UK Newswire Archive
Support Amdani Juma
07-11-2007 10:44

Abu Graib Torture Corporation CACI To Be Tried in US
07-11-2007 09:56
Corporation Responsible For Interrogations At Abu Ghraib Will Be Tried By Jury For Torture
Major Case Against Private Military Contractor To Go Forward
Karen Reissmann sacked from NHS for campaigning against cuts
07-11-2007 04:24
On Monday November 5th Karen Reissmann, CPN and UNISON branch chair was sacked on 4 counts.Calais:St Germain' s Café refuse black people
07-11-2007 02:39
In Calais, when you are black, some cafés can refuse you. Without rights to make that.I am french woman. St Germain stopped me because i was with one black man.
Stand up 4 Journalism! Manchester rally 05/11/07
07-11-2007 01:56

Reel News video: Postal Workers Dispute - Reject the Deal!
07-11-2007 01:55
21 minute video showing the recent official and unofficial strike action in the postal workers dispute.Brian Haw
07-11-2007 00:44
Just when you thought all discussion of 9/11 Truth was being reduced to Jenny Sparks v Webster Tarpley on hereThe latest 'obstacle to peace'
06-11-2007 23:40
The IAEA and its head, Dr. Mohammed ElBaradei, are coming under increasing attack from the governments of the US and Israel. Their 'crime' is to deny that there is any evidence that Iran is developing nuclear weapons. The smears against the IAEA suggest the beginnings of a campaign to undermine it that has strong parallels with the campaign to undermine Hans Blix and UNMOVIC in 2003.Full article | 1 addition | 4 comments
Birmingham students take a second swipe at BAE Systems
06-11-2007 23:00

Face to face with Huntingdon Life Sciences
06-11-2007 22:05
This Saturday November 10th protest in Huntingdon against HLS.New warhead facility at AWE Burghfield: just three days left to object
06-11-2007 21:26
DEADLINE for planning objections to new warhead components facility at Atomic Weapons Establishment Burghfield, Berkshire is **FRIDAY 9 NOVEMBER**. Please don't miss this opportunity to put a spanner in the works of Britain's WMD renewal programme (sample email/letter provided).Brixton CopWatch Needs YOUR Support
06-11-2007 20:24
Police monitoring has got to happen.3 November Anti-Racist Demonstration
06-11-2007 20:14
Anti-Racist campaigners take to the streets in Manchester in support of the rights of Asylum Seekers in opposition to Labour racism.Senior doctors allege lack of evidence on fluoride safety
06-11-2007 19:08

Sarah Boseley, health editor The Guardian Friday October 5 2007 The government is accused by senior doctors today of selectively using inadequate evidence to promote the use of fluoride in the water supply. The public health measure, intended to improve the country's teeth, has attracted huge controversy. Anti-fluoride campaigners claim the chemical has potentially harmful side-effects, while dentists and some public health experts insist it is entirely beneficial and saves children from tooth decay.
What happened in Nahr al Bared: Smuggled stories from inside the destroyed camp
06-11-2007 17:21
Smuggled stories from the destroyed Palestinian refugee campNew Video Documents Looting in Nahr al-Bared Camp
06-11-2007 17:00
Journalists are still banned from entering the destroyed Palestinian refugee camp in Northern Lebanon.This rare footage documents the destruction and theft of Palestinian homes and belongings in apparent acts of collective punishment by an increasingly unaccountable and anti-Palestinian Lebanese military.
The silence on this issue has been deafening.
Webster Griffin Tarpley's London Talk Dissected
06-11-2007 14:57
Last night London saw one of the big hitters in the 9/11 'Truth' movement, Webster Griffin Tarpley, discussing what he sees as 400 years of false flag terrorism, to a packed audience.Palestine Today 110607
06-11-2007 14:42

Film on Indian Special Economic Zones and talk
06-11-2007 14:41
Hello friends,Brum Anti-SEZ campaign, a campaign against sweat shops in developing countries, is showing a film on resistance to Special Economic Zones (management-speak
for legalised sweat shops) at the MAC on 11th Nov at 7.30-9.00pm. Film (which runs for about 40 minutes) will be followed by a short talk and discussion. Also attached is a leaflet about the event and campaign here.
See you there.