Climate Camp Sunday afternoon
Doug | 13.08.2007 06:33 | Climate Camp 2007 | Climate Chaos | Repression | Social Struggles | London
1 min 16 sec video.
- video/mp4 4.8M
Fit team outside footpath centre entrance.
In the early afternoon the police seemed more relaxed, apart from the FIT, and the Camp was settling in. Meetings were being held and the kitchen was functioning well. However, both ends of Simpson Lane were blocked by the cops, preventing essential supplies and the generator from coming in, though water containers were being carted on a wheelbarrow to and from a friendly neighbour's tap.
Taking vehicles onto land
13.08.2007 10:54
Yes the cops will block vehicles moving onto land as they have powers to do so as the land is being occupied without the landowners consent. This is more normally uesed agaisnt 'the traveling community'.
I suppose they may also seek eviction notices to 'assaist' the landowner.
Still who needs power to live a green life.
I suppose they may also seek eviction notices to 'assaist' the landowner.
Still who needs power to live a green life.