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"That's right!": the DPG of da MET agreed to WTF @ 10 D.St.???

Charity Sweet | 13.12.2006 21:24 | London

The most interesting bit of this conversation is the DPG agreeing in full comprehension of the statement made as supported by prior conversation.

Brian Haw and friends @ the gates of Downing Street ... the gates of hell ...

Audio "That's right" - Mr. DPG - mp3 2.9M

Mr. Dpg behinds the gates and co.
Mr. Dpg behinds the gates and co.

I do believe that if you listen closely to this portion of recorded conversation you will understand the implications of such a recording being made public knowledge.

A short conversation that pretty much sums up the sad state of affairs that Tony Bliar has led this country into.

Charity Sweet

Charity Sweet
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13.12.2006 21:56

Is it possible to get a transcript of this? Because I can only make some of it out...



13.12.2006 23:15

Honestly, what are the implications of this being made public? Some police officer loses his job perhaps, no wonder they rarely actually talk to us if when they do express their own opinion it ends up on here and they end up on the scrap heap.


here's hoping...

13.12.2006 23:43

if incl. the(se) filthy plod never spoke (incl. to us) EVER again, that would be no bad thing - and indeed welcomed :)


yes i will put up a transcript

14.12.2006 15:06

This despicable officer is not to be pittied for speaking his mind... he is part of the problem and not part of the solution.

The implications of what was said is quite simply... chappie agreed that there were NONSES on the English benches of justice.

A nonse is a paedophile who has no place sitting on a bench of democracy.

Charity Sweet

Charity Sweet
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