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Alumni Weekend Opened With Noisy Demo @ Bradford Uni

15-05-2010 23:02

12 Activists today held a noisy demonstration at the University of Bradford’s Alumni Weekend opening, letting everybody know about the horrific suffering ongoing inside their laboratories. The event was held at the School of Management, Emm Lane.

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party at the pumps - pics and report

15-05-2010 22:22

the shell garage on upper street in islington was closed for several hours this afternoon by more than a hundred protestors

at lunchtime around 50 people gathered at oxford circus, watched by quite a large police presence with several van-loads on stand-by. the station was briefly closed 'due to sheer weight of numbers' but re-opened after ten minutes, and they set off for highbury and islington.

meanwhile, around 40 cyclists met at marble arch and, followed by a couple of police vans, they took a circuitous route through hyde park, down past buck house, and then for a triumphal lap round parliament square, shouting out support over the mobile sound system to the democracy village and to the decade-long protest by brian haw.

the mass then carried on up to angel, and then along upper street to the shell garage, which had already been well and truly closed down by the foot-soldiers and by the rhythms of resistance samba band (mostly deputised by soas members).

the shell garage looked great! several people held a huge "danger - keep out" banner across one access. a simple "closed" banner was strung across the other. above, another banner declared "stop shell's tar sands hell", and some activists found a route up to the roof to drop another "stop tar sands" banner from there.

a head-count numbered 125 at one point. an excellent turn-out on a day with when there were several other protests in town, and most encouraging, there were many new faces, keeping the fit team and police photographer, neil, busy.

police-wise, there were about a dozen officers around making notes, and one FIT team. down the road were another serial waiting in a van, and another van of TSG further out of sight.

activists handed out hundreds of fliers, and public response was overwhelmingly positive.

before the end of the protest, i left to cover events in parliament square, but i spoke to others who arrived there later and as far as i know the protest finished peacefully without arrests.


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New Conservative Party Website Spoof

15-05-2010 20:58

Team of writers and left-wing political activists have come together to make this new website for the new Tory government.

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The Rachel Corrie

15-05-2010 20:49

The Freedom Flotilla has set sail into the eye of the storm.

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These internal HMRC docs show false sexual allegtions in Andi Ali BNP case

15-05-2010 20:14

Proof if proof was needed, that HMRC conspired to submit false sexual allegtions against andi ali after being harrassed by the BNP

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Defend the right to defend Palestine! - meeting on Tuesday 18 May

15-05-2010 19:00

Open meeting hosted by London School of Economics (LSE) Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! society. Tuesday, 18 May 2010, 7-9pm, Room H103, LSE, Connaught House, Aldwych (Nearest tube, HOLBORN)

Speakers: * LSE FRFI Society * Ihtisham Ul Haq – Gaza Demonstrators Support Campaign * Hicham Yezza – criminalised former Nottingham University student,

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River transport strike paralyses Bangladesh

15-05-2010 18:43

Steamers in Sadarghat, Dhaka
A week-long strike of river vessel and port workers continues, despite severe state repression.

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Athens - Shock and awe from "The April Theses" of KKE

15-05-2010 17:16

Shock and awe to the Greek ruling class from the "The April Theses" during the speach of Papariga , secretary general of the Greek communist party KKE..
The huge demo was at the range of 50.000 - 70.000 people and managed to occupy the total center of the city for more then three hours . Also special KKE members took position in front of the parliament to avoid provocations
Today was a day of POWER SHOW of the KKE

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Guerilla Gardening in Parliament Square.

15-05-2010 17:16

Somr earlier gardening
A Garden was established this afternoon on the Green in front of the Houses of Parliament.

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Freedom of Movement for all: Transnational action Paris and Berlin

15-05-2010 15:29

Hundreds take to the streets in Paris and Berlin in protest against state repression and in response to Fortress Europe. Freedom of movement for all!

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Call out Resist the E.D.L in newcastle

15-05-2010 15:07

Come and help the good people of newcastle chase the english defence leauge out of toon.

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Counter Terror Demo and Exhibition

15-05-2010 14:22

Rattansi & Ridley show clip with exclusive footage from inside Aprils Clarion Counter Terror Exhibition in West london Olympia Centre.

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Tunnels and Blacklists - The IPA and the Israeli Ambassador in St Andrews (4/05/10)

15-05-2010 13:22

 This being a true and accurate account of the counter-demonstration before and during the talk given by Ron Prossor Ambassador of Israel.

read more

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Nakba Day Protest in Sheffield

15-05-2010 12:04

There was a protest outside Sheffield Town Hall on Saturday 15th May 2010, organised by the Sheffield Palestine Solidarity Campaign to commemorate Nakba Day.

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A statement from the occupation at Middlesex

15-05-2010 12:04

In late April 2010, Middlesex University decided to close down Philosophy, its highest research-rated subject; ever since, Middlesex students and staff, and many thousands of their supporters in the UK and around the world, have been battling to save it.

In early May, Middlesex Philosophy students took matters into their own hands. On the morning of Tuesday 4 May; when the management cancelled this meeting at short notice, more than 60 students converged on the Dean’s office in the ‘Mansion’ building at Trent Park to demand an explanation. The Dean refused to meet with them. The students decided to occupy.

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The Danish sickness

15-05-2010 12:03

In the last decade Denmark have had a right-wing extremist government, in the first seven years headed by the present NATO general secretary, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, and presently headed by PM Lars Løkke Rasmussen, whom also “chaired” the COP 15 with so devastating little success, his chair ship will enter the history books for poor re-sults etc.

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London Campaign Against the Arms Trade now on Twitter

15-05-2010 12:00

London CAAT on Twitter/forthcoming events

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It's a very expensive cop - police overtime bill hits £400 million

15-05-2010 10:51

The overtime bill for the police has reached an unprecedented £400m as independent research reveals the true cost of keeping bobbies on the beat and criticises the current price we pay for the police. It also recommends a fundamental rethink in the role and purpose of the police.

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Calais riot cops not 'fascist'?

15-05-2010 10:41

It's a crime in France to insult the police and they take particular offence to the term 'fascist'.
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