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"That's right!": the DPG of da MET agreed to WTF @ 10 D.St.???

Charity Sweet | 13.12.2006 21:24 | London

The most interesting bit of this conversation is the DPG agreeing in full comprehension of the statement made as supported by prior conversation.

Brian Haw and friends @ the gates of Downing Street ... the gates of hell ...

Audio "That's right" - Mr. DPG - mp3 2.9M

Mr. Dpg behinds the gates and co.
Mr. Dpg behinds the gates and co.

I do believe that if you listen closely to this portion of recorded conversation you will understand the implications of such a recording being made public knowledge.

A short conversation that pretty much sums up the sad state of affairs that Tony Bliar has led this country into.

Charity Sweet

Charity Sweet
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Display the following 4 comments

  1. Transcript? — rogue
  2. Implications — James
  3. here's hoping... — incorrigible
  4. yes i will put up a transcript — Charity Sweet