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Arts Show Attacks Shane Meadows

Lord Biro | 25.09.2008 14:03 | Culture | Ecology | Globalisation

Lord Biro's latest art show 'Thomas the Eurostar Tank Engine Art Show' takes a critical view of Shane Meadows involvement with ASDA's latest advertising campaign - other subjects include nuclear power, Tesco, Ecotowns and David Milliband's sabre rattling in the Ukraine.

Shane - ASDA awards
Shane - ASDA awards

Downsize NATO and Milliband's Head
Downsize NATO and Milliband's Head

Nukie Brown
Nukie Brown

“Thomas the Eurostar Tank Engine Art Show”
28 West End Arcade, Nottingham, NG1
11 – 5pm

Tuesday 30 Sept – Sat 11 Oct (finish at 1. pm)

Admission free. Not open Sunday.

A contemporary Art Exhibition by poet/artist Dave Bishop (aka Lord Biro/Bus-Pass Elvis) which takes a satirical look at Brown’s Britain in 2008.

Subjects covered include, Nuclear Power, GM crops, the Smoking Ban, Eco-towns, Caroline Flint, the Great Crested Newt, Margaret Thatcher, Single Mothers, TESCO, ASDA, Sweat Shops, film director Shane Meadows and the 42 Day Detention Bill (many of the campaign flyers from the Howden By-Election where Dave Bishop stood against David Davis will be on show).

Lord Biro
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Display the following 5 comments

  1. those pictures are awful — man with eyes
  2. Calm down Shane,hope you enjoy your bottle of nukie brown ale — Green syndicalist
  3. yawn — onceuponatimeintheartscouncil
  4. Real art - dont accept anything less — cafe Bob
  5. Lord Biro's Art Show — Art Blogger