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Video of Blockaded: Birmingham Council House cuts meeting

28-02-2013 22:23

The richest are taking huge tax breaks while we are hit by £101million of cuts to public services, facing the bedroom tax, our schools are being turned into academies, waste collection is drying up, and youth and social services are being closed.

On Tuesday Birmingham Councillors met to vote through the cuts for this year, without any mandate. They went against Birmingham's millions to serve Birmingham's millionaires, but the people of Birmingham weren't going to let them get away with it...

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EUAS events in the week from 4 to 10 March 2013

28-02-2013 20:55

Reading Group on Tuesday, Benjamin Franks Lecture on Wednesday & Monthly Planning Meeting on Thursday

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Welcome to the EXTINCTION ECO-VILLAGE Earth Fair Consumer Revolt

28-02-2013 20:03

The Extinction Eco-Village campaign SUPPORT SITE for the Bexhill to Hastings link road protest in East Sussex will be created by the eco-warriors transforming an area of wasteland with solar power, wind turbines, Tesla free energy, permaculture, compost toilets, earth ships, and a comprehensive programme of tree planting and wildlife protection.

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More photos of Council House Blockade

28-02-2013 18:31

On Tuesday 26th February Save Birmingham protesters blockaded the Council House in an attempt to stop Councillors from entering the Council House to vote through £100m worth of cuts for the year ahead.

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Why I love the EDL

28-02-2013 12:55

The The English Disco Lovers that is! They are reappropriating the aconym EDL as another way of undermining the admittedly miniscule EDL.

Last autumn, four London-based friends, who prefer to remain anonymous, got to talking about reappropriating the acronym EDL from the English Defence League and "putting it to better use".

It started as a joke but they soon realised that it could become a more ambitious campaign  and wrote a manifesto expressing their aim to oust the existing EDL from the top of Google's search results and outdo them on FacebookThey even have a logo, a shield-shaped mirrorball, and a Latin motto: Unus Mundus, Una Gens, Una Disco (One World, One Race, One Disco).



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Anonymous Nottingham gather

28-02-2013 12:55

12.00 Saturday 23 February 2013

Anonymous Nottingham gather in the Market Square, Nottingham.

Then, treking off to visit the usual suspects in tax evasion and worker exploitation.

Barclays, NatWest, Burton/perkins, Boots, Starbucks, RBS, HSBC, Santandar, BHS, etc ...  oh and of course Vodafone, twice {again!!!}. Included in this demo were the Broadmarsh and Victoria Shopping Centres.

Although the security were as worried as ever, the police seemed quite mild and all was good natured. Folks included street performers in on the act. 


Previous posting when the group visited Robin Hood.

Anonymous Nottingham: leafleting for 23rd Feb


Anonymous Nottingham



Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham.  UK



Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]


"It is not enough to curse the darkness.

                                   It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"



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The battles are about to begin. Council Tax becomes the new Poll Tax.

28-02-2013 10:48

The neo fascists in power have withdrawn Council Tax benefits from1 April 2013. Councils have been given the powers to set the levels of discount to be awarded to people on low incomes. There will be great variation in these amounts. The result is that in some areas, the poor will be required to pay substantial amounts, relative to their incomes.

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Screw Troika, The People Rules (London) March 2nd @ 3PM Belgrave Square, London

28-02-2013 09:45

All this is the troika: an unelected government that decides on our present conditioning our future. The troika condemns dreams to death, the future to fear, life to survival. Its aims are clear: to increase our debt, impoverishing the majority and enriching a minority, to annihilate the economy, to reduce wages and rights, to destroy the social state and Portuguese sovereignty. The success of its objectives depends on our misery. If the destruction of the welfare state ensures the troika's debt financing and therefore their profits, with the destruction of the economy ensures a continuously dependent and indebted country.
To this wave that destroys everything we oppose the tidal wave of our indignation and on March 2nd @ 3PM BELGRAVE SQUARE, LONDON SW1X 8PP we will fill the streets again. We demand the resignation of the government and that the people to be called to decide their lives.

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EDL Support Hardcore Anti-Semites in Manchester This Saturday #edl #nwi @slatedl

27-02-2013 23:15

Since their inception in 2008, the EDL have repeated in parrot fashion the mantra that they are peacefully opposing Islamic extremism by taking to the streets. Formed after poppies were burnt in Luton, this far right group argued every day for a considerable time that they were not racist. Furthermore, setting up supposed Gay and Jewish Divisions, they appeared on radio, TV and the newspapers telling the world that they hated antisemitism and homophobia, and yet, few people believed them.

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Turkish warplanes bombers continue attacking Kurdistan regions

27-02-2013 21:22

Stop bombing innocent villagers
According to the local source several Kurdish villages been under brutal air strike during last few days.

This brutal attacks happening despite all the media report about peace talk between Ankara and PKK.

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‘Transatlantic Partnership’ seeks to duplicate secret Trans-Pacific Partnership

27-02-2013 20:53

The Trans-Pacific Partnership, an 11-country trade negotiation intended to go well beyond NAFTA, appears to the be model for proposed United States–European Union trade agreement.

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A Son Of Portugal's Carnation Revolution, Forgotten 1974 Anti-Fascist Coup

27-02-2013 19:14

He held a gun to the commander's head and said "we do not shoot civilians". Portugal's forgotten 1974 Carnation Revolution, could it happen here in the UK?
WWW.RADIO4ALL.NET 27Feb2013 warning message: Service Temporarily Unavailable, The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.

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Capitalist Realism versus Fighting for Ourselves

27-02-2013 10:55

Hey, why not choose both? Thursday evening offers two talks at convenient intervals with cheap falafel to be found on the way between the two venues.

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EDL Leadership Are Attending Manchester #edl @slatedl #NWI @misslbuttercup

26-02-2013 17:54

From a fresh tweet taken in the last hour, the EDL leadership are "wetting their pants" absolutely looking forward to visiting Manchester, which proves the "Uniting The Right" rubbish was a trap laid on by KKKev Carroll to get the rebels all back to pay subserviant lipservice to Tommy's deputies - the infamous "and universally loved" Hel Gower and Kevin Carroll, lol! All of those idiots such as the NWI, who seriously believe the terrible twosome, with their "muggy mushrooms" talk are not welcome in the North - think again. You idiots are being used to cement Kev and Hel's popularity.

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Anti-fascist Prisoner Jock Palfreeman Ends Hungerstrike But Still Needs Support

26-02-2013 17:10

Australian Anti-fascist prisoner Jock Palfreeman, serving 20 years in Sofia/Bulgaria for defending two Roma boys from a racist mob, was on hunger strike from the 13th January 2013. The Director of the Central Sofia Prison had ordered another punishment measure because of Jock´s activist work as chairman of the Bulgarian Prisoner´s Association. Due to this punishment Jock is now not allowed to finish his studies which is very important to him.
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