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14-12-2006 18:56

After the bodies of 5 sex workers have been found murdered within 10 days of each other and the police advising women to stay at home concerned citizens of Ipswich call you to:-

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US man caught in anti-US army terror plot

14-12-2006 18:30

Below are three reports showing that US and Europeans were caught organising ‘Islamofacist’ terrorism in Iraq against US soldiers. No doubt, they will claim it is all an elaborate undercover operation.

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The Cuban Five and US Terrorism...

14-12-2006 16:53

Free the Cuban Five!
Now is the time to demand the release of the Cuban Five. They were sentenced 5 years ago this month and have been imprisoned unjustly in the U.S. for 8 years for the crime of trying to defend their homeland against terrorist attacks...

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Drug crime

14-12-2006 16:41

with-our-t tabaloid journalism
hereare the facts relating to events in Dublin this week
which have been censored by Irish indymedia because the article names names.

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G8 2007 in Germany - some information

14-12-2006 16:20

map of Germany and G8 location in 2007
The G8 summit 2007 will take place at the start of June in the north-east of Germany, in the luxurious Hotel Kempinski, which is situated directly at the Baltic Sea in Heiligendamm, at Bad Doberan near Rostock.

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Outrage in Granby

14-12-2006 16:17

Blog post on the struggle of Toxteth residents to keep hold of their homes - in the Granby Triangle renewal zone. I'm a freelance journalist and spent an evening with people from Cairns Street, who fear a private developer will profit by buying all homes in the area - whether they are down for demolition or a facelift - and selling them back at inflated prices. To my surprise and disappointment, no media outlet was interested.

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Blair backs plan for no-fly zone over Darfur

14-12-2006 15:55

"Military action in another oil-rich Muslim country almost four years
after the Iraq invasion would be risky. But some officials in
Washington and London suggest it might be the only way to deal with
the situation in the western Sudanese region."

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Suspected Animal Rights activists followed and harassed in the North of England

14-12-2006 14:56

Police forces and the government are taking those extra steps, trying to exclude those who voice opposition to animal abuse from society.

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Alternative Carol Singing at the Grafton Centre

14-12-2006 13:48

Carol singers in action
On Wednesday evening (the 13th) 6 intrepid singers entered the private Grafton shopping centre to sing some alternative versions of Christmas carols, pointing out some of the downsides of the rampant consumerism that happens at this time. After singing a few carols the singers started to hand out leaflets aswell, at which point they were asked to leave. While doing a farewell song the guard tried to take the song sheets out of peoples hands, but no serious trouble ensued.

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SOCPA - brian haw - day three

14-12-2006 02:09

one of the banners removed
at marylebone court today, the defence barrister completed his submission to have the proceedings stopped on the basis that brian haw has no case to answer. judge purdy told the court that he had a lot of case law to study and would adjourn until the new year. a date of 22nd january has been set for the decision.

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Fear not God, Fear the X-tians who take away the young people's house.

14-12-2006 01:07

Mobilisation video:

Help save the house which for more than a hundred years has been instrumental in political organising on the left. From the Youth House to the Father's House - need we say more?

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250th day of Behiç Aşçı’s hunger strike

13-12-2006 22:27

Please act urgently and spread the word.

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"That's right!": the DPG of da MET agreed to WTF @ 10 D.St.???

13-12-2006 21:24

Audio Mr. Dpg behinds the gates and co.
The most interesting bit of this conversation is the DPG agreeing in full comprehension of the statement made as supported by prior conversation.

Brian Haw and friends @ the gates of Downing Street ... the gates of hell ...

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Camden council gets ready to cut a record number of jobs and services

13-12-2006 20:53

Camden Council is about to launch the most sweeping cuts to services and jobs since the early Thatcher days - even though it received one of the biggest grants from govt for a London Council this year. Thousands of the borough's most vulnerable people will lose access to the services that they need, as money is paid to consultants and privatisers.

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Faslane Nuclear base successfully blockaded for over 2 hours

13-12-2006 19:01

Monday the 11th of December saw one of the most successful blockades of the Faslane nuclear submarine base since the start of the Faslane 365 campaign. The blockade was a joint effort between a group of Trident Ploughshares and the crew from Faslane Peace camp.

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IMC Fundraising - NAIROBI2007 Convergence

13-12-2006 18:02

This is an invitation to all who wish to participate in this Independent Media Centre, whether by fundraising or providing other support, or by joining us is in Kenya during the WSF, to send an email with your name or group's name to 'imc-africa at'.

We are attempting to raise funds to support independent media activists who want to come to Kenya to participate in the IMC. Preference will be given to activists from Africa, but we encourage all who are interested in coming to write to the imc-africa list.

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Your mission, should you choose to accept it...

13-12-2006 17:41

ID cards, injunctions, CCTV with voice activated alerts, national license plate monitoring, face recognition, directional microphones, network profiling, DNA databases, keylogging, phone taping, bugging and tracking, these are just some of the tools of repression being used against those battling to save the world from total domination and destruction.

This message will self destruct in 10 seconds.... 9.. 8.. 6.. 5.. 4.. 3.. 2..

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Glasgow Dawn Raid Protest Last Sunday

13-12-2006 16:43

Last Sunday, 30 protesters gathered early at the gates of the Reporting Center at Brand St. The previous 2 Sundays had seen dawn raids against families in the Red Road and Kingsway areas of Glasgow. Despite one raid being thwarted, in the last fortnight 2 families and including 6 small children were torn from their communities.

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Protest for abortion rights - March 2007

13-12-2006 13:51

Following the successful FEMINIST FIGHTBACK conference on 21 October, activists are organising a national march for abortion rights on Saturday 3 March - the weekend before International Women's Day (Thursday 8 March).
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