it expresses a deep spiritual meaning as well as an overall outlook on life and concept of worship. The word "Islam" is an Arabic word which means "complete submission to the will of Almighty God"Anti-Capitalism at the crossroads
06-09-2002 07:52
anti-cap in britain has divided into 3 groups,
1)People who want build a respectable mass movment relying on support from the labour movment
2) Those who reject this kind of policy as selling out the creativity and direct nature of anti-capitalism and wont work with anyone they suspect of this or anything else they don't like.
3) the rest of us
Federal Elections in Germany (background)
06-09-2002 07:10
Social democracy coalition in Germany may be replaced by right wing conservative Stoiber's Union party (CDU, CSU). The basic reason for the loss in the polls is a scandal which caused German Chancellor Schroeder to drop defense minister Sparping. Some Linux activists have collected some hard facts about the role of lobby firm Hunzinger and Microsoft Germany.Freedom fighters attack- 4 dead occupiers
06-09-2002 04:37

GAZA (9-5-2002) Zionist media reported that several Zionist were killed near the Maghazi refugee camp in central Gaza when a tank rolled over an explosive device and was engulfed in flames they burn to death in a hellish inferno 4 more Zionists were burnt crispy but lived.
Sharon in 9/11 War Provocation?
05-09-2002 21:43
Among senior intelligence analysts in the United States, the Arab world, and Israel, the fear is growing that Ariel Sharon is about to covertly launch a Sept. 11-type terrorist attack targetting the United States—in order to drag President Bush into war against Iraq.SCOTS GAELS DEMONSTRATE FOR LANGUAGE RIGHTS
05-09-2002 21:16
In the first demonstration of its kind in over a decade, more 100 supporters of Scottish Gaelic demonstrated outside the Scottish Parliament yesterday.BBC gives Land Snatchers march more publicity
05-09-2002 20:20
This Monday Radio 4's Today programme gave an extended platform for a Countryside Alliance representative whose function was to publicise the march. None of the numerous criticisms of the group were raised and you could almost hear the presenter tugging his forelock.Solidarity Appeal: Canadian Union Activist Fired!
05-09-2002 18:28
Reinstate Mike Palecek!Theft and the Community
05-09-2002 17:22
Steve O'Donell makes a break with thousands of pounds worth of stolen goods from London Squats!!Trivialize of the Nazism on Indy Belgium and France
05-09-2002 16:08
Defends the Palestine, attacks the Sharon government, the methods of the army is an things. That this was an occasion for the racists and the anti-semites to express themself under the cover of a pro-Palestinian label is another things.DOCILE Surveillance
05-09-2002 14:52
A loophole in the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 that enables a completely new and quite bizarre type of human rights abuse to escape the statutory regulation that the public is misled into believing nowadays applies to all government invasions of privacy.Britain 'leads way' in eroding privacy
05-09-2002 13:58
INDIVIDUAL privacy is being eroded in Britain to a far greater extent than in other developed countries, according to an international study of state surveillance in the year since September 11.Socialist causes a panic for Blair
05-09-2002 13:18
PAUL FOOT, the Socialist Alliance candidate for the mayor of Hackney in east London, is frightening New Labour.Israel-bashing French ambassador to UK reassigned to Algeria
05-09-2002 13:09
Israel-bashing French ambassador to UK reassigned to AlgeriaEMBASSIES INDIA AND INDONESIA OCCUPIED
05-09-2002 10:50
This afternoon, radical activists of EarthFirst!/GroenFront! have peacefully occupied both the Indonesian and Indian embassies in The Hague, The Netherlands. They declare their solidarity with the Papuan freedom movements, and the Save Narmada river movement in middle-India. Both are in struggle as they oppose destruction of the earth and their livelyhood and face state repression.