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Bicycology South West England Tour 2007: A Quick Report

13-08-2007 11:35

Hands-on fun!
A short summary of Bicycology's recent bike tour from Aylesbury to Exeter, fixing bikes, promoting cycling and making the links to the big issues like climate change, capitalism, car culture and corporate irresponsibility.

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Police Drop Investigation Of Curious EDO Activist

13-08-2007 10:55

13 August 2007

Press Release

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Climate Camp Sunday afternoon

13-08-2007 06:33

Video Fit team outside footpath centre entrance.
The video and pics shows FIT team and Camp.

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CIA's Top Muslim-Getter Outs Himself: Jose Rodriguez

13-08-2007 05:11

The scourge of Muslim kidnap and prison victims: Jose A. Rodriguez of the CIA
[Aug. 10, 2007] With little fanfare, Jose A. Rodriguez Jr, who heads the National Clandestine Service -- the spies, torturers, and terrorists of the CIA -- had his cover lifted about a month ago. CIA spokesman Mark Mansfield said the driving factor was his interest in publicly participating in minority recruitment events. He's also retiring later this year after more than three decades with the agency.

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December 15 2003

12-08-2007 23:17

Nuclear downwinder hearings St. George Utah

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Residents, artists unite to celebrate villages threatened by Heathrow

12-08-2007 22:39

Making a church
"An Airport is a non-place. This is Our Place."

This weekend local residents of Harmondsworth and Sipson, villages both threatened by the proposed third runway at Heathrow, joined artists and climate change activists in a celebration of their homes and local history.

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"Do not make political actions for us": Catalan Four

12-08-2007 21:48

The Catalan four arrested and imprisoned in Oaxaca have asked that no one makes protest for them, as they were not doing anything political.

First in Spanish, then the English translation.

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Attack on IWW Solidarity March in Providence, RI-Support Needed!

12-08-2007 21:00

Police break fellow worker, Alex Svoboda's leg
On Saturday, August at 11, 12pm EST, the Providence I.W.W. organized a march on Jackie's Galaxy, which is a restaurant chain that is being supplied by HWH in New York City, a supplier who is notorious for its slave labor conditions of up to 110 hours per week without basic labor rights (minimum wage and overtime).
Roughly 30-40 wobblies and supporters (including Providence and Boston SDSers) were marching towards Jackie's Galaxy in North Providence when the police began following them en mass. They told the marches to move to the sidewalk, while this was initially ignored, the marchers listened to the police and began slowly moving to the sidewalk.
The police then surrounded the marchers in their squad cars and began getting out. With the police in full force, they began attacking the marchers, one fellow worker, Alex Svoboda, was pinned down by the police during her arrest and suffered a broken and dislocated leg and ruptured blood vessel in the knee. These injuries will require at least two surgeries and extensive rehab and even then may not completely repair the damage. Jason, another wob, was arrested in during the police' attack. Ashley, a supporter from Boston, was also severely maced during the attack, suffered chemical burns and required medical treatment.

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DISARM DSEi meeting @ Climate Camp

12-08-2007 19:09

Get invovled in the campaign against the world's largest arms fair. Come to the meeting at Climate Camp and find out how to get involved.

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FIT Watch at Climate Camp

12-08-2007 18:42

FIT Watch will have an active presence at Climate Camp from Tuesday morning both at Staines Station and the camp itself.

We are also hoping to form a rota of people to stand outside camp trying to prevent FIT from taking photos, and adding to our own database of police photos.

Please help us and get involved – let’s show we will not accept their repressive policing.

We will have a workshop on Tuesday at 4:30pm at the camp to set up a rota. This workshop will also deal with the legalities of dealing with FIT Teams and will discuss how we can resist them in the future.

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Public health issue as police blockade climate camp site

12-08-2007 17:59

For the last couple of hours police have been obstructing access to the climate camp site near Heathrow airport and have refused to allow even water or toilets to be taken onto the legally occupied site.

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Independent climate camp week info line

12-08-2007 16:17

A temporary and experimental phone service has been launched especially for the week of the Camp For Climate Action. It provides easy access to news taken from the indymedia newswire and info from the climate camp web site for people who are visually impaired or unable to read a computer display for other reasons.

0207 043 3783

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Its in the blood

12-08-2007 15:55

With planting in their blood they plant on

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Climate Camp police "wrong to use terrorism legislation"

12-08-2007 15:25

Police endear themselves to locals
We know they're not terrorists, you know they're not terrorists and the police know they're not terrorists.

That was the message being given out to journalists today as reports came in of people suspected of travelling to Climate Camp being intercepted and searched under terrorism legislation outside local railway stations.

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Politics Unmercifully Trespass Humanitarian Borders in Gaza

12-08-2007 11:56

The major political players who are involved in sealing off 1.5 million Palestinians into an open air prison in the world’s most densely populated 360-square-kilometre area of the Gaza Strip are unmercifully trespassing humanitarian borders there; they perceive in the collapsing economy of the Mediterranean coastal strip, which is rapidly developing into a humanitarian crisis, a political “window of opportunity.”

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Clean Investment Campaign 2007

12-08-2007 10:53

Opposition against the Arms trade

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Climate Camp Arrests - people needed on site

12-08-2007 08:28

Reports are coming in of a first arrest at 2.45 am this morning.

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Climate Camp Land Occupied

12-08-2007 00:40

Tripods over the camp (1)
Climate Camp activists met at a half dozen locations around London this afternoon, moving during the evening in vans to various sites near Heathrow.

Just after eleven the groups converged on a large field opposite the airport. Within minute tripods were erected and occupied with a large banner reading "Climate Camp, No Airport Expansion" slung between the two.

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Hezbollah -- an organization the Canadian government considers terrorist.

11-08-2007 22:33

How can that billboard be up in Windsor when it represents a terrorist organization which is banned under the laws of Canada?"
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