UK Newswire Archive
Drone Waddington NVDA
27-03-2014 10:46

4 miles south of Lincoln on the A 607
Midday -- 3pm
RAF Waddington Sunday 21st September - Drone Peace Picnic
27-03-2014 10:27

26-03-2014 14:22

Billboard modifications subvert HMRC propaganda & Starbucks etc
26-03-2014 13:15

The need for United Front in the Filipino People’s Democratic Revolution
26-03-2014 04:41

NATO's Rape of Yugoslavia
25-03-2014 23:17
March 24, 1999 will go down in history as a day of infamy. US-led NATO raped Yugoslavia. Doing so was its second major combat operation. It was lawless aggression. No Security Council resolution authorized it. NATO's Operation Allied Force lasted 78 days. Washington called it Operation Noble Anvil. Evil best describes it. On June 10, operations ended. From March 1991 through mid-June 1999, Balkan wars raged. Yugoslavia "balkanized" into seven countries. They include Serbia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Macedonia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia and Slovenia.Demonstration in support of West Papuan prisoners - London 2nd April
25-03-2014 21:44
Please help to make the voices of the many political prisoners in West Papua heard by attending this demonstration and representing one of the political prisoners currently incarcerated.Calais: Defend the Squats, Defend Ourselves, Defend the 62
24-03-2014 20:19
On April 13 the groups “Jeunesse Identitaire” and “Sauvons Calais", as well as local fascists and known Neo Nazis from further afield are holding a demonstration at 14:30 on la Place d’Armes, a central square in Calais.....we are calling for international support and solidarity to aid us in our defense of the city and the protection of all its inhabitants
From Here On In #4 out now!
24-03-2014 18:58

Resisting Together - Edinburgh, 29th March
23-03-2014 13:51

“Fracked Future Carnival” at London Shale Gas Forum on Wednesday
22-03-2014 16:59

Poetry Slam Against Borders - London, 27th March
22-03-2014 14:15

Street Drinkers Hangout, 8pm Friday 27th March
Call 07583640282 closer to the date for exact location.
Student Protests Totally Vindicated - Tuition Fees Betrayal is Sham **Official**
22-03-2014 08:26

TO-DAY Green Light Festival Leicester
22-03-2014 07:32
To-day is green for GO!!!Saturday 22nd March 2014.The Great Yorkshire Vegan Festival
21-03-2014 18:39
The Great Yorkshire Vegan Festival will be the first major vegan festival ever to be held in Yorkshire with over 100 stalls and will attract thousands of people from all over the UK! The festival will take place in The Queens Hotel the heart of Leeds city centre on Saturday 10th May 2014 from 10am - 6pm.Theatre for Change
21-03-2014 15:37
A article about two of the projects of Leith-based drama group Active Inquiry. The 'Resilience' project refers to the challenges faced by community groups in the economic crisis and "Flashback' to a consideration of the meaning of independence.Overview of Dutch Nuke Summit - 23-25 March 2014
21-03-2014 13:14
In a few days, the biggest summit ever held in the Netherlands will commence with both governments and the nuclear industry converging in Amsterdam and The Hague between 23 and 25 March 2014 (next Sunday to Tuesday). So far there are 4 demonstrations planned with diverse degrees of confrontation.Road Blockade Save Britain's Children From Abuse
21-03-2014 12:58

Parents Carers Grandparents. British Muslim Polish French Jews Christian
Children being stolen then abused.
Inverness to Plymouth Glasgow to Swansea and Aberdeen to London.
Peace campers board nuclear submarine at Faslane, arrested
21-03-2014 12:01
Two campaigners from Faslane Peace Camp were arrested on Wednesday morning aboard the Royal Navy submarine HMS Ambush at its berth in Faslane.