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Palestine Today 02 08 2011

08-02-2011 16:11

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for Tuesday, February 08 2011.

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Manchester Airport on Trial

08-02-2011 15:22


Manchester Airport on Trial  – case 2 begins Monday 21st February 2011 

Show of support outside court: Meet at 9am outsideTraffford Magistrates' Court, Ashton Lane, Sale, M33 7NR

In May 2010, seventeen people took direct action at Manchester Airport, temporarily shutting it down.  They did this to stop some of the 5 million tonnes of carbon emissions that the airport is responsible for annually and in opposition to plans to destroy family homes and biodiversity spots to expand the World Freight Centre.  The 'Manchester Airport on Trial' campaign is being run to support the activists during their court case and to continue to oppose the airport's plans to become the 'Heathrow of the North' by 2050.  Six defendants are pleading not guilty to the charge of aggravated trespass.  They will argue that their actions were necessary to prevent emissions and will call expert witnesses to examine the impacts of aviation and climate change both locally and in terms of public health.  The defendants will state that their actions were further justified given the failings and corruption of the decision-making processes at a Parliamentary and local authority level. 


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A Corporate Coup d'Etat

08-02-2011 14:23

"Our political system protects and enriches a fantastically-wealthy elite, much of whose money is, as a result of their interesting tax and transfer arrangements, effectively stolen from poorer countries and poorer citizens of their own countries. Ours is a semi-criminal money-laundering economy, legitimised by the pomp of the Lord Mayor’s show and multiple layers of defence in government. Politically irrelevant, economically invisible, the rest of us inhabit the margins of the system. Governments ensure that we are thrown enough scraps to keep us quiet, while the ultra-rich get on with the serious business of looting the global economy and crushing attempts to hold them to account.

"And this government? It has learnt the lesson that Thatcher never grasped. If you want to turn this country into another Mexico, where the ruling elite wallows in unimaginable, state-facilitated wealth while the rest can go to hell, you don’t declare war on society, you don’t lambast single mothers or refuse to apologise for Bloody Sunday. You assuage, reassure, conciliate, emote. Then you shaft us.

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Suleiman: The CIA's man in Cairo

08-02-2011 13:42

In October 2001, Habib was seized from a bus by Pakistani security forces. While detained in Pakistan, at the behest of American agents, he was suspended from a hook and electrocuted repeatedly. He was then turned over to the CIA, and in the process of transporting him to Egypt he endured the usual treatment: his clothes were cut off, a suppository was stuffed in his anus, he was put into a diaper - and 'wrapped up like a spring roll. At one point, his interrogator slapped him so hard that his blindfold was dislodged, revealing the identity of his tormentor: Suleiman

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Early release for Trident Ploughshares prisoner Georgina

08-02-2011 12:50

Eight-one year old Georgina Smith was released yesterday (7 Feb) from Cornton Vale women’s prison ten days early, after an anonymous benefactor paid the compensation order she had refused to pay.

Earlier report:

Senior woman anti-nuke campaigner jailed for 45 days in Scotland

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"We will rip freedom from the throat of Mubarak"

08-02-2011 11:42

Remembering Bilal Salem Ayesh Mahmud - Martyred in Rafah

“We will rip freedom from the throat of Mubarak”
Young man, Tahrir Square, 07/02/2011

“We have seen our friends killed here in Tahrir Square. After that how can we leave now, before the revolution succeeds”
Man in his mid twenties, Tahrir Square – 07/02/2011

Mourning for the martyrs of Tahrir Square and of the Egyptian uprising continued yesterday. Banners bearing the images of the martyrs were hung in the square. One Bilal Salem Ayesh Mahmud, ten years old, was killed during the uprising in Rafah. Fourteen demonstrators have been killed in Tahrir Square, and over 300 have been martyred during the uprising.

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Targeted destruction around Tahrir Square

08-02-2011 09:47

Barclays targeted near Merekaz al Shaab

During the last thirteen days rioting has erupted through downtown Cairo. The property damage caused in the rioting has been well targeted with branches of multinational corporations, government cars and buildings, police and army property and banks destroyed while local cafes, apartments and shops have been left untouched.

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5OOm Buffer Zone Bill Vote on FridaY

08-02-2011 09:39

The 2nd reading of the 500m Buffer Zone Bill takes place this Friday. This press release gives information about the reasons why this is an important Bill, provides information about a new Briefing Note (B6) that explains the Bill and provides info about how to get involved.

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Why its kicking off everywhere

08-02-2011 09:39

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Save Our Libraries Leeds

08-02-2011 09:19

Library services are going to be massively reduced because of cuts. Libraries are not just spaces for books and nerds and silence. They are places for learning literacy and numeracy, for people to get internet access, for help with finding information on how to write a good job application, for children and their families to find confidence in reading and socailising, and a place to go read the paper.

With descisions to close libraries already being made across the country (for example in Warwickshire) people are begining to realise what this will mean for their communities and taking action. SJ Bradley's post talks about why libraries are important, and how people in Leeds took action on SAturday 5th February, Save Libraires Day.

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Demo at Lambeth Council, Brixton

08-02-2011 09:18

7 Feb 2011: About 150-200 people turned up to protest at the Lambeth Council Meeting against the planned cuts in the public sector. Video with some of the speeches: first unison welcome, speaker demanding to shut down Lambeth Living and about NHS cuts, proposing industrial action before 26 march demonstration. ( sorry for the low quality )

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Arms Trade Campaigners target the Holiday & Travel

08-02-2011 09:18

A report of London CAAT's protest at the Clarion-owned Travel Show

Members of London Campaign Against Arms Trade (London CAAT) descended on the Destinations: Holiday and Travel Show in Earls Court this Saturday to protest about the organiser's involvement in the arms trade. They are Clarion Events and they also own the DSEi arms fair.

A large number of leaflets were handed out and some passers-by engaged with our message, particularly a Palestinian lady who expressed strong agreement with our stance. One of the speakers at the show Ben Fogle, star of Castaway 2000 and Country Tracks, passed us on the way into the show but declined to take a leaflet. He was one of the speakers CAAT wrote to prior to the event asking them to raise the issues of Clarion's involvement in the arms trade with them.

Two members of London CAAT entered the show to talk to stallholders, focussing on the smaller exhibitors as they were more likely to be manned by people who could have a say on their company's presence at the fair. They were all interested in what we had to say but unfortunately there were no firm commitments to talk to Clarion.

We will continue to keep the pressure on Clarion and we will be at their next show, the Baby Show, on Sunday February 20th (11am-1pm at the ExCel centre, nearest tube Custom House DLR).


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Anti-Cuts Protest at Lambeth Town Hall 07.02.11

08-02-2011 09:18

Photos of this evening's anti-cuts protest outside Lambeth Town Hall organised by Lambeth Save Our Services.

150 people or so show up to direct their unhappiness at Lambeth's local government council for attempting to make cuts of around £37 million.

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Lambeth Town Hall #anticuts protest, report & pics

08-02-2011 09:18

Up to 200 people gathered this evening outside Lambeth Town Hall following a call by Lambeth Save Our Services, to protest against the cuts that Lambeth Council is planning to impose to the local community as part of their 'austerity budget'. The protest started at 6pm right at the doorsteps of the council's building. People representing the different services that face the axe spoke to the crowd about how the cuts will affect Lambeth residents, people chanted slogans against the cuts, and eventually around 100 people were allowed into the buiding to attend the cabinet meeting where the cuts were being debated [see pics and video of the protest]

Those that didn't go into the building stood outside the town hall for a while longer. At some point a backpack sound system arrived playing a mixture of hip hop and roots tunes, and around 80 people quickly moved onto the street and blocked both Brixton Rd and Brixton Hill amidst loud chanting of "they say cut back, we say fight back!". The traffic was paralised for about 15 minutes until the police moved people back onto the pavement. People then stood in Brixton Oval for a while, but suddenly the crowd quickly moved up the road, crossed into Brixton Hill and blocked it once again. Some drivers become quite agitated at this point, but the crowd stood their ground until the police moved people back onto the pavement. The crowd then went back to the Council building doorsteps, stood there for a while longer listening to reggae tunes ... and slowly dispersed [See Tumbles 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8]

Here there are some pics (apologies for the images low quality but the camera used was crap under low light conditions)

For information of further protests at Lambeth Council's cuts budget keep and eye to IMC London's calendar of events and check Lambeth Save Our Services website.

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Legal Aid Demo Report/Eviction Update

08-02-2011 09:18

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Launch of Taunton Activist Network

08-02-2011 09:18

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UG#537 - From Divided Brains to Divided Societies (Neurological/Cultural Roots)

08-02-2011 08:27

This week we hear two scholars on the profound roots of separation, firstly within the structure of the brain itself, secondly between individuals in modern society. Ian McGilchrist sets the scene in our first hour with The Divided Brain and the Making of the Western World. In our second hour we replay one of the deepest talks from earlier Unwelcome Guests episodes - The Roots and Ramifications of our Culture of Hierarchy and Control by Marvin Bram.

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Egyptian regime begins US-backed talks with opposition parties +2

08-02-2011 01:58

"Having slandered the anti-regime protest movement, Suleiman outlined a series of threadbare sops, including a pledge to form a committee comprised of “members of the judicial authority and a number of political figures” that is to spend a month considering possible constitutional and legislative amendments. Another bureau is also to consider complaints about the detention of political prisoners.
The vice president said that media and communications would be “liberalised” but stressed that the state of emergency—continuously in operation ever since Mubarak assumed power in 1981—would only be lifted “based on the security situation and an end to the threats to the security of society.”
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