UK Newswire Archive
National strike, pictures and report
17-07-2002 17:23

A collective idea for the UK?
17-07-2002 16:48
What? A collective idea, a thought that we could all co-operate non-hierarchically within the direct action movement in the UK.When? Now! From this point forwards: with people's help, we could have the project underway by the Anarchist Bookfair in October.
How? Initially by using a web portal to unite groups from the UK anti-capitalist movement who want to work non-hierarchically through direct action. And then....
Who? Anyone and everyone who agrees with the aims...
Don't Finance Fascism!
17-07-2002 16:33
As posted earlier here at Indymedia U.K.(see link), the U.S. has now degenerated to the level of spying on its own citizens.BBC = The regime denies creating civilian spies
17-07-2002 15:29
The American Civil Liberties Union is horrified. It says the gas man will become a government-sanctioned peeping tom and that the programme will encourage vigilantism and racism.The UK needs more local IMCs
17-07-2002 15:07
There is only one IMC that reflects the issues of a local community at the monent, (Bristol), albeit a very good one. This country's locals area need a voice, and a local IMC would provide just that.Support for the man who beheaded 'Thatcher'
17-07-2002 15:05
Please sign a petition calling for clemency for Paul Kelleher, the man who decapitated the Thatcher statue.Viva Anarchy in Belgium
17-07-2002 14:43
Itis time the government of Belgium weak up!Afghanistan:The Mass Murder Continues
17-07-2002 14:36
"First they bombed the womenfolk, killing them like animals. Then they stormed into the houses and tied the hands of men and women,"Surprise surprise : GM genes digested !
17-07-2002 12:52
"Industry, science and government advisers have always played down the risk of this happening and here, at the very first attempt by scientists to look for it, they find it," said Adrian Bebb, GM foods campaigner.Genoa: The most bloody and brutal G8 summit ever, One year on.
17-07-2002 12:48
It is expected by the mother of Carlo that over 40,000 people will converge on Genoa for the memorial rally for Carlo Giuliani on July 20th 2002....War Isnt So Bad After All
17-07-2002 12:32
The Imperial War Museum North, part of the Labour Regeneration program in Salford (Manchester), with a high-profile award winning architect, proclaims WAR SHAPES LIVES.Between deceit and confusion
17-07-2002 12:15
In a few days, the media echoed the dramatic change of atmosphere in the Palestinian political spectrum. Never before the speech of Mr. Bush (June 24) did we see such an upheaval in the attitudes and the positions of some people who were, so far, considered close to the PA, if not to Arafat himself. And though there have always been some internal dissensions, it has seldom taken the abrupt aspect it is taking today.
Grossman, US-EU and financial scandals
17-07-2002 12:09
Today in Global Observer
Liverpool City of Vultures!
17-07-2002 10:52
Much has been going on in Liverpool over the last three years, especially pertaining to the issue of regeneration. The following document will give the reader some idea of the way in which a Monty Python type world of regeneration has been allowed to evolve unchallenged on Merseyside for many years.biggest women strike in history begins today
17-07-2002 10:31
biggest women strike in history begins today as public sector wokers take action.ABOUT THE CAR BOMB EXPLODED NEAR HELSINKI SYNAGOGUE [WORK DRAFT]
17-07-2002 09:28
Background information of the Finnish Society and 'an emergency back-up update' to understand why things do go wrong.YOUTH CULTURE
17-07-2002 03:01
A Text on inner city youth culture in the year 2002.'Sleep Well' for homeless in Rio de Janeiro (by Latuff)
16-07-2002 22:39

Wedding of UN and big business
16-07-2002 17:26