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The Gaza Bombshell - Crisis Made in USA

04-03-2008 01:33

Without exception, the media ignored this story. Please forward this to media outlets, so that this story gets some airtime.

This entire crisis, including Israel's assault on Gaza, is due to a rejection by Zionism of peace achieved through any process it cannot control, as this will involve an end to their expasionist war, and handing back a portion of what they have stolen.

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Amnesty Int'l Condemns IDF for Reckless Disregard of Life in Gaza

04-03-2008 01:27

Absent from the coverage was any mention of Zionism or Zionist Extremism. No one can claim to understand what is happening without discussing this group, and it current grip on power in Israel.

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Gaza: Punishing the People

04-03-2008 01:08

It is really simple folks; 60 years ago "Israel" - represented at the time by European Zionism - started taking land away from the Palestinian people by force.

They are still taking it away today.

The core problem is that Israel demands the world recognize the "Jewish state", but refuses to recognize a Palestinian state. If Israel would simply to give Palestine exactly the same thing it demands for itself, there would be peace.

Israel insists it has a right to do what it does in Palestine because of the suffering of Jewish people in Germany in the middle of the last century. But what did Palestine have to do with any of that? Why should they pay the price for other peoples' crimes? (And remember, the Zionists who created Israel out of thin air, upon the suffering the Palestinians, collaborated with the Nazis, saying, "Any Jew who does not want to emmigrate to Palestine deserves to be on the trains").

Israel screams about Qassam rockets, but if a new nation was declared in the middle of the North American continent without your permission, a nation that refused to actual declare its borders, a nation that continued to take more and more land from you until you and your family were barely clinging to survival as the lights went dark and the sewage piled up, would you not fight back?

A foreign power occupies their land, and they want it back.

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Guantánamo whistleblower Stephen Abraham addresses European Parliament

04-03-2008 00:15

Andy Worthington, the author of “The Guantánamo Files,” reports on a European Parliament meeting regarding the detainees in Guantánamo, and reproduces the testimony offered by former US military intelligence officer Stephen Abraham, the whistleblower who last year exposed the military tribunals as a sham.

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Save Sulukule (Turkey) and 3000 gypsies

03-03-2008 23:53

Since November 2007, when Istanbul began its large-scale project of urban transformation, Sulukule, old and legendary neighborhood of Istanbul famous for its Roma population, has received its share of attention. Moving the Roma community to a new district is being advocated by an Italy-based social activist association

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Celebration of Free Space in Leeds April 08

03-03-2008 22:44

Part of the international weekend of action in support of squats and autonomous spaces around the world (see for more info).

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Lincoln Mzezewa belongs to Leeds!

03-03-2008 22:26

Lincoln claimed asylum in February 2007 and has lived in Leeds since this point. He has established himself within the area of Leeds where he lives and is regular visitor to certain charities in the locality. He fled from South Africa after he claims that he was abducted on two separate occasions.

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ELF Burn Down Luxury Homes

03-03-2008 22:08

Early this morning, at around 4am, three multimillion-dollar model homes in a Seattle suburb were burnt down with messages left by the ELF, "Built Green? Nope black!", mocking the claims that the homes were environmentally friendly.

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Cops kill young man in Athens

03-03-2008 21:21

death of a young man in the center of Athens after he was beaten by three police officers

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Noise picket of detention profiteers: photos

03-03-2008 20:11

Paddington Bear on tour
Earlier today, manchester no borders picketed Carillion plc, after finding out that they were awarded contracts to expand the immigration detention centre at Manchester Airport. Here are some photographs...

See the original story here

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Israel mounts bloody offensive against Gaza

03-03-2008 19:15

In the last few days, Israel has mounted a massive offensive against the political leadership of Hamas and its military wing as well as the civilian population of Gaza. The attacks, claiming the lives of over 100 Palestinians, including many civilians, presage a full scale aerial bombardment and a possible ground invasion. Israeli officials are already describing the conflict with Gaza as a “war”.

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Britain’s media fashions its “warrior prince”

03-03-2008 19:13

Rarely has the servility of the British media been given such free and full expression.

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Mass Action: Refuse to Pay

03-03-2008 18:36

A mass climate action is taking place on Sunday 20th April in London. People will board trains into central London, refusing to pay the high prices. There will be a convergence in the central London terminals at around 1pm. The action aims to highlight how the current public transport prices are unaffordable and must be radically lowered if we are to get people out of their carbon intensive cars.

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Smash EDO Camera Trial

03-03-2008 18:11

Woman on trial for Filming at Anti Arms Trade Protest Camp in Brighton

A woman is on trial for allegedly refusing to give her camera to police
while filming at an anti arms trade protest camp in Brighton. The arrest
took place on 29th August 2007 (see previous press release) during a week
long protest camp against EDO MBM, a Brighton based arms manufacturer
making weapons for the US, UK and Israel.

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Children gassed and shot in Gaza Solidarity Protests across West Bank

03-03-2008 17:51

Children of the West Bank take to the streets, leading a wave of solidarity protests against Israel's attacks on Gaza.

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G8 2001 Bolzaneto, the indictment by Morisani, state prosecutor

03-03-2008 17:38

Bolzaneto G8 Police Detention Barracks
The Bolzaneto trial has entered its final phase process for the violence into the infamous G8 Police barracks & detention centre.

Last Thursday Genova Prosecutor Mario Morisani stood to begin his final arguments in the Bolzaneto G8 torture case, the sister case to Diaz. He spoke of the G8 in Genoa which "had been a wave of insanity. Everyone lost control on one side and the other".

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Harmondsworth public inquiry challenge - tomorrow 4 March 2008

03-03-2008 17:25

A demonstration will be held outside the Court of Appeal as it prepares to hear a case brought by Liberty asking for a judicial review of the government's refusal to hold a public inquiry into the disturbance at Harmondsworth in November 2006.

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Second court reprieve for RAMpart2

03-03-2008 17:21

The squat opened as a backup venue to the rampART social centre in east london today enjoyed it's second courtroom reprieve. Twice now it has been served with an application for a Interim Possession Order. The first time the claimants failed to turn up at the hearing and today they admitted that they had failed to correctly serve notice on the defendants so it was thrown out of court. The owners will be apply for the third time and the papers are expected to be served sometime Tuesday with a court date probably sometime next week (although it could be earlier if there is an available time slot at the court).

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