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IPCC Say Sussex Police Force Is Most Hated in The Land

25-09-2008 23:18

The Independent Police Complaints Commission has revealed that filed complaints against Sussex Police rose in the last year by 90%, the highest percentage increase in complaints against any police force in the UK, beating even London's notorious Metropolitan Police paramilitary death squads.

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Rossport: Dredging work resumed in Broadhaven Bay

25-09-2008 23:01

The dredging boats are back in Broadhaven Bay. This morning the 3 dredging boats - the backhoe dredger the Zenne (jackup barge), the split-hopper barge Vlaanderen VII, and the trailing suction hopper dredger “Mellina” arrived back in the bay from off Ballyglass pier where they were moored. The excavator on the Zenne has just begun digging and depositing material on the Vlaanderen.
7 support boats are also around the dredging work.

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Saving Iceland Targets International Aluminium Conference

25-09-2008 23:00

Today, the 11th International Conference on Aluminium Aloys (ICAA) met with angry protests. Activists from the environmentalist network Saving Iceland disrupted the proceedings at the University in Aachen, Germany. Early this morning, during one of Rio Tinto Alcan’s lectures, the fire alarms in the building were put on. Later today - again during Rio Tinto Alcan’s lecture - stink bombs were thrown and a high volume rape alarm was put on and suspended out of reach by green and black helium baloons. The auditorium was also strewn with information leaflets. The aim was to call attention to the industry’s singular involvement in ecological destruction in Iceland, as well as on a global scale.

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NAZI FRONT COUNTER MARCH 2nd November at 11am

25-09-2008 20:32


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Birmingham Guild of Students+RBS+police collude to criminalise protest on campus

25-09-2008 19:39

On Tuesday 23rd September the University of Birmingham Guild of Students attempted to stop its own student members from holding and distributing materials from their own stall criticising the Royal Bank of Scotland, a paying exhibitor at a corporate freshers fair held on the same day in another part of the building. At an incident later in the day the Guild refused to intervene when police threatened to arrest students distributing leaflets unless they disclosed their names, addresses and other details.

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MI5 carried out the 7/7 bombings in 2005 says senior muslim

25-09-2008 16:51

A senior muslim leader has spoken out about the 7/7 attacks in July 2005 in London stating that he has evidence that MI5 ordered and planned those attacks. He says that the muslims blamed for the attacks were framed to make it look like they carried out those attacks.

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25-09-2008 16:37

the future is unwritten...

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Palestine Today 092508

25-09-2008 16:22

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center for Thursday September 25, 2008.

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Mill Road Tesco protest - friday and tuesday

25-09-2008 15:47

Tesco campaign callouts for peeps for:

* forming a human lorry at the Wilco site, Mill Road, Friday, 5:30pm
* photo op outside the Guildhall at the start of the public inquiry, Tuesday, 9:45am

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another boat to break the siege of Gaza

25-09-2008 15:12

Doctors and lawyers are going to Gaza at the request of the people of Gaza
to assess the medical tragedy there and to talk to the people. We are also
delivering 6 cubic meters of badly-needed medical supplies for the children
of Gaza.

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2nd Annual Working Class bookfair, Durham, 22nd November

25-09-2008 14:36

2nd Annual
Working Class Bookfair
Sat 22 Nov 2008 12 - 4pm
Durham Clayport (central) Library
Millennium Place, Durham City

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IMF, World Bank and Western Aid are killing Afrika

25-09-2008 14:35

Many western individuals and organizations niavely believe that "aid" and IMF and World Bank sanctioned poicies will get Afrika out of poverty. What this article seeks to do is to impart to the reader that far from helping Afrika, western "aid" and IMF and World Bank policies have crippled Afrika's economic development and made Afrika the "scare on the consciousness of the world". The truth of the matter is that Afrika needs proper and just trade with the West, access to its markets, that the West pays the normal price for Afrika's resources, that western multinational companies like the mining ones and petroleum ones end thier gross exploitation of Afrikan resources, and a definite end to so-called aid that has draconian conditions attached to it. May be trendy white liberals like the so-called aid agencies and Bono will take heed and realize that THEY DO NOT SPEAK FOR THE MASSES OF THE AFRIKAN PEOPLE.

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No place for children petition

25-09-2008 14:12

The 'No Place for Children' campaign is calling for an end to the UK government's senseless and brutal policy of sending 2,000 children a year to immigration detention centres. Children in detention centres do not have access to adequate healthcare and education, and they can be held for an unlimited period of time. The psychological and physical effects are often devastating.

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Arts Show Attacks Shane Meadows

25-09-2008 14:03

Shane - ASDA awards
Lord Biro's latest art show 'Thomas the Eurostar Tank Engine Art Show' takes a critical view of Shane Meadows involvement with ASDA's latest advertising campaign - other subjects include nuclear power, Tesco, Ecotowns and David Milliband's sabre rattling in the Ukraine.

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The RVF's Fat Fool Threatens Leeds Antifascists

25-09-2008 13:58

Plump as a bunch of Xmas turkeys - (Brookes is rear right)
Just how bright is the plump nazi the British People's Party are bringing in to head up 'security' at their Leeds anti Hip Hop demo? Not very.

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State and Corporate Oppression of the Australian Aborigines

25-09-2008 12:34

Stop the Northern Territory Intervention
Film Screening and workshop with discussion.

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College Action Against Anti War Student Continues

25-09-2008 12:32

Newcastle College student continues to face trouble - it initially reads as though the college have dropped the case, but actually, quote "The hearing has now been postponed until the college can put together a real case". Petition details below.

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A Barack Obama presidency won't change Afrika

25-09-2008 11:56

Many people of Afrikan descent have been guided into a false sense of security of the notion that should Barack Obama become the 44th president of the US, things for Afrika will change substantially. This article states that even if Obama wins nothing will change for Afrika unless US foreign policy towards Afrika changes drastically.

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Free Gary Mckinnon Campaign- London Autistic Rights Movement - demonstration

25-09-2008 11:55

Protest to support Gary Mckinnon's case all will be most welcome to attend this protest... Please spread the word.... See link below for more details....

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Banner Dropped in Solidarity with Rossport & Maura

25-09-2008 10:01

On Wednesday early evening activists climbed lampposts to hang a banner outside of the Shell Centre in London saying ‘Shell to Hell: Victory to Rossport/Women say Nice One Maura.’ 2 were arrested and later released.
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