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Picket outside crown office and procurator fiscal (Edinburgh) 12 noonFriday July 30th

31-07-2010 09:23

In solidarity with the protest outside the Department of public prosecution going on in London called by various people including the Tomlinson family.

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Robert Green has asked the electoral commission to investigate his case.

31-07-2010 09:23

Robert Green has asked the electoral commission to investigate his case, claiming his “unusual and probably unique” circumstances have never before arisen in Parliamentary history?

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Critical Mass Edinburgh

31-07-2010 09:23

Nice one everyone that turned out for July Critical Mass, it was apparent unfortunately that the Police's heavy handed tactics last time succeeded in scaring a lot of people away.

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Speaking from the Heart

30-07-2010 23:22

Sadly I didn't catch the beginning of this one.

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Vegan Food Giveaway Outside McDonald's

30-07-2010 22:56

Nottingham vegan campaigners held another of their monthly free food give-aways, this time with a burger theme, outside the McDonald's at St Peters Gate in Nottingham City Centre.

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... still no peace

30-07-2010 21:22

Although most people had already left at ten minutes past two, the last 25 people left for another march through the city, ending up back at Rose Court. With a few more people the energy would have been even more awesome. Sadly everyone seemed to have urgent appointments (at the pub?). Again the street was taken, and besides similar slogans as before "No Justice, No Peace..." Wwhose street? Our Streets!" the general public also got some education about proper bike etiquette and other lighter issues.

With a bit more stamina and determination this day could have been ours.

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Vegan Food Give Away Outside McDonald's

30-07-2010 20:24

12pm 30th July 2010

outside the McDonald's, St Peters Gate

There was a free food give-away in Nottingham City Centre, outside the McDonald's at St Peters Gate.

There was a free food give-away in Nottingham City Centre, outside the McDonald's at St Peters Gate.

Free vegan food samples was given out to passers by, along with recipe books compiled by Nottingham Vegan Campaigns.

See reports of previous events:

The 'give-away' included a range of sweet and savoury foods for people to try, including food made by volunteers at the previous day's cookery skill share at the Sumac Centre.

I an interesting development. Instead of some the past antagonism from managers and staff from within McDonald's .... this time a couple of staff member were at their door, giving out their own leaflets !!!


 .... and a bit more, related stuff.

Nottingham: Another Anti-G8/McDonalds event

McDonalds, Nottingham. :: Celebrating the McLibel Two

Day of Action against McDonald's in Nottingham

Nottingham's part of the Worldwide Day of Action Against McDonalds

Day of Action on Food and Climate Change: food giveaway & anti-Tesco demo

2005 East Midlands Vegan Festival, Nottingham Council House

2007 East Midlands Vegan Festival, Nottingham Council House

Tash on food 'collected'
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham.  UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
                                   It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"

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No Justice No Peace...

30-07-2010 20:22

About 200 people rallied today at Rose Court after it was announced that there will be no prosecution of Ian Tomlinson's murderers. Quite a few people took the opportunity to express their anger and grief, about Ian Tomlinson and everyone who has died at the hands of the police. Then the crowd took to the streets and after a short halt at Bank went to Cornhill to have a minute of silence in memory of Ian Tomlinson.

This is only the first installment, wait for more...

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USA POLICE STATE music video

30-07-2010 18:03

Rocker Scott X and his band expose the oppression and corruption of the U.S. Police State that hang over the head of every U.S. citizen in the new release LIBERTY WANTED.

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No war crimes trials for child soldiers: demonstration: 6 August, US Embassy

30-07-2010 18:02

Omar Khadr
The London Guantánamo Campaign’s monthly demonstration outside the US Embassy in Mayfair will be extended on Friday, 6 August to a two-hour action from 5-7pm to mark the first military tribunal at Guantánamo Bay since President Obama took power and the first time since World War II that a child soldier is being tried for war crimes.

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US Treasury Running on Fumes

30-07-2010 17:39

"The White House is screaming like a stuck pig. WikiLeaks’ release of the Afghan War Documents “puts the lives of our soldiers and our coalition partners at risk.”

What nonsense. Obama’s war puts the lives of American soldiers at risk, and the craven puppet state behavior of “our partners” in serving as US mercenaries is what puts their troops at risk."

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Marching into the City

30-07-2010 17:28

AROUND 200 protesters gathered outside the DPP's office in London on Friday and then staged a spontaneous march to the spot where Ian Tomlinson died in April 2009.

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Gaia scientist under attack

30-07-2010 17:12

THE SCIENTIST behind the Gaia concept came under attack at a meeting in Sussex on Thursday July 29.

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Newcastle Protest Against Police Violence

30-07-2010 16:44

Demonstrators at Monument
A protest was held today in solidarity with the Tomlinson family, and with all those who struggle against police oppression and violence.

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Waders tie down Shell testing rig in Mayo, Republic of Ireland

30-07-2010 16:39

10 people from the Rossport solidarity camp delayed Shell’s survey work for the dangerous and experimental Corrib gas pipeline yesterday. The campaigners waded out to one of the rigs drilling boreholes in the Sruwaddacon estuarythe rig at high tide, fixed rope around the legs of the rig, and occupied the space underneath it to prevent the being moved to a new site. Work was delayed for around two hours.

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Manchester Antifascist Alliance (MAFA) news, events and actions.

30-07-2010 16:23

MAFA continues the fight against fascism through the summer and beyond.

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Free Vegan Food Fair Benefit Gig

30-07-2010 16:22

Raising funds to promote veganism to the masses!
At: The Black Swan 438 Stapleton Road, Bristol BS5 6NR
Doors open at 7.30pm.
Join us for an eclectic mix!
Bands/Acts so far confirmed are:
Molly Samson (acoustic/folk/alternative):
Ren (punk/folk):
The Long Dead Beat (grimey stoner blues)
Dub Simian – DJ
Budd (acoustic)

Keep an eye on our website for a full line up to be announced soon!

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This Week in Palestine – Week 30 2010

30-07-2010 16:13

Welcome to this Week in Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center for July 23 to 30 2010.

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Anti Arms Trade Activists sticker Barclays Bikes

30-07-2010 14:22

Anti Arms Trade activists worked overnight to cover London's new Barclays Bikes with stickers stating the Banking giant's involvement in the global arms trade.

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Minister for Culture admires work of London’s gay art festival

30-07-2010 14:08

Minister for Culture Ed Vaizey met the organisers of ‘GFEST – Gaywise FESTival’ – London’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) art festival. In this brief surgery meeting, Mr Vaizey showed a keen interest to know more about enterprising GFEST activities and admired its work.
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