UK Newswire Archive
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"Photographers being arrested to seize evidence" (nuj photographers conference)
29-03-2007 08:32
Important article from a few weeks ago from EPUK website:
EPUK also carries some good articles on the npower Radley Lakes injunction (also recently coverede by SchNEWS):

G8 UK NGO Campaign 'Your Voice Against Poverty' (london demo june 2nd)
29-03-2007 08:20
After the Make Poverty History 2005 Scotland G8 campaign the uk NGOs are calling on people to protest in london on June 2nd ahead of the G8 summit in Germany.
Meanwhile in Germany planning continues for massive protests and blockades of the summit. German NGOs have challenged the G8 on having done too little to meet the promises they made on poverty alleviation at the Gleneagles summit in 2005. This year's G8 falls mid-way in the period for the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals and it's clear that countries are also a long way off from achieving these goals.
Merciless Savagery from the Skies
29-03-2007 07:27

Spinning the truth - the BPP and the 'White Nationalist' (nazi) Forum
29-03-2007 04:55
More porkies than people...Full article | 2 additions | 7 comments
BBC News 24: Craig Murray on British marines captured by Iran
28-03-2007 22:47

Craig Murray, the former British Ambassador to Uzbekistan, was on BBC News 24 this evening speaking about the British marines captured by Iran, attached is a video clip of this, the very start is missing, but it illustrates the points he has been making in his blog about this dispute.
Audio from Indymedia Global Report on Resonance fm 26/03/07
28-03-2007 22:19

The audio reports from this weeks Indymedia Global Report which was broadcast on Resonance fm between 10.30pm and 11.30pm on Monday 26th March.
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SOCPA - serious 'contempt of court' hearing tomorrow, thursday
28-03-2007 21:37
2pm horseferry road thursday 29th marchbrian haw and barbara tucker face possible imprisonment for contempt of court.
earlier this week they challenged the right of district judge evans to enter pleas for barbara after summonses had been sent to the wrong address for offences she couldn't even recollect.
Smash EDO Court Victory For The Right To Protest
28-03-2007 21:10
23rd March 2007Smash EDO Press Release
Contact Andrew or Sarah tel 07875708873,

Nottingham (and Leicester) demos against deportations to Congo
28-03-2007 20:36

Occupation against academy in Brent
28-03-2007 20:00

Refugee family forcibly taken by police in bullet proof vests - urgent action!
28-03-2007 19:54

28-03-2007 18:49
title says it allArticle: African Anarchists - The Peoples Parliament, Kenya
28-03-2007 17:42
Taken from Left Turn magazine in the USA this is an advoacy piece about the non-heirarchical Kenyan social movement Bunge La Mwananchi (Peoples Parliament) . Bunge shot to prominance at the Nairobi WSF after organising a free paralell conference and daily get-in-free actions at the WSF. They also inspired a food reclaimation/re-distribution action at a restaurant owned by the Kenyan internal security minister at the wsf itself, described belowErasing Afghan terror camps makes Canada safer: PM adviser
28-03-2007 17:19
Erasing Afghan terror camps makes Canada safer:Cambridge GM Crop Trial
28-03-2007 16:35
Public Meeting7.30 pm Monday 2nd April
Emmanuel United Reform Church, Trumpington St.
Craig Murray on the British Marines Captured by Iran
28-03-2007 15:55
Craig Murray has written several articles on his blog about the British Marines captured by Iran and in his latest post he says that "I have been unpopular before, but the level of threats since I started blogging on the captured marines has got a bit scary". 4 of his blog posts are reproduced below.Full article | 3 additions | 1 comment
Spring into Action programme now online
28-03-2007 15:38
The programme of events for Spring into Action is now online.Easter Surprise: Attack on Iran, New 9/11... or Worse
28-03-2007 15:31
The Bush administration continues moving closer to a nuclear attack on Iran, and we ignore the obvious buildup at our peril.Microsoft's Steve Ballmer to Speak at Oxford Students Union Next Week
28-03-2007 15:28