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Noah's Ark Zoo Farm Bank Holiday Demo

01-09-2010 14:22

Today’s demo on Bank Holiday Monday 30th August saw sixteen determined and focused activists descended on our least favorite zoo/farm!
We were pleased to come in such numbers as, sadly, the zoo was really busy today so we were pleased to show the punters going in that lots of people have a big problem with this place.

We could see the shock in the visitors faces and several turned away after reading the leaflet. People often turn away after talking to us and learning the truth about the zoo’s abuse of animals…we also really hope that many people who go in see the institution in a different light after seeing our demo and reading our leaflets,we hope that many of these people decide not to come back.

Zoo staff felt the need to employ cameras and even encouraged members of the public to run-down protesters as they took to the street with signs reading: "You are now entering a area of public concern." One protester had their foot run over and another almost knocked over as a driver attempted to use their vehicle as a battering ram to move them out of the way.

Although todays demo was jubilant and showed the zoo that we are going nowhere until they’re closed we can’t stop these animal killers on our own. We need your help! We need you the women, man and child in the street to stop visiting the zoo so that they go bankrupt. There will always be plenty of people who don’t care about animals but we are sure that most people who go to the zoo do care about animals and we need to reach them/you and point out how fucked up this place is. Ultimately don’t go to Noah’s Ark if you care about animals, please spread the word and tell your friends and family why this place sucks! And if possible join the campaign to help shut them down!

This won't be the last time you'll see us, Noah's Ark! We will be back and we won't give up!

If you'd like to get involved or want to come to our next demo then please contact Bristol Animal Rights Collective.

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Bristol Animal Righs Collective Meeting

01-09-2010 13:22

Bristol Animal Rights Collective will be having their fortnightly meeting tonight (Wed 22nd September) at 7:30PM at Kebele Social Centre, 14 Robertson Road, Easton, BS5 6JY - All Welcome!
Bristol Animal Rights Collective (BARC) are an autonomous group of compassionate individuals dedicated to ending all forms of animal abuse and suffering. We campaign on a number issuses, including: veganism, hunt sabotage, foie gras free Bristol, anti-vivisection, zoos & circuses and many others!

Come along to our meeting if you'd like to get involved with animal rights in your local area or just want to see what it's all about. Everyone is welcome. We meet every fortnight on Wednesday at Kebele Social Centre, 14 Robertson Road, Easton, BS5 6JY at 7:30PM.

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Protest against M&S this Saturday

01-09-2010 11:22

Take action now to condemn the kidnapping of a trade union leader at a M&S supplier factory in India and to call for his attackers to be brought to justice. The kidnapping is part of a brutal attack against 60 workers, which took place as they arrived for work at the Viva Global factory in Gurgaon, India on August 25th 2010.

The workers were attacked by thugs brandishing hockey sticks and lathis* as they arrived for their shift at 9:30am Delhi time on the 25th August 2010. One of the thugs has been identified as the labour contractor used by Viva Global to provide workers to the factory. Sixteen women were severely beaten and Anwar Ansari, a trade union leader was kidnapped.

The attack follows several months of campaigning by the Garment and Allied Workers Union (GAWU) to get improvements in conditions at Viva Global. Workers complained of excessive and forced overtime, low wages, a lack of water to drink and in the toilets. In June 2010 a woman was burned with acid at the factory after picking up an unmarked bottle she believed to be water to use in the toilet.

Harassment of union members, including threats of dismissal, violence and even death has been increasing at the factory in recent weeks. On Monday 23rd August Viva Global management attempted to prevent workers from entering the factory and made threats against union leaders and workers, who were warned they would be beaten or even shot if they continued their campaign.

Bristol campaign group Labour Behind the Label are supporting a protest in London this Saturday at 11am. If anyone can get down there the idea is to demonstrate outside M&S at 173 Oxford St and deliver action cards to the M&S headquarters. Please do try and swell the numbers or spread the word to those who may be able to make it.

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Oatlands Regeneration

01-09-2010 10:23

I was looking through the articles in here and found a very interesting one on the Oatlands leisure gardens, (allotments).

read more

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National socialist extremism is a taboo subject in Poland

01-09-2010 09:17

Footbal fans in Bydgoszcz, Poland, under the banner of 'Capital of Culture 2016'
Nature may give illustrations unexpected and unwanted by local elites. Polish aspirations for EU- capital of culture as ilustrated by local folk

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The First Deliberate Mass Attack on Civilians in Mexico’s Narco War

01-09-2010 06:41

A Molotov Cocktail killed 8 people in a restuarant in a tourist resort in Cancun, after a carfull of men threw a molotov cocktail at the guests. Six died on the spot and a another two died in transit. There are two people still in hospital.

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Mexico After the Massacre of the 24th August

01-09-2010 06:12

On the 26th of August 72 murdered migrants from Central & South America were discovered after the lone survivor alerted marines at a naval checkpoint.

The state investigator, Roberto Suarez, (an establishment lawyer from Mexico’s elite) ‘dissapaeared’ after being appointed to look into the deaths. His body was found two days later.

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Animal Cruelty In 28 Countries

01-09-2010 03:03

animal cruelty in 28 countries

(every country has animal cruelty)

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The Papal Visit should not be a State Visit. PROTEST THE POPE DEBATE tomorrow

31-08-2010 23:53

The Central London Humanists in partnership with the British Humanist Association and the South Place Ethical Society (SPES) are staging a debate on the core arguments of the Protest the Pope Campaign.

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BREAKING: Tony Blair shot & wounded!

31-08-2010 22:56

I can't remember!

So goes the line when the guilty are forced to face the truth.

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Bradford Defence League

31-08-2010 19:24

Saturday 28th August brought the EDL to Bradford for the BIG one. Seeing as the word big contains just one syllable we have to assume they understand what that means. After the event (such as it was), they can only call it one big pathetic failure.

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“Sacred” Ground Zero

31-08-2010 18:26

If American whites practiced what many of them preach to Muslims, they would ban themselves from building cultural institutions of any kind in much of the United States, since so many places are sites of depraved atrocities and mass killings of people of color by whites. Or, are only white folks’ “sensitivities” to be respected? Where is “hallowed ground” for descendants of Black slaves and Native Americans?

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Brussels 2010 : A magnificent opportunity...

31-08-2010 17:01

Some pratical informations and a text (in English, French, German and - soon - Spanish and Dutch) about migration, capitalism, social revolts and the end September week in Brussels.

To forward, print and broadcast

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Autonomist Issue 2 Out Now!

31-08-2010 16:22

The Autonomist is a locally produced radical newsletter and directory for the Bristol area. We aim to provide short news updates on local campaigns, and an extensive, up-to-date listing of local groups, spaces, and upcoming events.
The second issue - september 2010 - is now available via our blog (below), and will soon be appearing in radical spaces all over the bits of Bristol that we can be bothered to walk to.

If you have anything you would like to see in the next issue, get in touch - BristolAutonomist [at] Gmail [dot] com

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Palestine Today 08 31 2010

31-08-2010 16:18

Welcome to Palestine Today a service of the International Middle East Media Center for Tuesday, August 31st, 2010

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Ian Tomlinson inquest doctor is "irresponsible" and "failed to meet standards"

31-08-2010 14:51

Dr Freddy Patel, the City of London Police's favourite doctor, has been found to be "irresponsible" and "failed to meet standards"

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The company "EDL Abdul" keeps...

31-08-2010 14:39

EDL Abdul should be more vigilant about the company he keeps.

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31-08-2010 13:33

To squatters, ex squatters, sympathizers, people that are using or have used squats in the past and were inspired by them and so empathize our call.

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Self-Harm in Immigration detention April/May/June 2010

31-08-2010 13:27

Overall there were only 4 incidents of serious self-harm, more than the previous quarter and only an increase of 1, on persons on formal self-harm at risk.

However there are very alarming increases at some of the individual Removal Centres.

Dover IRC showed a 125% increase on incidents of Self-Harm requiring medical treatment

Harmondsworth 54% , Oakington 46.5 %, Yarl's Wood  31% increase on previous quarter of persons on formal self-harm at risk.

There was one death, cause as yet unknown: Eliud Nguli Nyenze born 1970 - died Oakington IRC 15th April 2010

[Self-Harm in Immigration detention - January/February/March 2010

Data for 2009 can be accessed here:
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