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Glossop Critical Mass

19-09-2007 19:58

Critical Mass
Thanks to everyone who turned out for the Glossop Critical Mass last week. It was a great turn out and a really nice ride. Keep in touch for the next event.

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From Dungavel to Death in Iraq: Remember Solyman Rashed

19-09-2007 19:09

Solyman Rashed was killed in Iraq on 3rd September, two weeks after being deported. There will be a vigil to remember him in George Square, Glasgow, this Thursday from 5.30 to 6.30pm.
It is an open vigil and the organisers encourage anyone to attend.

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Times up

19-09-2007 18:50

The phoney company fronting capital of culture

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Naomi Klein: The Shock Doctrine

19-09-2007 18:35

The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism
Following is a review of Naomi Klein's new book, The Shock Doctrine by Stephen Lendman.

See also this short film:

The Shock Doctrine by Alfonso Cuarón and Naomi Klein

And this 6 part lecture on The Shock Doctrine:

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Housing4All: action on Monday launches new campaign

19-09-2007 16:22

New campaign for accessible housing for all disabled people launched in Birmingham with demo outside Council House

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Abizaid: World could abide nuclear Iran

19-09-2007 16:19

"I believe that we have the power to deter Iran, should it become nuclear," he said, referring to the theory that Iran would not risk a catastrophic retaliatory strike by using a nuclear weapon against the United States.

"There are ways to live with a nuclear Iran," Abizaid said in remarks at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a think tank. "Let's face it, we lived with a nuclear Soviet Union, we've lived with a nuclear China, and we're living with (other) nuclear powers as well."

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Altab Ali station -call to name Aldgate East after martyr

19-09-2007 13:40

The naming of the Aldgate East tube station after the martyr Altab Ali is the aim of a campaign in the East End of London which is gaining support from people from all waks of life

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Appeal Court Victory For Animal Aid Campaigners

19-09-2007 13:33

Two Animal Aid supporters have won a landmark Appeal Court victory over police attempts to criminalise them for running a high street information stall, from where they sought public support for a ban on primate research.

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Space Hijackers Northern Cell

19-09-2007 12:55

The Space Hijackers - - are spreading our wings and venturing up north.

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Cops demand more cash to deal tactically with undesirable immigrants:

19-09-2007 12:12

By Stefano Ambrogi Reuters - 1 hour 55 minutes agoLONDON (Reuters) - A police chief in Eastern England has called on the government to provide more cash to fight crime as an influx of migrant workers pressures resources.

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Strike one for the Pirates

19-09-2007 11:48

Anti file-sharing organisation, MediaDefender, is outed through leaked emails.

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It’s Not About Oil, Stupid, but Flattening Arab and Muslim Countries

19-09-2007 11:43

As should be obvious, the invasion and occupation of Iraq—and the coming attack against Iran and Syria—is not “largely” about oil or even Israel’s “security.” It is about flattening Arab and Muslim societies and reshuffling the charred and blood-spattered remains into splintered, emasculated, and “failed” vassal states.

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The Future of Work-driven Society

19-09-2007 10:30

When less and less time needs to be spent working for a living in Western industrialised countries, this partial freedom of gainful occupation is increasingly becoming a problem for those dismissed. The vision of working less and living longer is a utopia that is also realistic.

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“Scotland’s first home grown Islamic terrorist”

19-09-2007 09:57

After a 4 week trial and a 9 hour jury deliberation, Scotland has its first home grown Islamic terrorist plot and plotter.

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Elderly pacifist charged for displaying a poster on her back to arms dealers

19-09-2007 09:27

A 66 year old female pacifist, with a freedom pass to travel throughout London, was arrested at Custom House station on 13 Sept, for the crime of displaying on her back a poster saying "Remember the victims of the arms trade". This peaceful elderly woman was handcuffed, manhandled, held overnight, released on bail, and is now awaiting trial on 5th November, with pre-trial review on 4 October.

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Stop Deporting Cameroonians

19-09-2007 05:56

'Whether we have leave to remain or don't have leave to remain, let us unite'

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“Why Would the U.S. Attack Iran?”

19-09-2007 04:21

There is not the slightest actual evidence that the Iranian nuclear program has anything to do with creating nuclear weapons [1] and even if it did have a weapons program it would pose no threat to the United States [2]. Nevertheless, the United States has been constantly and deliberately misrepresenting these realities [3] in order to create the false impression that there is some valid reason for us to attack Iran.

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Liverpool Conspiracy Evening

19-09-2007 02:21

The third event in this opening week of Next To Nowhere was another great success (honestly, I would say if it wasn't; telling the truth is always a revolutionary act!). About twenty people discussed conspiracy theories - or 'alternative proposals' as I think we decided to call them - in a calm and respectful way. This was the first time I've ever seen that happen! It is possible!

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Whatever happened to 'The War on Terror'

19-09-2007 02:01

Neil MacDonald of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, is one of the last true journalists deserving of the title. He now reports from Washington, after being forced to end a long stint in the ME, due to Israeli death threats against his family.

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Mining Corporations in Colombia: Workers and Communities Resistance

18-09-2007 23:32

Workers and Communities Resistance
Organised by the London Branch Colombia Solidarity Campaign
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