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Mersey Ambulance Workers Win Talks

21-08-2006 19:15

Ambulance technicians in Merseyside and Cheshire have suspended their latest strike, having won talks on a pay deal their bosses had insisted was done and dusted.

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Firefighters to Strike Over Cuts

21-08-2006 18:45

Firefighters on Merseyside have overwhelmingly voted to strike against plans to make 120 workers redundant and reduce night-time cover to just one engine for the whole of Liverpool city centre. The cuts are planned because the government ordered £3 million of savings.

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Cave Dwelling Muslim Behind Liquid Bomb Non-Plot

21-08-2006 17:11

Never mind that “liquid bombs” are fantastical nonsense, or there is no evidence those arrested—more accurately, disappeared—in Britain plotted to blow up planes (no bombs, no airline tickets, no passports), the corporate media, having established the now widely believed Brothers Grimm story of Muslim perfidy by way of household chemicals, has moved to the next level.

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Please sign statement in support of Feminist Fightback conference

21-08-2006 15:55

Feminist Fightback, a one day activist conference for feminist activists, will take place in London on 21 October. Please add your or your group's name to the statement of support for the conference.

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Keep the Mutamba Family Together

21-08-2006 13:18

Evariste and his family at their home in Glasgow
After capturing and detaining him at Brand Street, the Home Office are attempting to separate Glasgow resident Evariste from his wife and children. Please take action to prevent this. Come along to a Unity demonstration outside the Home Office, Brand St, Glasgow, on Wednesday 23rd August at 12.00pm to support Evariste and his family.

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Why hasn't the Iran war started yet ?

21-08-2006 09:06

Kurdish population map

If the US wanted an excuse to start attacking Iran, then they got it this week, when Iran fired shells into the Qandil Mountain area of northern Iraq, killing two Iraqis and wounding four.

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quick early report on foreign office blockade this morning

21-08-2006 08:56

clowns, samba and lebanese dancers took part in a blockade of the foreign office in king charles street this morning. their theme was 'bringing the war home" and they were hoping to disrupt the workings of the war machine for a while

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Convicted attention seeker Jack Roche called by afp as informant

21-08-2006 08:21

The afp fraud and the abc propaganda!
The afp fraud and the abc propaganda, and spin should not persist any longer in the fear that our children with be indoctrinated with stupidity by imbeciles and morons making ridiculous claims in a court of law just like they were in the movies or something.

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rabbit kills hunt scum

21-08-2006 02:51

Karma rules as hunt scum John Freeman is killed by rabbit...

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West Yorkshire Truth Campaign

21-08-2006 00:29

In a society of lies and deceptions fed down from those in charge into those of us underneath,and the creation of a deathly control grid the best we can do is to seek to expose and undermine the created illusion

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Tasers ? / Or Deadly Electronic Weapons

20-08-2006 23:36

Deadly Electronic Weapons
All news to me.

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Torture By Satellite

20-08-2006 23:07

Really, really, really SCARY STUFF

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"Low safety standards caused near-meltdown"

20-08-2006 22:29

The former safety chief of the Swedish power plant that nearly had a nuclear meltdown on 25 July blames the liberalisation of the power market for the breakdown. In addition to Forsmark, three other Swedish nukes are now off the grid for safety checks.

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20-08-2006 22:12

The Defend Eucharia and Timeyi Campaign, North West Asylum Seekers Defence Group and Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! are calling a demonstration/protest for Thursday, 24 August 2006, at 10.00 am outside Dallas Court Reception Centre, South Langworthy Road, Salford Quays.

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The resistance continues out west; A round up of news from Rossport Solidarity Camp

20-08-2006 21:21

shell to f**k
A round up of news from Rossport Solidarity Camp and the Shell to Sea campaign; re-routed pipelines, plans by Shell to restart work, a meaningless recommendations from a government appointed mediator, thirteen months of blocking Shell and counting, a gathering at the camp and a wee walk to Dublin...

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El Nuevo Imperio de USA para el siglo XXI.

20-08-2006 20:44

Se detalla (y critica) la estrategia atomica de USA:

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Climate Change: Drax the Destroyer: Corporate Watch: Issue 31

20-08-2006 18:43

Corporations are currently eagerly offering solutions to the very problem that they have created: climate chaos.

Corporate Watch looks at several corporate aspects of the most pressing challenge facing the world today:

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Merseyside Worker Killed by Fall

20-08-2006 18:35

A workman has died after falling from a cherry-picker, police have said.

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Israeli Clandestine Mission Violates Cease-Fire, Again.

20-08-2006 17:29

The whole point to a cease-fire is to get the two sides in a particular conflict talking, so that peace can be achieved, making war unnecessary, saving the lives of countless innocents civilians. Israel, or at least the current Israeli Government under the Olmert/Netanyahu Extremists, is interested in no such thing, and have the "next round" of attacks planned already.

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Reminder: Blockade of the Foreign Office 21st August

20-08-2006 17:19

the flier
When: August 21st
Where: Whitehall - Foreign and Commonwealth Office - King Charles St London SW1, next door to Downing Street
Time: 8am
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