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"Lawful" Critical Mass goes ahead without hitch.

26-05-2007 10:04

Despite media interpretations that this week's court ruling made Critical Mass illegal, seven or eight hundred people turned up for a mass amble through the streets of London last night.

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Video of London Critical Mass defying the appeal.

26-05-2007 09:46

Video blockers putting the mockers
There was a large attendance, possibly 1,000 or more, thanks to the
call-out and reaction to the Metropolitan Police appeal.

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CASMII Strongly Criticises the Guardian for Anti-Iranian Article

26-05-2007 09:17

The Guardian was today strongly criticised by CASMII for republishing unsubstantiated Bush Administration propaganda on its May 22 edition.

It is feared that the front page article which lacked basic journalistic professionalism, will be used to provide justification for an escalation of the US military surge in Iraq and possible military action against Iran.

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You Are Not Fucked poster

26-05-2007 08:52

You Are Not Fucked poster
Poster to publicise this year's Camp for Climate Action taking place 14th - 21st August at Heathrow Airport.

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The dying monster

26-05-2007 05:59

Apartheid Israel
lashes out

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Bush pre-empts Al-Sadr’s Return

26-05-2007 05:14

Shia leader Muqtada al-Sadr re-appears just two days after Bush’s statement to the American media that next month (we assume June) will be a critical period in the ongoing travesty that is the Iraq occupation. Bush may have finally received some accurate information regarding al-Sadr’s plans to unite with Sunni leaders and hopefully form a unified and powerful front against invading and occupying forces.

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Ken Knabb's "Situationist International Anthology" (25th Anniversary)

26-05-2007 03:23

review of the "revised and expanded" edition of the "Situationist International Anthology."

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Zionists Assured US 'Pressure' Just For Show

26-05-2007 01:55

Oxford Hosts The Doha Debates-The Zionist Lobby

At the latest Doha Debate held at the prestigious Oxford Union in the United Kingdom on May 1st, two-thirds of the student audience approved a motion claiming that Israel's supporters are stifling Western debate about Israel's actions.

Watch the video:

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'Stop Dimona' says Blix

26-05-2007 01:52

With Israel's hundreds of nuclear warheads, would this really make a difference?

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PNAC Plot Against Lebanon Advancing Rapidly

26-05-2007 01:51

Note that there have been several acts designed to perpetuate and escalate this "crisis", attributed to the group, that American Extremists created, for which no actual evidence can be found.

Sensing a pattern here?

Cui Bono?

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National Grid start the eviction process at Brecon.

26-05-2007 00:15

National Grid paid a visit to the protest camp yesterday afternoon with a notice to leave the site.

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CRITICAL MASS - a personal account

25-05-2007 23:59

looked bad at first
for various reasons i found tonight's critical mass an empowering and joyous occasion.
long live critical mass and the humanity it represents.

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Feral Children

25-05-2007 23:51

This is an edited version of a paper to the policy commission oct 2006

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An Invitation To The Gatwick No Border Camp 2007

25-05-2007 22:47

No Borders – No Nations – No Prisons

From 19th to 24th September 07 we will gather at Gatwick Airport for
the first No Border Camp in the UK. This camp will be a chance to work
together to try and stop the building of a new detention centre, and to
gather ideas for how to build up the fight against the system of
migration controls.

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The flaws in the control order 'fantasy prison' mind game

25-05-2007 22:21

No bars, no release date, no point staying

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James Bond Arrested At Hain Meeting

25-05-2007 21:45

James Bond heckles Hain Meeting Then Gets Arrested!

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The March to War: Syria Preparing for US-Israeli Attacks

25-05-2007 21:44

It is no mere coincidence that fighting has broken out in Lebanon between Fatah Al-Islam, a previously unheard of radical militant group, and the Lebanese Armed Forces, days after David Welch, the Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs at the U.S. State Department, held unprecedented meetings with General Michel Sulaiman (Solomon) the Commander of the Lebanese Armed Forces. Although Saudi Arabian, Jordanian, and American channels created Fatah Al-Islam, Syria is conveniently being blamed as the perpetrator in a calculated move to strengthen the manufactured war dossier against Damascus.

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25-05-2007 21:30

Compiled and sent out by Rising Tide UK: info at
To receive this News Sheet monthly, email news-subscribe at
with the subject line 'subscribe' (without the quotes).

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Bush authorises covert CIA operations to destabilise Iran

25-05-2007 19:31

An ABC News report on Tuesday provided further evidence that the Bush administration is actively engaged in a covert campaign of destabilisation aimed at “regime change” in Iran.

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Animal Rights Protester Arrested in Liverpool

25-05-2007 18:46

At the regular weekly demo last Saturday, the police arrested one of the protesters.
Below is an abridged version, via the Merseyside Animal Rights mailing list, from the person who was arrested. I’m not going to identify the individual, haven’t got permission to publish his experience but I hope they will not mind because it highlights what sort of treatment the people who are staging the demo’s are going through.
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